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St Gerards Hospital, Coleshill

Forgot to say that if you want to see pictures of the old place go to www.derelictplaces.co.uk We visit the old place every couple of years and have taken lots of photos. We just go in and hope that no one stops us. Wards 7 & 8 are derelict but there are lots of relicts inside which you can see. You will be able to view it from the above website
I remember a lot of these names. Do you remember me? Ingrid Martin?
I was a trainee nurse at St.Gerards early 1960's. Mother Catherine was in charge of the hospital. I remember Sr.Phillip, Sr.Beatrice ...can't put a name to the other nursing Sisters. Wards 7 & 8 were outside the hosp. way down a path & at 17 i was very scared alone on night duty. We lived in the nursing home and celebrities would visit ..The Rocking Berries was one band that i still have photo's. Nurses M.Gavaghan, B.Gavaghan, B.Dwyer, M.Wueschner.H.Casey, C.Dugan, A.Fahey.B.Cronin, P.Donohoe, A.Gallagher. Anyone out there that remembers any of the names ?
Ingrid, have just looked at your link, so sad to see it looking like that, hope you don't mind I have passed the lin on to my friends who used to work there too.
No probs! The photos are of Wards 7 and 8 as it was in my day although obviously in a mess now. In fact, the beds I used to be in are probably those shown in the picture. Also, the bath is one I used hundreds of times. It was to make me a very quick bather as there was always someone waiting to use it afterwards. People often are amazed at how quick I am in the bath or shower and that's the reason why!! I see someone called Hamill. Was that your name when nursing. It rings a bell. Were you blonde and started working on Ward 8 in September/November 1963? There was a nurse I remember with a similar name and she was 17 in the November of 1963 the same as me! Wonder if you are that same person?
I spent 2 weeks convalecence in St Gerrards Hospital when I was about 12 in 1942 after a spell in the General Hospital. I cannot recall which ward I was in but it appeared to be run by Nuns who were very kind (and very mysterious to me at the time) . Eric
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My name was Ethna Hamill & yes i was blonde. I didn't stay long at St.Gerards..can't remember how long... went to London. I remember Sheila Andrews & i can see lots of faces but can't put a name to them. Will have to find a photo taken with some patients & try to name them. I remember all the nuns you mentioned.
I am sure it is you that I remember. Were you 17 in November 1963? That is the main clue? Also did you work on Wards 7 and 8!
Yes i was 17 in Nov.1963 and worked on wds. 7&8. Were you one of the patients on that ward ? I remember the older girls used to learn typing skills and did their typing to music.
Yes, it is you Ethna, I remember now you had an unusual name. You had blonde boufant hair which stood out from the others. Do you remember your pink striped uniform!! I was the oldest patient in hospital in Sept/Nov and as such had certain privileges. I was allowed to go out into Coleshill during the day on my own for instance. Also, as I had left school, I did not have to suffer Sister Marianne!!! I went to visit her in the early 80's with my two children. She died a good while ago now. My email is jing_ransome@hotmail.com Will send you some pics if you make contact with me xx
Hi I was in St Gerrard from 1962 for a whole year. Remember seeing Frank Ifield who came for a visit and Irene Hendel (Michelle Drayne)
Colin Shorey:1947-1950.T.B.Spine.Sister Genieve.Statue of Jesus over looking the fish pool.Many memories.Any response?
Colin, the statue was still overlooking the fish pond when the hospital closed in 1998 and stayed there as far as I know. That pond was a lot deeper than it looked, one of our patients went for a walk to look at the fish and leant over too far and fell in, he was around 6 feet tall and the water was up to his neck. Luckily he had no ill effects from his impromptu dip.
Hi Colin you were probably on Wards 5 & 6 the boys' wards where you could see the pond with the statue. It's still there! The grounds are still the same! You were there a long time before me. My first visit was in 1957. Where do you live now?
Hi i had two stints on wards 5&6 in st gerards in 1968 for nine months then another 6 months in 69 i remember how kind everyone was and how beautiful the gardens were
i had two hip ops for perthes i remember the nuns and a nurse who could sing like an angel. I CAN REMEMBER VINCE HILL VISITING AT CHRISTMAS.
I can remember being taken to see a gang show in Coventry by coach even though i had both legs in plaster and going to midnight mass at the boys home
fond memories.
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It was Wards 1 & 2 and the area you are referring to was called The Terrace where the babies were! Sister Philip was the nun in charge of those wards
01 - St Gerrards 1917.jpg

Here's a picture of The Terrace as it was in 1917 when used as a covalecent home for the wounded service men of WW1
Interesting, thank you. However, this is in a slightly different locatiion to where it was when I was there. It is behind the buildings so quite close. Amazing that it was in existence so long ago! Were you a patient there?

