(Posted here because I am unsure where it fits in)
I had promised myself not to mention Christmas until November but here goes.
To combat the sadness I feel inside with what has happened in our lives this year I have decided to 'throw myself' into christmas,not any Christmas but a traditional one with all the family here.
For me Christmas is sights,taste and smell.
Sights for me this year.
Green,red and gold,no glossy silver wrapping paper here.
No upside down black christmas tree (all the rage apparently)
Taste, -Dates and Steves favourite sugar mice
Smell , something orange and spicy.
Please let it snow,just on christmas day.
Any more ideas?
I had promised myself not to mention Christmas until November but here goes.
To combat the sadness I feel inside with what has happened in our lives this year I have decided to 'throw myself' into christmas,not any Christmas but a traditional one with all the family here.
For me Christmas is sights,taste and smell.
Sights for me this year.
Green,red and gold,no glossy silver wrapping paper here.
No upside down black christmas tree (all the rage apparently)
Taste, -Dates and Steves favourite sugar mice
Smell , something orange and spicy.
Please let it snow,just on christmas day.
Any more ideas?