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Tyburn Road Bus Works

I have just reviewed the photos of the Coat of Arms (with the aid of a telephoto lens) and it looks in good nick considering its lofty position, the nails that were put into protective covering have not fared so well and are rusty, I see that nearly all of the old building on the canal side has now gone and all that is left on that side is of the extensions that were built much later,

I also note that for some reason one of the stanchions is/was round all the rest appear to be of the normal shape T or I beam, is it known why there was one round support column? or has the reason been lost in time? I see that they have started to dig below the concrete floor of the building, I wonder what was on the site before the works were built (I must check this)
Will do Lyn.
I'm looking forward to seeing the coat of arms myself. Just coming back from London.templer as sent me some photos.

Sent from my HTC Wildfire
ok froth..the coat of arms needs to be saved...


Indeed it does and I hope that the meeting that Frothblower referred to went well for the object. I guess many organizations may wish to have this memento of the past but my vote, if there were to be one, would be for BAMMOT at Wythall. :friendly_wink:
Right everyone I want you all to cross your fingers and toes if you can, clip your heels and wish very very hard....We will save the Coat of Arms....We will save the Coat of Arms... over and over and it will happen.
The first photo shows the round posts we can see. They are light supports for a light roof before the extention was built.

The heavy girders holding the place up where just placed on concrete pads.
More photos to follow. got to go to work.

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I watched today as a girder similar to the photo above (on the canal side of the building) this was about ten foot tall or so, one of the machines then lifted its bucket onto the end of the steelwork as it did this the bucket and the steel work seemed to fall to one side in one motion, the machine then lifted the steel girder up and dropped it to the floor, and then set about the girder with the bucket knocking two types of dust from the concrete that was the once a part of the foundations? about ten mins later the girder must have given up the concrete because the machine again picked up the steel girder and move it to another place,

All of which tells me the the foundations are not up to much in depth I may be wrong of course
They are not deep mate,about 3 foot, free standing on concrete pads. The wall built around them to stabilise them

Sent from my HTC Wildfire
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This is a super photo taken within minutes of the boarding taken off.

Glad to see my bit of the works is still standing.....picture (5), that part of the works was just mine, when we moved out to be relocated at Walsall, I wrote my name on te ceiling......, it is sad to see her go, but the saddest part is how many people have lost their jobs, not just here but all around the Midlands area, and throughout the country, proper jobs....not working at Macdonalds or Tesco's etc, but production jobs......many reasons why we have, but one of the biggest was lack of investment, I worked at Drews Lane (British Leyland) for 5 years on the front axles, this was between 1976 and 1981, I was working on the track along with tools that were being used 30 years earlier.....,
We did look for your name aston lad, even got the site manager looking but all the ceiling as peeled with with the damp, sorry.
I see today that there were digging up a section of the concrete floor of the works there did seem to be a lot of interest in the earth/soil in that had been under the concrete floor
ref post 188.......picture one......that looks like my department.....I haven't seen it since the day we moved out 1990/91, the works continued to use that whole area until they closed down a couple of years later ......shame that the paint flaked away, it would have been a thrill to see my bit of vandalism again..
I see today that there were digging up a section of the concrete floor of the works there did seem to be a lot of interest in the earth/soil in that had been under the concrete floor

wonder if they think the soil is contaminated...this happened when they demolished the crocodile works down newtown and they had to wash thousands of tons of it before building on the site..

ref post 188.......picture one......that looks like my department.....I haven't seen it since the day we moved out 1990/91, the works continued to use that whole area until they closed down a couple of years later ......shame that the paint flaked away, it would have been a thrill to see my bit of vandalism again..

Was it just Your name?

Sent from my HTC Wildfire
Two things if you look at a modern Coat of Arms you will see that the female and the male have swapped sides on the modern Coat of Arms the female is now on the left and the male is on the right, and for some bizarre reason the male appears to have a bog (toilet) roll in the crook of one of his arms why? and if it is not a bog roll what is it?

I have done a small amount of research on the place and the first time I can find a reference is in the 1931 directory there is no mention of it in the 1928 directory, in the back of the 1931 directory there is a list of the omnibus routes in the city there are not many I hope to scan it and post the list eventually,
it does appear that there may have been nothing (as yet not proved ) on the site before the works was built more research is needed,

This is a super photo taken within minutes of the boarding taken off.

Great thread with lots of info and photo's well done frothy! The coat of arms look amazing!
ref post 195.......No.......but what I can tell you , that Kenny was someone who worked in the works and had mental problems.....he was a nice bloke, but sometimes he would just go berserk, not in a nasty physical way, but arguing with himself......sorry to say that (madness) ran in his family , both mother and brother suffered with it, he was okay in his earlier life, got married and had children, but around the forty mark he got worst and worst, his wife left him etc, poor soul died not to long after that......Working in the stores sometimes we felt like we were going mad ourselves hence the sign.....
2 photos sent to me from the site manager Gary

The Stores, the only building left standing behind the main wall. Waiting for Health and Safety report on how best to bring it down.

The back wall has gone the view from the Manager's office

This is from a Kellys 1931 directory showing the bus routes for 1931 so that when the works opened these were the bus routes in Brum at the time

From a 1931 Kelly,s Birmingham Directory .jpg