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i'm trying to find the fathers name of William James Thorne CBE MP 1857-1946 was a British trade unionist activist and one of the first Labours member of parliament. born in birmingham, i believe him to be my gt grandfather's brother but as his father moved around the country a lot i can't find him on the census.

all help gratefully accepted.
the only birth record ive found that fits for william james thorne is in middx

william james thorne 1857 jan-mar st.martin in the fields 1a 312

if you think this is the birth you could send for it to get fathers name. mothers name was emma.
having looked at wikipedia it give his birth as oct 1857 so birth above could not be correct. :(
hi Shera thanks for your help i have all the information i can find on William except for his fathers name i was just hoping someone might know it save me having to pay for another birth certificate :) its a very expensive game this geneology lark :) but thanks again.
If you're still after this area of info - none of this has a father in it, I'm afraid, but I reckon that he's here ~
in 1861: RG9/2164 fo 22 p 38
in 1871: RG10/3151 fo 22 p 37

There's a William THORN of the right age in 1881: RG11/3027 fo 15 p 21, but he's a pearl button maker

If his Wikipedia entry is correct, then this will be he - with family - in 1891: RG12/1322 fo 77 p 44

In 1901 he seems more elusive.
