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Sun ray treament

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did any of you encounter this i did at the clinic in john bright st. i used to have to go once a week to sit in front of some sort of heater with goggles on. and be stripped to the waist. i dont know from that day to this why i had this. i never will now because my mom and dad are know longer here.

Hi Mary :)

Vaguely remember one of my sisters having the same treatment at that same clinic in the 60,s

Remember my Dad saying something about "Infra-Red" light/heat
Treatment for Eczma ,, goggles protecting eyes from Rays,

Hope this is right &/or others may have closer opinion :?:

Luv Chuckie 8) John
Hi folks
when we were kids my eldest brother was sent to them sun ray sessions, I think it was at the then health clinic on Coventry road in small Heath
Now at the time our Mum and Dad told us it was because he was growing too fast and the treatment was meant to slow down his growth.
Now funnily enough, because we were kids we believed all that and thought no more about.
Well last year I read something on one of the forums that reminded me about this ( it might have been one of your posts)
and I asked my brother about it and he said it was an experimental thing for kids who's health was below par , under - nourished or frail etc. and that the treatment was quietly abandoned after a while, presumably because it was ineffective.
In his case at least it didn't matter because he grew up to be the biggest of the bunch by far :wink:

In the early 50's my friend Lorna was a teenager and had mild acne so her doc sent her for sunray treatment. She only went once because she came out as red as a beetroot with white rings around her eyes. She said she'd rather have the spots, which cleared eventually without any help.
My brother and I used to go to the clinic in town and have a bath on a tuesday and have out hair treated (More like being drowned) afterwards we would have to strip off to our waist and sit in a circle with goggles on with other kids with a sunray lamp in the middle.After 10 mins we would have to turn around with our backs to it. We were told it was because we were undernourished and deprived of the sun !
Luckyjo :-\
I had an old phillips Sun lamp in my teens..I couldn't find my goggles one day (little plastic ones like swimming goggles)
I sat in front of the lamp and gradually got used to the glare until I could read the 'Phillips' sign on the lamp bulb..
I had the worst case of sunburnt eyes I'd ever known...far worse than 'Arc eye' from welding many years later..
I could see rainbow lights around everything for days and my eyes felt like they had heavy grit in them..
'Twas a bugger I tell you
Know all about this since I was subjected to sessions of sunray treatment at the Slade Road Clinic some fine sunny afternoons during the Spring term when I was about 14.
I hated going and sitting in front of the sunray lamp. I used to go alone and I hated the stares of people along Slade Road since I was in my school uniform and it was during school hours.
I am not sure if the treatment did me any good at all really. I was in the room alone each time in front of the lights for 20 minute sessions. Later on I had to go into hospital
for a sinus operation in Great Charles Street...Ear, Nose and Throat hospital. No visitors
at all for children in those days so unfair because I was in a ward with adults since the children's ward was full and at visiting time I would hide under the covers because I
wasn't allowed any!
Like me buddy, Young John, I thought it was for eczma and acne. I knew a few kids who went. I also knew a young adult I worked with going for treatment for his acne when he was in his early twenties.

It's strange what light can do. SuBee probably knows more about this; I read about a nurse who discovered daylight as a cure for blue babies. She noticed that the blue babies on the sunniest side of the ward got better first. I've also seen light boxes sold as treatment for the depressive condition S.A.D. (Seasonally Affective Disorder). So who knows? :-\



hmld - you've lost me :buck2:

But about sunray treatment. Way back when I was engaged to a young man in Tasmania who had cancer. He was having treatment and they told him he should not expose himself to the sun. His family (thinking they were doing the right thing) got in his football coach who came along and subjected him to sessions of ultra violet sunray lamps. I was beside myself but couldn't get through to his family at all. I said don't do this - but they said well, this isn't the sun is it? I couldn't convince them. I'll never forget it. He died before his 25th birthday and just before we were to be married.
Hi Mary. :D

It bought back a memeory of mine way back in 1955--I went to John Bright Street clinic for treatment on my right hand for eczma , went quiet a few times. Had to put my hand on a bed with this big lamp coming down towards my hand.

It cleared the Eczma up at the time, but for years it came back --always on my hand--if I was "stressed" --but we "soldier on" dont we.

