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Vicarage Road Aston

  • Thread starter Thread starter June Moorby
  • Start date Start date
Photo of Vicarage Road Aston.
The white building with side window facing was Tamborro's outdoor /off licence. This was in the 1960's ( unsure of correct spelling of Surname )
When visiting relatives we would but our crisps from there complete with little blue bag. The only flavour was plain.
McDougall's has the shop next to the gully by the lampost. One of the things they sold was parafin, can almost smell it now.

hi lynda as am new to this site i was just browsing and noticed you are researching the names goode and harvey.dont know if this is any use but my grandmother eva hannah kate cleaver married a goode and her sister emma(pem) married a harvey.!my daughter has done a family tree so if the same family we can supply details.
Nice to hear from you i also can recall the gren grocery shop on the corner
oppersite the the corner bakery shop i used to live around on lichfield rd
next to the cake shop on lichfeild rd and thompsoms the butchers
astons the cake shop never sold those big toped cottage loaves they made
like the ones from the bakery across the rd from your shop
so mom used to send me around to your end and get those whopping big
doubled topped cottage loaves and she would asked me to nip into your
shop and gets spuds and a couple of big green cooking apples from you
she reckoned old frenchies had gone off because he never had much in
he was okay for onions she used to say old robinsons was expensive
do you know whom lived in those posh houses along the road on the front
of ansells stables gates i think there was two together with black or red
window sills and painted black doors with posh door knockers
also do you remember the gibson the chippie rememberin the
gibsons fish and chip shop and the long ques back to the bakery with
every body quewingup with there basins and jugs for there home made
faggots and peas i used to hate the queing up and next door betwen
the bakery and gibbo,s there was a toy shop
if i was not at school i used to run up the hill especialy to see my uncle
frank bring back the horses to the stablesand i used to enjoy watching the
school care takers wife and kids leaning over the wall feeding the horses
abit of bread those were the days june oh and we used to go to the houses
down the long gardens every christmas carol singing
with my freinds colin gaskin , jenny gough myself katrina brant they
was very generous people
thanks for those glourius memories june ,
have a nice day best wishes astonian ;;
Novice Brummie
Hi June,
Have just caught up with you are you still around? I lived in Vicarage Road from 1937 until 1953 opposite the French family the back of No.66 opposite Mrs. Bagnall's shop. I went to Vicarage Road Infant and Junior Schools before going to Upper Thomas Street. The bakers was Freemans (lovely cream cakes) and other shops were the
newsagents (Jelfs) on Victoria Road, Harris's (Greengrocers) and McCauleys (grocers).I remember the Sparks family and was in the Scouts with Bill and Ted Sparks. I can't forget the VE street party when we had tables and chairs down the centre of the road and had a marvellous spread! I remember Mrs. Weaver doing the can-can. I had many childhood friends in Vicarage Road and I often wonder where they are now. Ray Bradley
Ray . My Nan owned the greengrocers. Ann Harris was her name and my Uncle Fred and Aunty Rose lived opposite. Nan died in 1954 when I was 8, but I spent the most happiest times of my life with her. Thats why I love this site so much as it keeps reminding me of happy days. So many of the family also lived round about. The Gillams were also part of my family, but I haven't heard anything of them in I don't know how many years. Oh well.
Lynda can you put any names to the Gillhams please. Something rings a bell with the name and maybe I went to Vicarage road school with some of them. Thanks. Jean.
Hi Jean.
There were a large number of them. There was John , Anthony, David, Elizabeth, Irene, Josephine, Linda, Margaret, Philip, Raymond, Robert, Sandra, Sheila and Sylvia. Hows that for a family After Nan died I cannot remember seeing them again. Their Mom, my Aunty Joe, died in 1972, so by then Dave and I had left Birmingham anyway. It would be nice to hear how they all are now.
Hi Lynda
I remember your Uncle Fred well. I seem to remember he had the nickname of "Pinky" Harris ( I don't know why). He was a very good amateur soccer
player and I remember him playing in a works football final at Villa Park.
Other people I recall in Vicarage Road are the Bursnells, Myatts, Coates
(they were windowcleaners and their son Freddie was killed when a car
ran on to the pavement and hit when he was cleaning the windows of
Buckinghams the Chemists on the corner of Victoria Road and Park Road),
Waterhouse, Burfords, Moss, Baker, Wynne (the son George became a Doctor) Sharps (they had the off-license) Bayliss and the Bulls (George
played football for Upper Thomas Street School). Just a few doors down
from the Harris's (greengrocers) a man used to sit on his windowsill and talk to most passersbye. He was disabled and his name was Dick. I left
Vicarage Road in 1954 to pursue my career and my parents moved to Great Barr a few years later. They were very happy days especially during
wartime when we all "pulled together". The bombing was quite intensive
at times and I lost a few of my school pals to it. My father worked at Fort
