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The cane at school

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This is a caricature of the headmaster of Moseley School of Art, Harry Adams, drawn by another teacher and given to me by him at a 50 year reunion, it speaks for itself. I was often on the other end of that cane.


This is a caricature of the headmaster of Moseley School of Art, Harry Adams, drawn by another teacher and given to me by him at a 50 year reunion, it speaks for itself. I was often on the other end of that cane.
Reminds me of when Phil the lad who did very well with his own business drew a caricature of Old Mother Hubbard who was strict but nice. She was as plain as a pikestaff , very sporty with muscly legs and walked on the balls of her feet. She wasn't fat at all but had about 3 chins and a big wort. Very big rabbit teeth and strong pebble specs, and tight waxy curly hair. She spfoke with her fpteeth too. Very Very like Nanny McFee before she became pretty. She got angry and upset when she saw the cartoon. Phil got the came and a detention
Is it snowing in Brum? It always snows in Parker, Colorado USA


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In primary school I was frequently hit round the head for things like making a blot on the page; boys and girls regularly stood at the front to be hit with a ruler on their hand or at the back of their legs; these were considered to be minor punishments. I was eventually given the major punishment of being made to sit next to a girl. I kept my joy and excitement secret.
At grammar school the small ruler was replaced by a blackboard ruler or a pump (what non Brummies call a plimsole) or maybe a blackboard rubber being thrown at you, and of course, you were sometimes sent to the headmaster for the cane which resulted in bruise lines across the bum.
I think the headmaster must have had some sympathy as once we were sent to him and asked to come for punishment the next day. The three of us arrived with towels down our trousers; he must have known.
And of course not just teachers. I can remember as I was about to knock the door at a friends house, I stopped as I heard his father saying he was about to take off his belt.
Happy Days?????
it was a totally different world back then wasnt it mike and yet not really that long ago as it is in living memory

In primary school I was frequently hit round the head for things like making a blot on the page; boys and girls regularly stood at the front to be hit with a ruler on their hand or at the back of their legs; these were considered to be minor punishments. I was eventually given the major punishment of being made to sit next to a girl. I kept my joy and excitement secret.
At grammar school the small ruler was replaced by a blackboard ruler or a pump (what non Brummies call a plimsole) or maybe a blackboard rubber being thrown at you, and of course, you were sometimes sent to the headmaster for the cane which resulted in bruise lines across the bum.
I think the headmaster must have had some sympathy as once we were sent to him and asked to come for punishment the next day. The three of us arrived with towels down our trousers; he must have known.
And of course not just teachers. I can remember as I was about to knock the door at a friends house, I stopped as I heard his father saying he was about to take off his belt.
Happy Days?????

Monday afternoons at secondary school , we had a priest from St Patrick's on Dudley Rd , he had a length of leather about a foot long . If you stepped out of line , you were for it . After leaving secondary a few years later , said priest was arrested for soliciting around some toilets in London
In primary school I was frequently hit round the head for things like making a blot on the page; boys and girls regularly stood at the front to be hit with a ruler on their hand or at the back of their legs; these were considered to be minor punishments. I was eventually given the major punishment of being made to sit next to a girl. I kept my joy and excitement secret.
At grammar school the small ruler was replaced by a blackboard ruler or a pump (what non Brummies call a plimsole) or maybe a blackboard rubber being thrown at you, and of course, you were sometimes sent to the headmaster for the cane which resulted in bruise lines across the bum.
I think the headmaster must have had some sympathy as once we were sent to him and asked to come for punishment the next day. The three of us arrived with towels down our trousers; he must have known.
And of course not just teachers. I can remember as I was about to knock the door at a friends house, I stopped as I heard his father saying he was about to take off his belt.
Happy Days?????
Caned on the backside, ouch. That is brutal. I would have had to change my y fronts after that:cold_sweat:. Mind you, things have gone the opposite way these days, with the pupils having the upper hand. The inmates have taken over the asylum.:(
This is a caricature of the headmaster of Moseley School of Art, Harry Adams, drawn by another teacher and given to me by him at a 50 year reunion, it speaks for itself. I was often on the other end of that cane.

