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The Stringer family


proper brummie kid
I am trying to find out information about the Stringer family who lived at 2 Clevedon Road, Balsall Heath, in the 1940s. My father was a Japanese POW during WW2 and his close friend was Graham Stringer. Any help would be much appreciated.
I went to school with two cousins named Stringer that came out of Clevdon Rd. They were in the same class as me all through secondary school. One of them must have been the son of the chap you are trying to find. The other must have been the son of his brother.

They were the same age as me so that would make their birth year 1947. If you follow the attached link they are both on the photo on post No 1. It is the 5th year photo and they are the two on the right end of the photo in the middle.

I don't know if this is of any help to you. I know nothing more than this other than their names were Graham and Terry, I can't even remember which was which.


Thanks for your help Phil - the photo of Graham Stringer's son was very interesting. I enjoyed reading the postings about Dennis Road School - like you I went through the secondary modern school system and have academically achieved a great deal since then. My research is reaching a very exciting stage - I am in communication with the curator of the Thai-Burma Railway Museum in Kanchanaburi regarding the POW camps my father and Graham were in, but before I can take full advantage of their archives I have to visit Kew to view the Japanese Index card on my father and Graham Stringer (the Japanese kept index cards on every prisoner with details of the camps they were in, illnesses, hospitalisation periods, etc). It would be so good to trace Graham's son (Graham junior?) and share this information. It is likely of course that he may have further information about his father's war time experiences that would be helpful to me in my research. Thanks again for your help.

Glad to be of some little encouragement, if even of no actual help. You can glean from this information that the Stringer families were still in Clevdon Rd until at least when the son left school and this would be at least 63 as they stayed on for an extra year.

Best of luck with your search,