It was very sad to read of your young man Kate :-[

Cheers Ann Marie :)
I was a recipient of the so-called 'Sun Ray treatment' as well - As far as I can recall, I used to be taken by my Mother up to the Childrens Hospital to have mine.  I'd be about 5 which would be in 1958.  I remember a room where all the kids and mums sat in various states of undress ( the kids that is !!! ) waiting for a nurse to call you into one of the treatment rooms.  I had to strip down to underpants and being a shy child, I found that very uncomfortable sitting there being stared at.   Why did I have it ?  Well I never had acne and wasn't undernourished - I believe it was because I suffered with catarrh as a child.  I remember you had to have those weird goggles on and would lie on your back for however long and then the nurse would tell you to turn over.  Once you'd been 'done to a turn' you got dressed and went home.  I suspect that it was totally ineffective in most cases.  I don't think it did anything for my catarrh which went eventually anyway !
I had sunray treatment at Sheep Street in the 50s. I'm not sure if anyone ever told me why but I had had rheumatic fever and was thin and pale, but the latter was caused through the small meals our mum served up throughout my upbringing. I remember the first time I had dinner at my girlfriend's house I couldn't help it when I said, 'bloody hell two dinners on one plate!'

But the sunray part of my life was very sci-fi, a sort of young lads introduction to Quatermass and the Pit. Lots of boys sat around in a circle stripped to our pants and wearing goggles looking at a strange light. No wonder I grew up weird. One time I went into the wrong room and was confronted by a circle of young girls similarly clad. At that age I was out of there like a shot and didn't need the lamp to go bright red!!!
Sun Ray Treatment

I too went for sun ray treatment, I think it was in Sheepcote Street off Broad Street, I suffered a lot with bronchitis, that's why I went, the one thing I remember about it was a horrible smell.
I also went to Open Air Schools for bronchitis, the doctor said the air in Birmingham made it worse, it was probably that my parents and their friends all smoked.

trebor (Rita)
Could be we did meet Pete. They certainly kept the boys and girls separate at Slade Clinic. As the others have noted it was such a strange experience
and nothing like anything else we had experienced up to that point. I am not sure if it did many any good at all. I had to go for quite a lot of sessions. It was always an excuse to get out of school though and I made the most of that.
Sun Ray Treatment

I had this treatment at Harvey Road Clinic in Yardley but I have no idea why! I was not undernourished , nor did I suffer with acne or broncchitis. Sadly, my mother is no longer with us so I can't find out anymore about this strtange treatment!:rolleyes:
Sun ray treatment in the early 50s

Very early 50s I can remember being carted off from school to some sun-ray centre. And if I remeber rightly it was mixed, boys and girls in one room in front of the lamp(s). Afterwards I was bathed in some kind of sheep-dip that tasted very salty. God knows why because I have always had perfect skin with a good colour, that even now never seems to age a day. :cool:
sunray treatment

I had sunray treatment at sheep st in the 50's it was the first time in my life i ever wore underpants, loved the walk from st vincents to sheep st (got me out of lessons) but hated sitting round that smelly lamp with big rubber goggles :cool:
Sunray treatment

I remember going for that,I used to get loads of colds and catarah.I can't remember exactly were it was,except we lived at Sparkhill and used to get on the bus down away from town by some shops.I don't know that it did me any good,I developed asthma later.My family down here had never heard of it.
Good grief.........another 'goggle wearer' here who had sun ray treatment (goodness knows what for, I'll have to ask my mother altho I'm not sure she'll remember). Oooh, hang on a minute...I had scarlet fever, could it have been for that I wonder?? I hated it, the smell of those goggles & sitting there in your undies.....you felt right stupid & very self conscious. I couldn't have been very old (maybe about 5 or 6?) & I cant remember where I had to go to.
My visits to the Slade Clinic for sunlight treatment were due to the fact that
I had had my tonsils out, my adenoids out and other ops in the Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital. Don't know if the treatments made any different. My doctor only perked up when I said I was leaving Birmingham to live in Canada in 1963.
I think the smoke and fog, etc. caused my problems. Could have been right because I have had little ill health, if any really over the years. :)
I was just reading the post re: 'Security Tokens' and a thought came into my head about sunlight treatment and low and behold there's a whole string on here of other peoples memories too!

I used to have to go for this treatment every week with my mom and she was given red plastic tokens to use on the bus instead of cash. I was supposed to attend for a number of sessions to complete the course but never did. I was severely asthmatic as a child and ended up having a collapsed lung and I think this was the reason why I was sent. After sitting round the lamp, girls as well as boys, I think I was five :-) we had to do excercise sessions in a gym, climbing up and down the wallbars. Each time I was near to completing a course of treatment I was ill with something else, so I think they just gave up sending me in the end! The one distinctive memory I have apart from sitting around in my pants, the funny goggles and the orange light, was the strong smell. Sometimes even now I whenever I smell a certain electrical kind of burning, my brain pings back to sitting in that room. Does anyone else remember the smell?

I searched and found a couple of pictures, before my time, but it gives the idea of what the treatment was like. It says that the treatment was given to sick and undernourished children - I think it was also supposed to cure rickets :-)
i remember going for the sun ray lamp it was a mixed session all sitting in our pants and goggles i would have been 5 or 6 years old mother would take me upto Moseley rd i think, i was going because i sufferd with asthma, it seems it was the cure for many things