(I could've sworn I posted this comment already but I can't see it.)
Anyroad, I love this drawing, it's got the style of a Bairnsfather cartoon.
Monday afternoons at secondary school , we had a priest from St Patrick's on Dudley Rd , he had a length of leather about a foot long . If you stepped out of line , you were for it . After leaving secondary a few years later , said priest was arrested for soliciting around some toilets in London
I was telling a mate about this post, he went to a catholic grammar school. Some of the teachers were monks. Sadistic he said. They would put their hands inside your shirt and twist their nipples.
Some of the childen I went to school with did revolt. One was expelled for hitting the Maths teacher on the head with a heavy stool. The lad in question has just been put in to care, and lashed out at the teacher. One girl's mum used to keep her off school to go and steal things. She dobbed her mum in, in the end, I never new the outcome.
(I could've sworn I posted this comment already but I can't see it.)
Anyroad, I love this drawing, it's got the style of a Bairnsfather cartoon.
Never connected the two...however, there is a similarity. I have a larger laminated print containing a derogatory caption that the headmaster often quoted referring to my being from Aston as the reason for my behavior at school.
Dave A
So did all this cane whipping teach us anything? Are we any the worse OR better for getting the cane? Look at the kids to day mollie coddled and protected by the new laws, WHAT DO YOU SEE are they better now, than us. Makes one wonder. (or at least me)
So did all this cane whipping teach us anything? Are we any the worse OR better for getting the cane? Look at the kids to day mollie coddled and protected by the new laws, WHAT DO YOU SEE are they better now, than us. Makes one wonder. (or at least me)
An endless topic of conversation...on a personal level, it never did me any harm and I deserved the punishment that I received. You never got caned if you did nothing wrong...my parents felt the same way too and most of the time I would have to keep it a secret from them for fear of additional punishment. The net result is that I turned out to be a fine upstanding person, never got into trouble with the law and became a successful business man, albeit just a small business.
Dave A
I was always told to respect my elders, that I did. I tried to instill that, in my two children, that are now fully grown and have their own kids to worry about. My son Paul, has served 26 years in the US Navy hold the rank of Captain, My Daughter Sarah is an officer of a large company well respected. Their children, is another story, that makes me think again back to my childhood but times change and only time will tell I guess
I was always told to respect my elders, that I did. I tried to instill that, in my two children, that are now fully grown and have their own kids to worry about. My son Paul, has served 26 years in the US Navy hold the rank of Captain, My Daughter Sarah is an officer of a large company well respected. Their children, is another story, that makes me think again back to my childhood but times change and only time will tell I guess
An endless topic of conversation...on a personal level, it never did me any harm and I deserved the punishment that I received. You never got caned if you did nothing wrong...my parents felt the same way too and most of the time I would have to keep it a secret from them for fear of additional punishment. The net result is that I turned out to be a fine upstanding person, never got into trouble with the law and became a successful business man, albeit just a small business.
Dave A
I don't think caning makes you a better person.
I was caned, sometimes for what I didn't do.
I never had a great job.
I didn't respect the teachers who caned me but there has to be a deterrant.
There is no deterrent now. We have to find a happy medium.
I don't think caning makes you a better person.
I was caned, sometimes for what I didn't do.
I never had a great job.
I didn't respect the teachers who caned me but there has to be a deterrant.
There is no deterrent now. We have to find a happy medium.

Not a deterrent Nico a solution, these whelps are trying to control neighbourhoods with their evil ways . Crime nowadays is far different than what it was years ago, criminals nowadays are not pot luck criminals with easy access to a couple of bob. They are now breaking your doors to get in whether you are awake or asleep, plus the theft of vehicles etc . So there needs to be a solution albeit corporal punishment or more intensive ways of repaying debts to society
We met up with some friends. I mentioned the BHA site and this topic. Got them going, The lady went to school in Wales, she was caned for the boys spinning the girls too fast in country dancing making them all fall over. They were all caned. What upset me was her teacher would pick on the poorest child as he never had a clean hanky, and was caned then was made to to kneel under her desk, then the teacher put her feet on him and told him he was dirt.
Our friend's family relocated to the Midlands just outside Brum and was bullied by the new teachers for having a Welsh accent.

My son in law went 'up the school' as we used to say because the teacher called his daughter a skank. I had to ask what that meant, I think it means trollop? The school said oh he is leaving anyway, not the point said son in law. What hope have children got. I know good teachers are leaving in droves.

Back to the cane. My French partner was appalled. No one got the cane there. But they behaved. Her cousin just retired from teaching there and she says the same as Williamstreeter. She had an excluded pupil drive his motorbike through the classroom glass window. No caning there either now. She said his parents were morons she fet sorry for him. So it must be modern society that is to blame
yes. most days by that teacher at elliot st shool ........ she once caind me for having 2 much blotting paper " WANT TO TRY IT NOW. GO AHEAD MAKE MY DAY"


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We met up with some friends. I mentioned the BHA site and this topic. Got them going, The lady went to school in Wales, she was caned for the boys spinning the girls too fast in country dancing making them all fall over. They were all caned. What upset me was her teacher would pick on the poorest child as he never had a clean hanky, and was caned then was made to to kneel under her desk, then the teacher put her feet on him and told him he was dirt.
Our friend's family relocated to the Midlands just outside Brum and was bullied by the new teachers for having a Welsh accent.