Interesting, thank you. However, this is in a slightly different locatiion to where it was when I was there. It is behind the buildings so quite close. Amazing that it was in existence so long ago! Were you a patient there?

Good morning.I was confined with T.B.Spine[1947-1950]The picture refered to shows some similarity but much earlier.The ward was on 2 levels[babies lower] and looking from the ward was the statue of Jesus at the fish pond.We shared in all the Saints days,watching the processions of the Sisters who during the day were our teachers.Sister Genavive is the only name I can recall[Black habit] and at the age of 7,thank to her,I was able to multiply,divide and square root,long hand,no calculators then,seven figure numbers.I can see now this was to keep me busy.Look forward to reply,Colin [gcesta2@gmail.com]
Is there anyone out there who was a patient or was connected with the hospital in the late 50s or early 60s?

Hi there I was really pleased to see your message. I was a Student Nurse at St Gerards in 1968 a bit after your date but I have some great memories of fellow students, Eileen Johnson, Kay Salmon, Steph Kilgannon and so many more. I remember most of the nuns others have mentioned, it was sad the see the pictures of the now dilapidated buildings it was a very good hospital when I was there and I have lots of stories about my time there.
Hi there I was really pleased to see your message. I was a Student Nurse at St Gerards in 1968 a bit after your date but I have some great memories of fellow students, Eileen Johnson, Kay Salmon, Steph Kilgannon and so many more. I remember most of the nuns others have mentioned, it was sad the see the pictures of the now dilapidated buildings it was a very good hospital when I was there and I have lots of stories about my time there.
Hello,Thank you for the input.[gcesta2@gmail.com]It all seems a long time ago now and I am 70years next.The 4year period was a long time in my life from 4 to 7.I do not rall any sead moments and generally felt happy,listening to Dick Barton on the radio,The Harry lime theme was the popular tune.One of the best past times was Maths with Sister Genieve who taught me multiplicvation/division/Square roots with 6figure numbers[no calculators then].I was restrained in a lying down position on a frame.Hot in the summer cold in the winter with the open front of the ward.[TB.Spine].Have had no trouble since Spinal Fusionin 1957 surgeon Mr W.G.Allen ,were you linked with him.Take care ,again many thanks,Colin S
Sister Eta, I always thought it was Sister Rita!!! She was in charge of the boys' wards 5 & 6! I was on the girls' wards 7 & 8 opposite and the other side of the pond!
There was a Sister Rita there in 1991 when I started, I'm sure she worked in the kitchens, will ask my friend when she gets back to work.
Would love to have more inforation about that bath and any thing else about your stay there.

I was a patient at the hospital in 1982 at the age of 13 years old,I was under Mr Piggot and had stapling of the left femur as I was born with one leg longer than the other!
I was a patient for 2 weeks and after my operation I had the best time ever as there was only myself and another teenage boy from coleshill (Steven Baker) and the 82 Espana world cup was on and the nurses allowed us to stay up to watch the games!!
I seem to recall a nurse Kerr?
They used to wheel me over to the physio dept most mornings until I could raise my leg off the bed to be discharged for a family wedding.
I have browsed a few photos of the hospital today and have seen the bath that I had to have a salt bath in on the morning of the operation,that was a blast from the past .
It was a great hospital and all of the nurses were superb,the nuns were a little more strict!!
My friend Mary was a catholic girl and wanted to be a nurse so she was " volunteered " to go along to St Gerards on a Sunday and help out. She wouldn`t go on her own so I went with her a few times. We were on a ward with a big veranda and all the patients were boys. From what I recall they all had their hips in plaster and a bar across from their ankles. Some were there for years. We would read and play board games and empty the pee bottles !!! That was a bit daunting as we were only about 13 or 14. At lunch time we would help serve lunch and afterwards one of the nuns would call us to the kitchen and put a plate in front and then sit with us whilst we ate our Sunday roast. It was the first time I had met any nuns and was a bit shy. Some were really lovely others frightened us to death. Mary went on to be nurse. I started training at Little Bromwich Hospital but only lasted 2 days, but that's another tale!!
reply to feb 23 2012.sorry for delay Rugeley,Nr Lichfield.Had my 71 birthday this year and feel well.Read your thread initiation blog,most interesting,and this raises lost memories.We have obviously contacted before.I am talking 1946 -50 age 3-7yrs old.trust you are well too.Cheers Colin
This has been soo lovely to read of all the reminiscing -
i am wondering ethna if you have links to crewe cheshire and are the daughter of a henry &margaret hamill
Who once resided at 133 mill st ?

kind regards to you all
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