Hi David
Many thanks for putting your thoughts into roses thread and the mess, but because my remediate thought well hang on a minute
I do not think it was to myself on first reading roses answer because as a. Nipper in a game we was always on that tow path
Virtually every sunday when we would roam along there and the old gas street at that time was very dark and black
You could not see where or what you would be walking on yet alone never see your hand in front of your self
Even from where the pic was took its looked further over the gas street side and I am racking my little pea brain
And vizulize the old gas street as you came out many , many years back I am trying to recall and down on holiday street
And the surrounding streets because down and around them back streets there was a couple of churches as you made your away around acroddto the accident hospital that way and the top end of hollaway street and giving the angle I recall the broad street when it was only o e club and two
All night coffee bars and to my knowledge there was two notorious gangs operating unknown to people as such
Within a mile of broad street one gang as we'll finished all passed now
But that's another subject getting back to the church Dave I thought exactly like you can anybody say any think else
Have a nice day every body best wishes Alan,,,,,Astonia ,,,,,,