My son in law went 'up the school' as we used to say because the teacher called his daughter a skank. I had to ask what that meant, I think it means trollop? The school said oh he is leaving anyway, not the point said son in law. What hope have children got. I know good teachers are leaving in droves.

Back to the cane. My French partner was appalled. No one got the cane there. But they behaved. Her cousin just retired from teaching there and she says the same as Williamstreeter. She had an excluded pupil drive his motorbike through the classroom glass window. No caning there either now. She said his parents were morons she fet sorry for him. So it must be modern society that is to blame

I was telling a mate about this post, he went to a catholic grammar school. Some of the teachers were monks. Sadistic he said. They would put their hands inside your shirt and twist their nipples.

At Dennis Road in 1961 as a new first year, I had an experience of corporal punishment, not the cane but read on.
The class had begun to gel into a unit and friendships had been formed. These were the days of the dip pen and ink well and some bright spark, I can’t remember who came up the idea of making ink and blotting paper pellets and flicking them with a ruler to the ceiling of the prefab hut which was our classroom. I did not see the offence take place, but did see the evidence along with the rest of the class. The evidence was also spotted late that afternoon by our form master Mr Koslofsky who was a very young student teacher. He interrogated the class trying to get a confession or the names of the guilty parties from the rest of the class, with no success. We were just about to leave for the day when the art teacher Mr Bunford who must have been the supervisor of the student burst into the room. With a face like thunder he began to berate us for this act of vandalism, he went through various scenarios of what would happen to us if we didn’t own up, like we would be kept back at school for an hour a night starting tonight, liberally interspersed with accusations directed at “the usual suspects” all of whom protested their innocence. I was sitting next to my new friend Peter Bennett, a lad with a similar sense of humour to me and a good mimic especially of teachers and I made the mistake of making a whispered wise crack to him and he laughed. The classic teacher response took place, “oh, a joke, let’s all share it” Mr Bunford said and out I reluctantly went to be humiliated. After a bit of pointless questioning and me denying any guilt, his attitude and questioning approach changed to one of a concerned friend, I fell for it.” Do you suffer with ear ache?, no sir was my reply. “any ear operations?”, no again. WALLOP! , I received a full force slap across my left ear “now go and sit down and keep you stupid comments to yourself”. I did sit down with a ringing ear and Tom and Jerry type stars before my eyes. I tried hard not to smirk back at the smirking audience as I returned to my seat, I think it took a few days for the buzzing to stop. Like many instances like this , I did not tell anyone about the experience.
At Dennis Road in 1961 as a new first year, I had an experience of corporal punishment, not the cane but read on.
The class had begun to gel into a unit and friendships had been formed. These were the days of the dip pen and ink well and some bright spark, I can’t remember who came up the idea of making ink and blotting paper pellets and flicking them with a ruler to the ceiling of the prefab hut which was our classroom. I did not see the offence take place, but did see the evidence along with the rest of the class. The evidence was also spotted late that afternoon by our form master Mr Koslofsky who was a very young student teacher. He interrogated the class trying to get a confession or the names of the guilty parties from the rest of the class, with no success. We were just about to leave for the day when the art teacher Mr Bunford who must have been the supervisor of the student burst into the room. With a face like thunder he began to berate us for this act of vandalism, he went through various scenarios of what would happen to us if we didn’t own up, like we would be kept back at school for an hour a night starting tonight, liberally interspersed with accusations directed at “the usual suspects” all of whom protested their innocence. I was sitting next to my new friend Peter Bennett, a lad with a similar sense of humour to me and a good mimic especially of teachers and I made the mistake of making a whispered wise crack to him and he laughed. The classic teacher response took place, “oh, a joke, let’s all share it” Mr Bunford said and out I reluctantly went to be humiliated. After a bit of pointless questioning and me denying any guilt, his attitude and questioning approach changed to one of a concerned friend, I fell for it.” Do you suffer with ear ache?, no sir was my reply. “any ear operations?”, no again. WALLOP! , I received a full force slap across my left ear “now go and sit down and keep you stupid comments to yourself”. I did sit down with a ringing ear and Tom and Jerry type stars before my eyes. I tried hard not to smirk back at the smirking audience as I returned to my seat, I think it took a few days for the buzzing to stop. Like many instances like this , I did not tell anyone about the experience.

