Phil. It is pure unnecessary legal vandalism and destruction.
Here in Norwich, we have over 52 churches, and we are rather proud of them. To the best of my knowledge, none have been destroyed, but put to other good uses. The old churches are part of our tradition, and Norwich seems to thrive on its reputation for conserving old buildings.
I have been back to 'Brum', and noticed much change, not in my opinion, always for the better. I love visiting old churches. There always seems to be a wonderful atmosphere, and feeling of history.
My wife and I were married in a most beautiful Norwich church, and I still find great enjoyment when I pass it, and that is in spite of nearly 55 years married! (joking).
Churches are our heritage, and it is a heritage that is being destroyed. Perhaps Birmingham City Council could learn a few lessons from 'Little 'ol Norrich', but I very much doubt that B.C.C. would heed advice from any one.