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St Margaret Clitherow Girls School Pitts Farm Road


proper brummie kid
There is a post in the forum Homes, Hospitals and Workhouses which refers to the following schools; St Agnes' Grammar School for Girls, Sutton Rd.; St Thomas of Canterbury Boys School, Sutton Rd; St Margaret Clitherow Girls School, Pitts Farm Rd., sometimes refered to as Blessed Margaret Clitherow; and St Edmund Campion School.

The post is in the thread "Mansions in Erdington".

I wrote it in reply to a post that was relevant to that forum, but the information it contains really belongs on this forum. Anything I want to add on the subject, I'll add here - and oh dear reader, once I start blathering on...

Sorry to send you off on a trek!

There is a post in the forum Homes, Hospitals and Workhouses which refers to the following schools; St Agnes' Grammar School for Girls, Sutton Rd.; St Thomas of Canterbury Boys School, Sutton Rd; St Margaret Clitherow Girls School, Pitts Farm Rd., sometimes refered to as Blessed Margaret Clitherow; and St Edmund Campion School.

The post is in the thread "Mansions in Erdington".

I wrote it in reply to a post that was relevant to that forum, but the information it contains really belongs on this forum. Anything I want to add on the subject, I'll add here - and oh dear reader, once I start blathering on...

Sorry to send you off on a trek!