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Yes by Mr Leeks Head Master Raddlebarn Secondary Modern school.1950 to 54. The only consolation was that the wash hand basins were outside his office so I numbed my hands under the cold water tap before reporting to him.
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yes. most days by that teacher at elliot st shool name and shame her parry she once caind me for having 2 much blotting paper " WANT TO TRY IT NOW. GO AHEAD MAKE MY DAY"
One of my mate's older brother by 4 years's mates, then aged16, a stocky lad got his own back on Wooden Tits. She was humiliating a line of pupils because they refused to split on someone. So she said she would cane them all. Swishing it around in front of their individual faces. This lad said you touch me with that Miss Woodford and I will put you through the 'expletive' window. And she backed off and they all got off.
One of my mate's older brother by 4 years's mates, then aged16, a stocky lad got his own back on Wooden Tits. She was humiliating a line of pupils because they refused to split on someone. So she said she would cane them all. Swishing it around in front of their individual faces. This lad said you touch me with that Miss Woodford and I will put you through the 'expletive' window. And she backed off and they all got off.

You can understand why there is so much trouble with pupils in schools nowadays reading these posts , it's a wonder the police weren't called for malicious threats
At Dennis Road in 1961 as a new first year, I had an experience of corporal punishment, not the cane but read on.
The class had begun to gel into a unit and friendships had been formed. These were the days of the dip pen and ink well and some bright spark, I can’t remember who came up the idea of making ink and blotting paper pellets and flicking them with a ruler to the ceiling of the prefab hut which was our classroom. I did not see the offence take place, but did see the evidence along with the rest of the class. The evidence was also spotted late that afternoon by our form master Mr Koslofsky who was a very young student teacher. He interrogated the class trying to get a confession or the names of the guilty parties from the rest of the class, with no success. We were just about to leave for the day when the art teacher Mr Bunford who must have been the supervisor of the student burst into the room. With a face like thunder he began to berate us for this act of vandalism, he went through various scenarios of what would happen to us if we didn’t own up, like we would be kept back at school for an hour a night starting tonight, liberally interspersed with accusations directed at “the usual suspects” all of whom protested their innocence. I was sitting next to my new friend Peter Bennett, a lad with a similar sense of humour to me and a good mimic especially of teachers and I made the mistake of making a whispered wise crack to him and he laughed. The classic teacher response took place, “oh, a joke, let’s all share it” Mr Bunford said and out I reluctantly went to be humiliated. After a bit of pointless questioning and me denying any guilt, his attitude and questioning approach changed to one of a concerned friend, I fell for it.” Do you suffer with ear ache?, no sir was my reply. “any ear operations?”, no again. WALLOP! , I received a full force slap across my left ear “now go and sit down and keep you stupid comments to yourself”. I did sit down with a ringing ear and Tom and Jerry type stars before my eyes. I tried hard not to smirk back at the smirking audience as I returned to my seat, I think it took a few days for the buzzing to stop. Like many instances like this , I did not tell anyone about the experience.
Yes by Mr Leeks Head Master Raddlebarn Secondary Modern school.1950 to 54. The only consolation was that the wash hand basins were outside his office so I numbed my hands under the cold water tap before reporting to him.
It is nice to see Raddlebarn existed as it was where I was born and every Brummy I spoke to never heard of it.
You can understand why there is so much trouble with pupils in schools nowadays reading these posts , it's a wonder the police weren't called for malicious threats
One of the father's said he was going to the police but I don't know if they ever responded. Pop Fawson punched a little lad, in the face and drew blood splitting his lip. He was only a Fuzzer, in the first years so he would be only 11 or 12 maybe.
I did like this post it made me smile with the ink when my classmate Eileen was flicking ink from her fountain pen at a spider hanging from Mrs (Bag) Jackson's skirt. After she had screamed at everyone who had a pen? and we, bemused held up our biro's till she screamed I mean a pen!, (biros are pens are they not?) and dragged the bully boy trouble maker out with his pen (also a biro) to the front , he could not have hit her with an ink blot from the back of the class and it dawned on her, so she went mega hysterical. She saw Eileen's fountain pen , and Eileen gave her the face of the Blessed Virgin Mary look and said I have a pen Miss but I wasn't flicking it, honest I wasn't, and she got away with it!. One to us lot I think.
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