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The Greet public house


New Member
Greet Public House, Warwick Road

does anyone have any information about the Greet public house in 'Warwick' road, Tyseley.

any old information or pictures once again appreciated.

we did have some old pictures of years ago but can't find them, any information or memories from others would be great.
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yes it,s sadley gone to the dogs like the rest of the good oldens
there is afew pics knocking about it was a thriving pub in its hay day , but that was long before the youths and yobs took over a
i can recall afew gathers from there and the cheffs and it later became a chequered history pub and the trade slowly disapeared
up the rd or across to the club which used to be there
and ended upin the good old tysley club
in the early eighties there was one or two bad gathers whom ran it
for the owners and one or two ran off with the taking
along with another pub down at the bottom of cuckoo bridge
the bottom of nechells park rd the same guys ran off with the owners takings and left by the back door and left the pub closed for a while
it was taken over by the bikers brigade in the mid eighties
then they moved up to the speedwell pub speedwell rd
and took over that and they tied the gather up for the complete week end and drank the pub dry it was monday when they found the gather he was a tall tough looking guy but he was in fact a weak charactor i know because i knew the guy very well indeed .
but there is alot of pics about of the greet in its glory days
best wishes to every one and have a nice day , astonion ;;;
I remember that the Greet during the 80s had converted to Courage brewery.The Wagon and Horses went the same way.
When I worked in the area in 1988 it struggled with trade.Many of its locals preferred to walk to the Brit,or the local Tysley WMC instead.
I don't recall this pub at all as while I have been travelling along the Warwick Road, my daughter tells me it was just boarded up land.
There is much activity at the moment and it looks like the land is being transformed into some sort of parkland. I wondered if anyone had any knowledge as to what is happening and /or any photos of the original pub.
Hi Bishopsmate.

I used to use the Greet occasionally in the 70's it was a good pub in its day with a bowling green and a large lounge at the rear to be honest I never ever went in the bar so I don't know how busy that got but the Lounge was never what you would call overcrowded.


  • Greet Warwick Rd The Greet.jpg
    Greet Warwick Rd The Greet.jpg
    149.4 KB · Views: 81
  • GREET WARWICK RD 1988.jpg
    GREET WARWICK RD 1988.jpg
    173.3 KB · Views: 89
Yes Phil
It was a cracking busy pub in its hey day very thriving in the fifties and the mid sixties when all the local factory,s was
Booming and the the degeneration of the area declineing after that period it started to get necleted and trade sank
It closed down for a long time then they brought in a new guy to run it but he was a bad man, he ran off with the taking
Then it closed down and yet again some one took it on but by then the trade was lost
To my knowledge working in the trade its had more new gathers than I have hot dinners
To my knowledge its happen end three times over the duration since it was ever built beleive I have worked for the brewers
For many years along with the guy whom owned the Westley arms acocks green he fell victim of a guy
The took on for a pub down nechells by cuckoo bridge at the bottom of long acre same with the pellam
And the three A AA pub Saltley and the sportsman Saltley gate the list are endless of brewery pub mangers
Doing this sort of things we have them digbeth now just going back a couple of years there,s one
I will not name it nor of the culpritts the pubis still operational still now
Best wishes Alan,,,Astonian,,,,,
Along with the Wagon and horses up the road it became a Courage pub.
When I worked locally at the Britannia in the eighties most of the locals preferred to walk to us,than use it.
Hi members
As a hobbies I like doing watercolour paintings. I grew up in the Tyseley and Greet areas of Birmingham
I am after any old photographs of the Greet Inn pub
Many Thanks
Now, before anybody says : "That's not the Greet Inn," this photograph was a matter of metres away in Manor Farm Road. I never know if these show the Coronation or the end of war party! Great pic though. Or Greet pic!

Evening All,

Just wondering if anyone would be able to provide any information on the names of Landlords who ran The Greet Public House between 1950 - 1975

I apologies in advance for the sketchy dates, I am doing some research for a friend of the family and they are sure they had family members who may have ran the pub between these dates

Thank you in advance for all your help and time with this
Here are some from directories (date is publication , not survey date) and electoral rolls

1950 Roland Wilden (directory)

1952 Roland Wilden (electorsl roll)

1955, 1956 , 1958. William E Stephens (directory and electoral roll)

1960- 1965 Derek S.Oliver (electoral roll)
Hi MikeJee,

Thank you for your message and the information you have provided, unfortunately we don't recognise any of those names

Unless it was after 1965 we probably have the wrong pub (if they ever ran one at all)

Thanks again and Kind Regards