I went to St Margaret Clitherow aka Blessed Margaret Clitherow from 1970 to 1975. Was in Miss Ward's, Mrs Kent's and Mrs Wilson's, oh and Ms Davies classes during my time there. Anyone else there during those years?????
I went to St Margaret Clitherow aka Blessed Margaret Clitherow from 1970 to 1975. Was in Miss Ward's, Mrs Kent's and Mrs Wilson's, oh and Ms Davies classes during my time there. Anyone else there during those years?????
I presently teach at St Edmund Campion. I would love to learn more about it's history.
I went to St Margaret Clitherow aka Blessed Margaret Clitherow from 1970 to 1975. Was in Miss Ward's, Mrs Kent's and Mrs Wilson's, oh and Ms Davies classes during my time there. Anyone else there during those years?????
yes I went to blessed Margaret clitherows 1969 onwards. It changed to saint while I was there I recall deputy head miss Thomas and maths teacher sister barbra and loved mrs Kent brilliant lady , had to go to the park to play tennis at PE lesson and I remember the new 6th former building being built on front of school. I carnt think what miss ward taught but recall the name ….good memories..yatesy
yes I went to blessed Margaret clitherows 1969 onwards. It changed to saint while I was there I recall deputy head miss Thomas and maths teacher sister barbra and loved mrs Kent brilliant lady , had to go to the park to play tennis at PE lesson and I remember the new 6th former building being built on front of school. I carnt think what miss ward taught but recall the name ….good memories..yatesy
I went to st. Margaret clitherows school for one year in first year. I knew a Deborah silcock. And Betty who used to sit behind me. Also Christine McNally from Holly Lane. I was in Ms Davis class.
Hi I went there too , from 1970-1975. Remember all the teachers mentioned . Happy times
Which teacher/forms where you in during your time there?? I was in Miss Wards (1st & 2nd years), 3rd year a lovely teacher who taught English but cant remeber her name (tall with blonde hair), then in Mrs Kent's classes for 4th & 5th year.
Tim Oxley here, present teacher at St Edmund Campion. Lovely to see you exchange memories. Do you by any chance know what order of nuns worked at St Margaret Clitherow?
Tim Oxley here, present teacher at St Edmund Campion. Lovely to see you exchange memories. Do you by any chance know what order of nuns worked at St Margaret Clitherow?
Think it might have been either Order of St Agnes or Dominican Order.
Think it might have been either Order of St Agnes or Dominican Order.
Thank you for this. I know the Dominicans arrived in Erdington around 1892 and set up their convent in Hopwood House, Sir Josiah Mason had lived there. In 1956 approx they moved their convent to Silver Birch Road. I was talking to a Redemptorist priest who was Chair of Governors at St Agnes'/St Edmund Campion in 1975 and he thought it was a different order of nuns. He might have been mistaken. At one point in Erdington, there were three Catholic Secondary schools. No other part of Birmingham can say this. You must remember St Margaret Clitherow closing. I would love to know more and invite you to see the present day St Edmund Campion. It would be my pleasure to set this up for you and all who attended one of the schools at that time.
Thank you for this. I know the Dominicans arrived in Erdington around 1892 and set up their convent in Hopwood House, Sir Josiah Mason had lived there. In 1956 approx they moved their convent to Silver Birch Road. I was talking to a Redemptorist priest who was Chair of Governors at St Agnes'/St Edmund Campion in 1975 and he thought it was a different order of nuns. He might have been mistaken. At one point in Erdington, there were three Catholic Secondary schools. No other part of Birmingham can say this. You must remember St Margaret Clitherow closing. I would love to know more and invite you to see the present day St Edmund Campion. It would be my pleasure to set this up for you and all who attended one of the schools at that time.
Thank you for your response and if possible in would live to visit Edmund Campion school to see the changes to both the area itself and the school. I had finished schooling at St Margaret Clitheroe in July 1975 after my sitting CSE's/O'Levels so missed the change over of names and it becoming co-ed but my younger sister was there for the change over... remember the uniform being changed. I still have lots of very fond memories of St Margarets and my time there.... I even remember some of the teachers names and subjects they taught and I participated in ( and enjoyed or not), but unfortunately for some reason can only remember a few names of my fellow class pupils, doubt very much if they remember me either as didn't leave a lasting impression or foot print in the school to be remembered. But they were good days no matter.
yes I went to blessed Margaret clitherows 1969 onwards. It changed to saint while I was there I recall deputy head miss Thomas and maths teacher sister barbra and loved mrs Kent brilliant lady , had to go to the park to play tennis at PE lesson and I remember the new 6th former building being built on front of school. I carnt think what miss ward taught but recall the name ….good memories..yatesy
Hi Yatesy, you must have been a year ahead of me if you started in 1969, I'm sure I started in September of 1970. My first form teacher when I first went there (had same teacher for two years running 1st & 2nd years) was Miss Ward (Home Econ.), think she took a major dislike to me, I could do no right in her eyes for some reason, mind I hated and still do, cooking of any sort... it's a major chore to me, that's probably what she sensed hence her dislike. Like eating but not cooking!!! Then I had either Miss Davies ("friend" of Miss Thomas Dep. Head alledgedly) (R.E...we were unkind to her as had an uncomplementary nickname we used behind her back for her due to her weight/personal issues, always stood with her arms crossed and hands under armpits etc. Kids can be dreadful at times cant they??), Mrs Bottomley (English teacher, lovely teacher full of fun, always enjoyed her being my form & subject teacher) for 3rd year, then Mrs Kent (History - what a joy to be taught by and have as my form teacher for 2 years running) for 4th & 5th years. Gosh all the teachers names are coming back slowly to me... even some of the Nuns... Sister Barbara for Maths (tyrant if I remember right), the lovely gentle, beautiful Nun for French, Mrs Wilson (Geography, she used to bringnin LP's of classical music for us to listen to if we couldnt go outside or if our subject teacher was not available... Edvard Grieg - Pier Gynt Suite etc., again another teacher who "awoke" my love of something I still enjoy today - classical music ), Miss Davies(?) Biology/Science, can remember but not name of lovely, patient mature lady who taught sewing in 1st year, creating our sewing bags with basic embroidery name on, an apron for H.E., can't remember name of any other teacher for sewing after 1st year, but do remember a teacher supported my love for sewing which I retain to this day, she was an excellent patient, mentor, guided me in class and put me forward and helped me achieve my only O' Level in Dressmaking, rest of school exams were C.S.E's. Also, again can't remember her name, but the P.E. teacher (Miss Carr or Miss Orr) who used to hunt me out from my hiding places when I didn't want to go Cross Country Running in the park across road from school, come rain or shine during lunch break (remember once she caught me having lunch in the canteen before my run, I didn't want to miss out on the gorgeous steak & mushroom pie the canteen used to make, she literally dragged me out threatening detention If I didn't get changed and go running, she arranged for the pie to go on hot plate till I returned, still in running gear I might add to scoff it down ha ha). Do you remember the "Donkey Dip" the cross country runners used to circle on way back to school after going around park, past the little pond? Boy what good fun memories I have of my time there. Sports Days, Special Days (the change from Blessed to ST. Margaret Clitheroe, High Days & Holudays, Christmas plays, Carol Services aaaah tjose werebindeed good days..... Sorry hope didn't bore you, long excursion down memory lane for me regarding St Margaret's. Keep well. X
Thank you for sharing all of this important personal and historic information. Today we have just under 100 members of staff and over 1,000 students. School opens again on the 5th September. I will make contact after that for you and others who might like to have a look around. There are some pictures on our walls of St Margaret's. Can you remember when Blessed Margaret Clitheroe opened for the first time? She was made a saint in 1974. Edmund Campion was made a saint in the same year. I'm guessing that is why the school was renamed St Edmund Campion.