Dunlop but in his spare time he was a local ARP warden. Their post was on
the corner of Vicarage Road/Victoria Road on the opposite side to Blakemans sweetshop.
I wonder if anyone out there remembers me!
Ray Bradley
Hi Ray, I went to Vicarage Road school don't remember anyone you mentioned, but just to say my granddad, gt.grandad and uncle all worked at Dunlop Denise
I lived at 1/128 Vicarage Rd opposite the school, first terrace below Sycamore Rd 1956 to 1962 and cannot remember our terrace having a name (I could think of a few !!!) My Wifes aunt had the shop opposite the school, popular with the pupils for sweets and vantas drinks. Eric
Eric we used that shop a lot during lunchtime to buy our toffee lolls and 1p vantas. The only name I remember from the road was Veronica Bent and Dianne Partridge lived round the corner. Jean.
Ray. Fancy you knowing my Uncle Pink. I never knew where that name came from. As a kid, you didn't think to ask. We were a very close family in those days. Dads name was Cyril also known as 'Socks Harris' again I never found out why.
Hi Eric I was friendly with Veronica Bent and if my mind serves me right she lived back of 128, do you remember the family. Diane Partridge lived in Sycamore Road round the corner from the school. We used the shop at lunch time for sweets and ciggies - naughtly, naughty.
Hello Denise, I cannot recall the name Bent, perhaps it was a different time ??
I was there from June 56 to May 62. I can recall McNicholls (my in laws), Wraggs, Priest, two lots of Smith (theres a surprise) and a large geordie family by the name of O'Neil.
My Wifes Aunt Anne, her mothers sister, with her husband unkindly known as Holy Joe (he was a religous fanatic) ran the little shop at the front opposite the school Eric
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Hi Eric, not sure when the Bents moved into their house, which was a back house on Vicarage Road, maybe I've got 128 wrong, but they were definately there upto 1962 when I left Birmingham. Just remembered this photo, not very good but you may recognise them, Mr & Mrs Bent and Veronica in the middle.
Sorry Denise cannot place them, but that don't mean anything I am terrible for remembering names and faces and we are talking 40 to 50 years ago, there were 12 families "up the yard" and I can only remember half, so the Bent family could be one of those I have forgot, if you follow me ??? Eric
Ray, what a suprise you remember freddie coates terrible accident, he was my second cousin and l remember the family talking about it can'nt remember when it was around late 40s or earley 50s,my mother was a coates and quite a few of the family members live around that part of Aston, Brenda
Hi Brenda,
I had left home when Freddie was killed but my mother sent me a newspaper cutting about the accident. It must have been around the late
fifties or very early sixties. Freddie and I were in the boy scouts together
and knew each other quite well. I remember him always tinkering around
with a piano we had in the church hall where we held our meetings. His
favourite piece was "In the Mood" (Glenn Miller).
Ray Bradley
During the war just after the offlicense was owned by the Sharp family. This side you will see two brick pillars between which was a path leading down to terraced houses. The Bull family lived in one - their children were George and Margaret. George played
football for Upper Thomas Street in 1946/47 when they won the Villa Cup, Ansells Shield and the league in one season. Just down the road from the offlicense there was a newsagent and next door was a yard and outbuilding which housed a bookmaker. Although illegal at the time the bookie was well patronised by locals
including the police from Victoria Road police station! In addition to horse and dog
racing betting the bookie used to issue football coupons which were very popular.
Ray Bradley
Hi there "a shot in the dark" I am researching my family tree and have found I there are two families living in Vicarage road from the 1920's
they lived at 1 court 11 and 1 court 34 the name I am researching is Garner. is there anyone that may have info that goes back that far, I dont know how long they lived there

Lynda c
If you go on to the site for Astonbrook-through-Aston manor, ther is a street index and lists of people who lived there in the 1920s, there is a Garner listed at no1 court 34 vicarage road
Hi JuneMoorby,
Just perusing old messages and noticed that you lived in the middle part of Vicarage
Road about the same time as I did. I was born in Victoria Road and moved around
the corner to 66 Vicarage Road in 1939. We could well have known each other. Did
you have a maiden name then? I knew most of the "kids" in that part of the road and
went to school with a lot of them. The Burfords have been mentioned and I knew both their sonsRay Bradley
Hi Ray,
I believe my Gt Grandparents lived in Vicarage road, and also Victoria Road
I am looking from the 1920's onwards, I dont know how long they or their siblings lived in the area for, the names I am researching are Garner, Blackburn and Morriss . I am clutching at straws, when did you live in victoria road

In 1920 Living in Vicarage Road were:
Alfred, Ethel, Bertha aand Joshua.
Joshua and Mary Ann lived there in 1925 and up until 1939
There is a Joshua and a Rose Garner in 459 Kingsbury Road Erdington in 1945 and by 1950 they have moved to 5 Birches Green Road in Erdington.
Will get on to the other ones later if you would like. Does this help?