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Uniforms of WW1


master brummie
I'm sure someone can tell me what uniform these girls are wearing. Cromwell, if you are reading this, you once mentioned that you knew an A. Henn. The girl seated is Amelia Henn - is she the one?

View attachment 8145
Jill, the A Henn I had was a Great War Soldier joined up under age and was found out and sent home so when he got a bit older he joined up again in the RWR & Gloustershire Regt and was wounded and invalided home to 1/20 Barn Street Bordesley.
The Girls in the picture are not Munition Workers but looks like municipal workers, the tram conductress had the same kind of uniform but with a different hat..
If You look at Munition Workers of the Great War post 47 you will find that they are Railway Workers
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Thanks for that Cromwell - knew you would know! Nearly all my Henns lived in Barn Street - I feel sure he fits in my family somewhere. What was his Christian name? We have a few Arthurs. Moma P - glad you liked the picture - I did too.
Can anyone help with the uniform on the attached photo?

Could it be a RN uniform or does it belong to a merchant line?

Many thanks
RobertS It looks like a Naval Uniform, the cap badge is definitely RN it has a Kings Crown, the jacket buttons are RN (anchors). He isn't showing any badges of rank, so could be Artificer, definitely not officer. regards Dave
If I remember right. he would be a Petty Officer because of the six buttons on his tunic. Officers had eight buttons.

Definitely Petty Officers cap badge, but no badges on sleeves!
Thanks Davelut and Terry Carter.

Thanks both. You have given me the confirmation I need with the rank and RN confirmation. Stars, both of you. Thanks again.
Thanks Lencops.

Thanks Davelut and Terry Carter I have now established the uniform was issued for the First World War. From the uniform I went for the navy records, these confirm the deductons from the uniform.

He served as an artificer in the Royal Navy during the First World War. The records for M23887 show his service starting at Portsmouth in November 1916 and describe him as a plumber and coppersmith born September 17 1878 being 5'81/2 with dark hair, brown eyes and a dark complexion. His service starts at HMS Vernon (Ordinance depot), transfers to HMS Perthshire with a return to Vernon for a further period of service and discharge with a gratuity. During the period his conduct was described as good and the rank started at EO (Engineering Officer?) IV and goes to EOI. Vernon was an ordinance depot, also connected with submarine warfare and Perthshire was a requisitioned supply ship (frozen meat). Another entry seems to include service on a minesweeper, stationed off Scapa Flow for a large part of the war and this seems to imply a connection to Vernon (that I assume was a land base?).

He would have been 36 at the outbreak of the first war. (The photograph of him in uniform appears to be a man younger than 36 and hence my initial confusion.)

Incidentaly the man in question is a grandfather I never knew.

Thanks again
I have tried without success to find a photo of the cap-badge that would have been worn in WWI by a member of 8 Bn Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry. My Grandad served with them, and I would like to get a badge and 3 replica medals so that I can frame them up as a memorial to him.

Could anyone post a picture of the Regimental Badge please.

Ta very much.

Sorry Cadeau, it isn't there. There must be hundreds of badges on there, 18 pages of them, but not one for the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry :(

Thank you anyway for posting that site, it was kind of you.

Are these the right ones? My knowledge of army badges is zero!
[ame="https://www.flickr.com/photos/jimevoy/844845239/"]Peter McEvaddy on Flickr - Photo Sharing![/ame]
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HMS Vernon was in Portsmouth, it was the torpedo and anti submarine (known as TAS) establishment, it no longer exists, only closing in the past 10-20 years. I did torpedo aquaint course there, in 1971.

What the EO stood for, your guess is as good as mine, but the Artificer branch still exists, going from Apprentice, 3rd to 1st class then to WO 2 and WO1 (Well it did before I left 16 years ago)
Thanks Davelut

As you saw we found HMS Vernon, but not its speciality (which ties in) and had no idea the base lasted that long.

Thanks again
This is a picture of my grandmothers brother, can any one tell me what regiment it was, It may have been a Welsh Regiment because he lived in Wales.

Thank you Pauline.

The badge looks like Royal Marines and could be a post-WW1 picture as the unit was not formed until 1923. Before that they were the Royal Marine Light Infantry but also had a light Infantry Bugle incorporated within the badge.

Thanks Terry,

I will google the Royal Marines and see what I come up with.

Cheers Pauline
Terry, I have goggled and this is a badge of a warrant officer of the Royal Marines, it does look the same shape as the badges on his uniform. The article was very interesting as well.

Thanks for your interest.
Cheers Pauline

As an ex Royal Marine I may be able to point you in the right direction, what were the years that he served, also something that may be of interest to you is

Hello Darby,

I dont know what were the years he served but it must have been during the 2nd world war, I have looked at your excellent site and the picture of Thomas Dudston by J Hodge the uniform is identical. Cyril Follows was born in 1901, so I'm sure he would not be old enough between 1914 -18 he would have been only 17 when the war ended. There is no one in the family I can ask because they are deceased. He lived in Llanelli Wales.

My own father was in the Royal Marines during the last war and went to Singapore, Durban, Italy and a few other places. I did not associate the uniform as dad wore a white helmet and white spats. Dad was from Birmingham.

Hope you don't mind I have done a little repair work on your granddad's photo.
Hello Darby,

Thank you for the repair of the photo, it is much improved. Do you know if it is possible to repair a very very faded photo and also a water damaged one.
Do you have a special programme for repairing photos, I have often wondered how it is done. Anyway I appreciate you repairing Cyril's photos.

The program I have is Coral Photo paint 9, it is very good at repairing and enhancing old photos providing you have the patience.