Hi noelani no you didn’t bore me you made me smile reminding me of some of the goings on that we girls got upto there lol. I had forgot about the donkey dip in the park, I used to do cross country running and tenis just to get out of school and sneak into shop.remember being made to playing rounders in pouring rain and moaning Allways late back for lessons. Sister Marie simons (think that was her name) taught me French and yes sister barbra was a tyrant taught maths certainly not a favourite of mine either lol I had heard from one of my class mates that the lovely Mrs Kent and her husband had died in a traffic accident in the 80s was sad to hear that. also a midwife who was with me on the birth of my first was a year above me and was able to remanice, but I must say that while I was there I never seen one fight or nastiness there even though at the time I couldn’t wait to leave i look back now and it was a good time . Nice to read old times. Allways felt safe but that was in our days. I live now in Cornwall so laid back such a difference from Birmingham now. nice talking to you take care
Hi Yatesy, you must have been a year ahead of me if you started in 1969, I'm sure I started in September of 1970. My first form teacher when I first went there (had same teacher for two years running 1st & 2nd years) was Miss Ward (Home Econ.), think she took a major dislike to me, I could do no right in her eyes for some reason, mind I hated and still do, cooking of any sort... it's a major chore to me, that's probably what she sensed hence her dislike. Like eating but not cooking!!! Then I had either Miss Davies ("friend" of Miss Thomas Dep. Head alledgedly) (R.E...we were unkind to her as had an uncomplementary nickname we used behind her back for her due to her weight/personal issues, always stood with her arms crossed and hands under armpits etc. Kids can be dreadful at times cant they??), Mrs Bottomley (English teacher, lovely teacher full of fun, always enjoyed her being my form & subject teacher) for 3rd year, then Mrs Kent (History - what a joy to be taught by and have as my form teacher for 2 years running) for 4th & 5th years. Gosh all the teachers names are coming back slowly to me... even some of the Nuns... Sister Barbara for Maths (tyrant if I remember right), the lovely gentle, beautiful Nun for French, Mrs Wilson (Geography, she used to bringnin LP's of classical music for us to listen to if we couldnt go outside or if our subject teacher was not available... Edvard Grieg - Pier Gynt Suite etc., again another teacher who "awoke" my love of something I still enjoy today - classical music ), Miss Davies(?) Biology/Science, can remember but not name of lovely, patient mature lady who taught sewing in 1st year, creating our sewing bags with basic embroidery name on, an apron for H.E., can't remember name of any other teacher for sewing after 1st year, but do remember a teacher supported my love for sewing which I retain to this day, she was an excellent patient, mentor, guided me in class and put me forward and helped me achieve my only O' Level in Dressmaking, rest of school exams were C.S.E's. Also, again can't remember her name, but the P.E. teacher (Miss Carr or Miss Orr) who used to hunt me out from my hiding places when I didn't want to go Cross Country Running in the park across road from school, come rain or shine during lunch break (remember once she caught me having lunch in the canteen before my run, I didn't want to miss out on the gorgeous steak & mushroom pie the canteen used to make, she literally dragged me out threatening detention If I didn't get changed and go running, she arranged for the pie to go on hot plate till I returned, still in running gear I might add to scoff it down ha ha). Do you remember the "Donkey Dip" the cross country runners used to circle on way back to school after going around park, past the little pond? Boy what good fun memories I have of my time there. Sports Days, Special Days (the change from Blessed to ST. Margaret Clitheroe, High Days & Holudays, Christmas plays, Carol Services aaaah tjose werebindeed good days..... Sorry hope didn't bore you, long excursion down memory lane for me regarding St Margaret's. Keep well. X
Hi Yatesy I think Miss Ward was the English teacher, I had her as my Form Mistress in 1st & 2nd years. 1970 to 1972... she terrified me. Sure she was a nice woman but I quaked for some reason while in her form & classes... breathed a sigh of relieve in 3rd year...ha ha.
Hi, I'm not sure anyone's on this forum now but I thought I'd add my two penneth. My name's Julie and I started at blessed Margaret clitheroe in 1969. I loved it, really enjoyed school.
It became St Margaret Clitheroe when I was in the 2nd year I believe. There was never any bullying it was a very good school. I remember several teachers. Sister Bernadette was headmistress and a really sweet nun, unlike sister Barbara maths teacher who was brutal!
There was Mrs Carr for English, Mrs Bingham for art, Mrs Ward for home etc and sweet Mrs Kent for history, I was so sad when I heard that she and her husband had been killed in a car crash on new year's eve, Mrs Kent was a great teacher. Mrs Wilson for History she's responsible for ruining my hand writing as in the last year there she just sat in her chair and dictated to us from a text book, we had to get it all down, nice teacher though. I also remember Miss Thomas deputy head.
I started in the B stream but because of good English results in my 2nd year exams Mrs Botobi asked if I'd like to move to the A stream, I did, big mistake though. They were doing different lessons in the A stream and I never caught up and didn't get very good results in my final exams.
In 3A the girls voted me form captain, not because I was popular but because no one wanted the job and I was the quiet new girl lol I loved it though and was form captain for 3 years.
The worst thing that happened to me at school was when I was form captain though, Mrs Ward our form teacher had to leave the room and it was form captains job to keep the class quiet, obviously that wasn't going to work and when she came back she made me stand at the front and name those who'd played up. A terrible thing to do to a child but I had no choice. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.
I remember loads of the girls there, my 2 best friends were Rose and Maureen and I've looked for them over the years but haven't found them. There was Jacincta, Angela, Michelle, Nula, Patricia, Marion I could go on.
I loved my years at that school and as soon as I left I wanted to go back. Great school!
Hi, I'm not sure anyone's on this forum now but I thought I'd add my two penneth. My name's Julie and I started at blessed Margaret clitheroe in 1969. I loved it, really enjoyed school.
It became St Margaret Clitheroe when I was in the 2nd year I believe. There was never any bullying it was a very good school. I remember several teachers. Sister Bernadette was headmistress and a really sweet nun, unlike sister Barbara maths teacher who was brutal!
There was Mrs Carr for English, Mrs Bingham for art, Mrs Ward for home etc and sweet Mrs Kent for history, I was so sad when I heard that she and her husband had been killed in a car crash on new year's eve, Mrs Kent was a great teacher. Mrs Wilson for History she's responsible for ruining my hand writing as in the last year there she just sat in her chair and dictated to us from a text book, we had to get it all down, nice teacher though. I also remember Miss Thomas deputy head.
I started in the B stream but because of good English results in my 2nd year exams Mrs Botobi asked if I'd like to move to the A stream, I did, big mistake though. They were doing different lessons in the A stream and I never caught up and didn't get very good results in my final exams.
In 3A the girls voted me form captain, not because I was popular but because no one wanted the job and I was the quiet new girl lol I loved it though and was form captain for 3 years.
The worst thing that happened to me at school was when I was form captain though, Mrs Ward our form teacher had to leave the room and it was form captains job to keep the class quiet, obviously that wasn't going to work and when she came back she made me stand at the front and name those who'd played up. A terrible thing to do to a child but I had no choice. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.
I remember loads of the girls there, my 2 best friends were Rose and Maureen and I've looked for them over the years but haven't found them. There was Jacincta, Angela, Michelle, Nula, Patricia, Marion I could go on.
I loved my years at that school and as soon as I left I wanted to go back. Great school!
Afternoon Julie,
Thank you for your last reply. Please call me Tim. In the years leading up to 1975, there were three Catholic Secondary Schools within a miles radius in Erdington. St Margaret Clitherow, St Agnes' and St Thomas' for Boys. I can only imagine that there was a lot of pressure from the Archdiocese of Birmingham and Birmingham City Council to amalgamate all three into one site. I know from talking with those who remember this time, it was very difficult. Firstly the Dominican nuns had been there since 1890 and were now being asked to give over their school. Secondly as I said previously, some staff had to be redeployed to other schools in Birmingham or face redundancy at that time.

