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Victoria Square

I think it could be, but on looking more closely on the scene in the distance on the opposite side of the road, I wonder whether the "trees" are the artist's attempt to represent lots of people , as this is similar there and definitely serves that purpose there
Missed all that. I was at a meeting in the Council House on Friday and they had almost finished removing it. I had gone past on the tram the week before thinking I must come back.
What is that
There are two sphinx-like guardians in Victoria Square. Designed by Dhruva Mistry as part of River (known colloquially as 'The Floozy in the Jacuzzi' after the one in Dublin) All this was constructed in 1993.
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/...ian_-_near_the_former_General_Post_Office.JPG [Photo Ell Brown, Wikipedia] I think the artist once said he had ancient Indian sculpture as a reference. To me they seem to resemble the sculptures of a winged bull (lamassu) from the Assyrian city of Nimrud found in the British museum. Though the heads are abstracted and Buddha like.
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What an ugly hoarding on top of the Temperance Hotel. Bet the Council couldn’t wait to get rid of the place. Viv.
A busy scene, although nothing like the number of vehicles around the Square in later years in the 1980s photo (Image from the John Whybrow Collection). No date for the first image, but perhaps someone can date it by the vehicles.

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Hard to tell the date, note there are no Horses visible either but the vehicles look early. The omnibus must be really early though, 1915?, the driver cab is open to the weather and presumably originally a bus with no roof either but since has had one added. I wonder if you could even stand up in the upstairs part, even in more modern times I had to duck my head when I stood up when I went upstairs
No need to apologise Anne. I think sometimes photos will inevitably come up multiple times if only because aspects of a photo can relate to more than one topic (or thread). Thanks for posting here. It's clear the Victoria Square Post Office warranted signposting. I've seen this on other post boxes and wondered what criteria were used to give a pillar box signage to the nearest PO.
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