master brummie
Today we held our annual fund raising coffee morning in the Mayors Reception Room at the Council House
here in Derby. It was quite well attended, last year we took over £400 which is not bad for a small branch,
at our bi/monthly meetings we normally get between 35 and 40, but as someone said none of are getting
any younger, in fact most of us are in their 70s.We are very lucky to have a first class secretary, quite a
number of ex/servce branchs are folding because the youngsters are not prepared to take on the offices like chairman etc.I think the exservicemen and veterans in this country are undervalued by nearly
everyone. Bernard
here in Derby. It was quite well attended, last year we took over £400 which is not bad for a small branch,
at our bi/monthly meetings we normally get between 35 and 40, but as someone said none of are getting
any younger, in fact most of us are in their 70s.We are very lucky to have a first class secretary, quite a
number of ex/servce branchs are folding because the youngsters are not prepared to take on the offices like chairman etc.I think the exservicemen and veterans in this country are undervalued by nearly
everyone. Bernard