hi folks...i have had these photos on postcards for a few years now...they were advertised for sale but the seller did not know the location..straight away i knew they were of villa street where i lived from 58 until 72 and so they were bought..they are all taken in the part of villa st between nursery road and wills street.. as far as i am aware they have not been seen before but i stand to be corrected...as always i have no objections to them being shared but if you do please credit the birmingham history forum...think they are quite good quality and could quite easily have people on them from the next street which is brougham street...wonder if anyone recognises any rellies...taken in 1953 for the coronation celebrations..i as said i didnt move to villa street until 58 but in 53 i did have rellies living in the street..trouble is i dont know what they looked like..

hope you enjoy looking at them..just as a bit of info photo 5 shows a lampost on the left this is just about where my house was but its obscured by the trees..on the other side of the road you will see a white wall which was the vine pub and looking right down the street on the corner is the crown pub
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