It's a young girl, looking in the direction her shoes are pointing she is wearing a hat (the lampshade), She has clothes (or similar) over her arm and a stick or something (could be the aerial on an early mobile phone) in the other hand. I think the boy on the pavement is with her. Was this a tram stop and she is first in the queue?There seems to be something odd in this old pic of Coventry Rd near the entrance to Small Heath Park ...
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Zoom in and on the right is something which appears to have a lightshade above it and what appears to be toecaps poking out at the bottom. The man behind it stares.
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And nothing odd in today's pic.
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The tram stop is the other side of the park entrance and I can't see a head under the lampshade ...It's a young girl, looking in the direction her shoes are pointing she is wearing a hat (the lampshade), She has clothes (or similar) over her arm and a stick or something (could be the aerial on an early mobile phone) in the other hand. I think the boy on the pavement is with her. Was this a tram stop and she is first in the queue?
That was a joke about a mobile phone, then I thought it could be a wireless remote control for the new (partially) blue battery operated tram coming towards her. I live in a surrealistic world, but was in a jesting mood because I have just learned the carcinoma I have just had removed from my hand is benign, thank goodness. However I cannot think for the life of me what the stick like thing is, but I am sure you can see a hand there. I think what she is wearing on her head is at an angle and covers her face. I do not know this side of the city, so pardon my ignorance is the gateway into a park and if so which one?prob a child off to the rag market, easer to carry the shade on her head with her arms full.... mobile phones was not around then.and the boy on the right is looking at the camera.
YOU ARE NOT ignorant....and we dont think that...the gate way is off the coventry rd. hope your hand heals soon.That was a joke about a mobile phone, then I thought it could be a wireless remote control for the new (partially) blue battery operated tram coming towards her. I live in a surrealistic world, but was in a jesting mood because I have just learned the carcinoma I have just had removed from my hand is benign, thank goodness. However I cannot think for the life of me what the stick like thing is, but I am sure you can see a hand there. I think what she is wearing on her head is at an angle and covers her face. I do not know this side of the city, so pardon my ignorance is the gateway into a park and if so which one?
Good news about the hand Bob. Good news is always welcome any time of the year. Your sense of humour is particularly welcome any time of the year also.That was a joke about a mobile phone, then I thought it could be a wireless remote control for the new (partially) blue battery operated tram coming towards her. I live in a surrealistic world, but was in a jesting mood because I have just learned the carcinoma I have just had removed from my hand is benign, thank goodness. However I cannot think for the life of me what the stick like thing is, but I am sure you can see a hand there. I think what she is wearing on her head is at an angle and covers her face. I do not know this side of the city, so pardon my ignorance is the gateway into a park and if so which one?
Bob, glad to hear that you had good news about your hand.That was a joke about a mobile phone, then I thought it could be a wireless remote control for the new (partially) blue battery operated tram coming towards her. I live in a surrealistic world, but was in a jesting mood because I have just learned the carcinoma I have just had removed from my hand is benign, thank goodness. However I cannot think for the life of me what the stick like thing is, but I am sure you can see a hand there. I think what she is wearing on her head is at an angle and covers her face. I do not know this side of the city, so pardon my ignorance is the gateway into a park and if so which one?
By jove I think he 's got it, I think you are right and in all seriousness could she be in fancy dress as a witch?Glad to hear your hand is OK. Must have been stressfull.
With regards to the photo, I think the "stick is the handle of a broom. I'm sure that I can detect signs of a mass of bristles at the other end just above her feet.
Looking closely at the picture on my big screen works computer, I have sussed is a robot and if you look at the boy's hands, you can see he is holding a controller.I can't see a girl ...
I would expect to see part of her face under the left side of the shade. Where are her shoulders? All I can see under the shade are the trousers of the man behind. The light area on the bundle above the road surface appears to be a square thing partially hidden by draped cloth.
I suspect that lad/girl on the right has set up bundle of things to sell but I can't be certain.
We all see it differently ... so it remains an odd thing in an old pic ...
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I notice the buildings on the left are still there today.