Some of the nuns remained in a convent in Sliver Birch Road, which run alongside the school, until 1982. Blessed Margaret Clitherow became Saint Margaret Clitherow on the 25th October 1970. She was made a saint by Pope Paul V1. Edmund Campion became a saint on the same day in 1970.

The post code of St Edmund Campion is B23 5XA. I understand Manchester is a journey away but if you were ever down this way, I would love to show you around. Maybe on the back of these messages, you might contact some of you classmates or students who studied along with you.

Teaching has always been tough, but I started teaching when I was 30 and that was 28 years ago this year. I love my job and the staff and students I work alongside. I have a couple of years left in me yet, please God. Julie, students like yourself have played a pivotal role in the mission and history of our school. Just as the nuns began their ministry back in the 1890's, my prayer is that there will still be a school here in the 2090's. thanks to people like ourselves.

Blessings and best wishes on you and yours Julie,


There is such a rich history to this part of Birmingham once you open the doors.
Hi Tim,
thanks all that was most interesting.
St Agnes's and St. Margaret's were rivals :) we called them Aggiebags lol but it was a friendly rivalry they were the brain boxes (or so they thought ha!) :)
Interestingly I married a lad from St. Thomas's it wasn't to last but talk about keeping it in the family, our family of schools were very close really. Interlinked in one way or the other.
I do hope some of my mates find this website I can't tell you how wonderful it would be to catch up.
Have a good weekend
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