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gone but not forgotten
Did Any body Used The Three A,s Pub On Ash Rd Saltley
As Any Body Got Memories Of It I Know Over The Years It Made Money
It Was A Thriving Pub In The 3O.S And The 50,s
But Now I Think The Curtains Are PulledFor Good
And A Small Enterprized Brewer As Got It I Cannot Think Of There Name At The Moment But They Have Been A ROUND Afew Years
My Dutchess And Myself Was Approached By Them Some Years Ago
And Was Asked To Take One Of There Run Down Pubs In Walsall But They Kept Us Waiting For Months To Be Rerenovated In The End We Told Them To Forget It , And We Went With Bank,s They Were,nt Much Good Either
Then We Went With Good Old M,B For Donkey Years
I Think A Guy By The Name Of Tony Used To Run The AAA ,S In Ash Rd
Then He Went To The Sportsman On The Viaduct , Had A Little Grief , And Then He Went To The Pelham Where All The Tickets Holders Of Mine Went There How I Know I Went To His Pub One Evening Only To See Him With About Fifty Of My Ticket Holders I Turned Around And Left About 6 Months Tony Turned The Pub Over And KEFT , I Haven,t Heard Or Tale Of Ever Since Finished For Good In The Trade Unless He Bought His Own Pub Some Where
still see tony(dont talk to him)he lives round the pelham area somwhere always going in and out the bookies.
Is this the pub oin the corner of Ash and Adderly? My mom used to clean there in the late 50's early 60's. I used to go to school with the daughter of the landlord - Mary Critchley.

The Adderley Park Inn, I've often heard reference's to the 3 A's. I always thought it was a collective name for three pubs that were in close proximity. Can you tell us why it was called the 3 A's?



  • Duddeston Mill Adderley St Adderley Park Inn.jpg
    Duddeston Mill Adderley St Adderley Park Inn.jpg
    98.3 KB · Views: 26
hi phill nice picture if you look to the right of the pic where the wall of the pub ends there is another pub there not sure what its called its still there.
hi phil
The three A,s pub got its name from the brewery
they named the pub because of its postion
at the juntion of the two roads and with there named intial
Ash rd Adderley st and Akinsons brewery that made three A,s
thats where the brewery came up with the name from
the three A,s pub
have a nice day phil best wishes astonian ;;;;;;;;;;

Thanks for the info. I've always wondered about that.

roger a

The name of the other pub is The Olive Branch, on another thread they are talking about Buff Lodges I think there were about 5 at this pub at one time. It was very well known in Buff circles.

hi phil
yes you are very quite right about the buffs
that took residence there in time gone bye
but i cannot remember there names at the moment
also there was a company that bought the three a,s some years back
it was a couple of guys whom was buying up boozers across the midlands
they asked me if i would have been intrested in taking it on
but seeing the decline of the area and that particular pub trade loss there
i declined they also offered one in walsall but i declined that as well
they was still rebuilding it i would have had to wait six months before
moving in so i went to cheltham instead
best wishes astonian ;;

Thanks for the info. I've always wondered about that.

roger a

The name of the other pub is The Olive Branch, on another thread they are talking about Buff Lodges I think there were about 5 at this pub at one time. It was very well known in Buff circles.

the olive branch thats it thank you ive been banging my head up the wall.:redface:its now some type of club.
My cousins used to live across the road from the 3A's. And there was a tunnel leading from their cellar to the pub. We were never allowed to explore it. The one time I did go down into their cellar, I remember seeing a 'Johnnie Walker' Statuette. And the door to the tunnell was of the frosted class used in pubs.

I often wonder what the connection was between the two places.
roger a

The Olive Branch not long after it opened the photo was taken in 1930. The other is the same pub extensively renovated but looking more like the pub that I knew from the 50's & 60's and used occasionally when I visited lodges there in the 70's.

I have a nagging memory in the back of my mind that is telling me that the Buff's owned it at one time at the end of the 70's or the early 80's.


Before the drugs and alcohol rules were brought in on the railway, and when Saltley Depot was a thriving Depot, the Three A's was a popular haunt by traincrew. The story goes that the booking on point had the number for the Three A's and would call to get traincrew out to work trains.
I used to spend quite a bit of time sat on the step of the Adderley Rd doorway next to the outside toilet with a bag of crisps and a bottle of pop when I was about 7yrs old ..............
Hi Phil
Have you got a picture of the Adderly Arms At Number 6 High Street Saltley
The Licences was was a Jessie Stokes march 1910, and Its On a post Card
It was sent With A message On It ,the sender wanted to know if,,,, My Dear. S,,, Had Got The Craze For Drinking Yet,
Best wishes and have a nice day my friend , Alan, Astonian,,,,,,,,,,,