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Vinegar Salad

  • Thread starter Thread starter KHaigh9531
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I think foods are regional, so maybe onions and cucumber are. I made Scotch eggs over the weekend and gave some to neighbours who came from London in the 50's. They had never tasted them before, can you believe that? Guess it isn't a south of England food unless you enjoy pub lunches.Mmmmm.:)Mo
pilchards on toast

alf. pilchards on toast yum yum. in the summer i catch buckets of mackrel
and feed the village.my self can not stand them. pete martin
Mackrel fried for breakfast are great. I seem to remember that in the 'old days' mackrel were legal to sell on sunday down south.
onions and vinegar

my nan used to make these when i was little but she was russian but married a brummie. i used to think it was a foreign recipe but after readign this i know better.
My Mother in Law always did this when we went to tea on a Sunday. I have followed the tradition. We love it...

Gosh, I'd forgotten all about it! Not had cucumber and onions in vinegar for years. I can remember you making it with your 'concoction sandwiches' which me and my cousin Jonathan really didn't like (sorrrrrrryy!) :D

I don't think my hubby would be too impressed if I made some though as he can't understand why people eat raw onion :D
Whooooooosh! Straight back to my childhood!

Cucumber and onion in vinegar... we had it almost every Sunday evening with our tea... haven't eaten it for I don't know how long!!

My Mom used to boil the vinegar... no idea why... and add a little sugar. Once it had cooled, she poured it over the sliced cucumber and onion layers in a shallow Pyrex dish. If she was a bit late, we'd eat it still warm!

If there was any left... which was very rare... I'd have it on my sarnies for lunch the next day... the cucumber had usually gone a bit soft by then but it tasted better! :D
Vinegar salad.

:) I love this salad with onion and cucumber not only the taste but the smell. I always add some sugar though. You started me off a few weeks ago when I first read this posting. TTFN. Jean.:rolleyes:
Cucumber and onions

Yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy love it, have it in the summer months an bread and butteror with salad. The vinegar also tastes nice on Chips...Cat:)
Our Sunday tea was often tinned fruit with condensed milk followed by cucumber and onion in vinegar with salad.
I used to love warm just cooked beetroot on buttered crusty bread.
My mother used to add a tiny bit of sugar to the vinegar too. That was a nice, if not healthy, touch. Tinned fruit and condensed milk was also a popular dessert in our house. And occasionally, long before chocolate spread became available, squares of chocolate on bread and butter.
