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The Warstone Pub


gone but not forgotten
H i guys
does any body got a photograph of the named above public house
called the warstone as it was a very old haunt for me and my old mates and just one of our friday nights local before moving down into the grotto pub in camden street springhill
there was a lady whom was onetime licence by the name of jun e mitchell a local lady and her mother used to run a little sweet shop down springhill passge next to stuart street school best wishes Alan Astonian,,,
Hi Alan,
Yes that will do very well for me a big thank you for your speedy reply
I have been searching for a long time for that particular photograph
Do you know what particular year that was taken, it does not matter if you cannot answer that
I only lived up the road from there just passing the turf pub and the dance hall of one time
and it was called the Palaise de Danse and of course growing up there and going to the local school
and the springhill libary where upon some one would come regular knocking the front door asking mother about the books i had borrowed and late returning and getting that little fine when returned and knowing the shops there as well
just down that side street of the pub a hundred yards down was a great little pub called the grotto a very warm awaiting reception for its customers with a open litt fire thanks again alan,,
Alan ,, ASTONIAN,,,,,
1967 according to the info on the link below. I was very familiar with that area, often visited it. I often looked into the library but could not take out books as I did not live in Birmingham. The Palais de Dance stored sugar during WW2 and I believe there is more detail on the Forum about the place. Living out in the sticks, as a youngster, I found Ladywood exhilarating - so much activity. ;) The Turf was where the folk I knew went but I was too young to go in of course. In fact I was in the RAF when I had my first alcoholic drink in a bar. I have written these things and others, I beleive, in anther thread. I look at Mac Joseps's "Old Ladywood" web site from time to time which, as you will know, has a wealth of Ladywood facts and memories.
Hi Alan
can you say what part of the area your folks came from within the area of ladywood as i was still around in that period
right up untill the 1971 I knew old ladywood like the back of my hand and virtualy known most people
In and around ladywood right up and through the springill and hockley and most of all winson green area included
I have heard of old mac josephe but i have never been on there to look but my younger brother goes on there
from time to time and he as mentionioned to me about it , he said go on that site of old ladwood al;
you would know every body you see on there but i never did go on it
I think this is the best forum a going i have been on here for donkeys years to may years to say or count
alan , i live out in the sticks now for the last twenty years but i travel to work in tyseley where i have a family business
but i do not venture to far back into the birmingham and to what bit i have seen its dramiticly changed
we have got one of bill ,s landons family out here selling his bath rooms and plumbing
years ago there grand father had his shop there just across from the libary and next to the midland bank you see on the corner
of the photograph you sent me the white building was the bank and just oof left was bills shop
mind you bills shop left in the 1950,/ 6,7 i think it was he moved upp to edgebaston opersite the picture house called the
Edgebaston and year or two after he bought the crown picture house himself and built big show rooms there for years before the regenating of the area and moved out
His son inlaw came and done my security at one of the pubs i ran all those years ago
but any way alan thanks again best wishes Alan,, Astonian,,,,
The people I knew were in the Monument Road area but would have been elsewhere before the major re-developments . The Spring Hill end seems to have changed beyond all recognition from what I see on Google. Thank goodness the library is still there to get some idea of the geography of the place as it is today.
Hi Alan
yes i agree its changed dramicialy i do from time to time go down there
I have got pictures in a book of ladywood and our house and monument road houses and shops of yester years
and the old walfare is still there but facial make over i have alot of great memories of the area of ladywood
And of course springhill good old days i say Al , best wishes Astonian ,, Alan,,,,

Radiorails posted a this picture in post 2 of the Warstones Pub thread, with a name imprinted across it.

The Warstone, Icknield Street/Camden Street, 14th August 1967 from Birmingham at work by Douglas, Alton. Publication date 1993
My old dad used to play the piano in the warstone and other pubs in the area .was wondering if anyone remembers him ?.his name was stan Gibbs
My old dad used to play the piano in the warstone and other pubs in the area .was wondering if anyone remembers him ?.his name was stan Gibbs

hi dave did your dad only play the piano ? ...just curious

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