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St Agnes High School Grammar School

Helen, Dee and Maisie, I was in your class too. I was Kathryn Wilkes in those days.. this has brought back such memories for me as I had such good times at St Agnes although I was quite naughty at school we had great laughs too. I remember all the teachers that have been mentioned and also the Birmingham Youth Theatre that Maisie and I went to. I remember speech and drama where Sister Mildred used to play music and we had to be leaves swirling to the music
Loved the sports rounders, netball and tennis.
Would love to hear from you and anyone who remembers me.
Hi Kathryn
It’s Maisie ! Now Mary Gottlieb I remember you too hope all is well
I have only just found this thread. How lovely! I was at Aggies from 1968 (form 1B, Mrs Boaz) until 1975. The only name I recognise, sorry to say, although we were in different year groups, is Maisie McElroy. I always loved that name, so much so that I use it as a nom de plume on Pinterest. Sorry Maisie!

In my year I remember Moira Sutton, with whom I was at primary school, passed away, alas, and also Helen McNamara. Such a shame for both of them. Other names that ring a bell are Annette Ball, Susan Howell, Anne Hartley, (still a close friend), Anne Smart, Barbara Biel, Mary Evans, Krystyna Zubrzyska, Sylvia Allen - I’m sure there are more, but a dodgy memory plagues me!

Teachers….Sr Ingrid became Sonia Swan, Sr Sebastien drove rally cars at the weekend, Miss Cleary and her weird pronunciation of sexual / sectual which used to make us snigger. Sr Ingrid taught us speech and drama. I used to hate tripping around that hall in bare feet. There was a Mr Duncan, I vaguely recall, whose lessons were occasionally sabotaged by hiding an alarm clock behind the blackboard, set to ring midway through his lesson. Mr Sutton threw chalk during physics lessons if anyone was talking. He wasn’t a great shot, though.

I would love to visit Aggies again, just to see how much it has changed. My name is Eileen.
That’s hysterical about Pinterest there so many Mary’s in my family my mother called me Maisie and it’s the name I went through school with but when I went to Newman I had to use my official name my family still call me Maisie
Hello Eileen, Lovely to hear from you. I love reading all the old stories and characters who helped shape 'Aggies'. I would love to welcome you and give you a tour. Some has changed but a lot remains the same. You are welcome to contact me on the schools email oxleyt@stedcamp.bham.sch.uk. If you know others who would like to join you, just let me know.

Hi Tim,
I’m sorry to have taken so long to reply, but I don’t visit this forum as often as I should. Thank you so much for the invitation to come and visit my old school. I shall definitely take you up on your kind offer, and will be in touch on the school’s email!
kind regards,
That’s hysterical about Pinterest there so many Mary’s in my family my mother called me Maisie and it’s the name I went through school with but when I went to Newman I had to use my official name my family still call me Maisie

Hi Maisie,
Thank you for taking it so well! :)
Hi Kathryn
It’s Maisie ! Now Mary Gottlieb I remember you too hope all is well
Maisie, hi! Helen Dunn here ( now Wheadon). I’ve just tried to find you on Facebook but….who knew Mary Gottlieb was such a common name!! If you’re on Facebook I’d love to link up. I live in Worcester now, just south of Bham. X
Hi Tim,
I’m sorry to have taken so long to reply, but I don’t visit this forum as often as I should. Thank you so much for the invitation to come and visit my old school. I shall definitely take you up on your kind offer, and will be in touch on the school’s email!
kind regards,

Lovely to hear from you. I have four past students coming to visit next Thursday 6th April. It is lovely to see so many renewing acquaintances. You are most welcome to visit.
I have only just found this thread. How lovely! I was at Aggies from 1968 (form 1B, Mrs Boaz) until 1975. The only name I recognise, sorry to say, although we were in different year groups, is Maisie McElroy. I always loved that name, so much so that I use it as a nom de plume on Pinterest. Sorry Maisie!

In my year I remember Moira Sutton, with whom I was at primary school, passed away, alas, and also Helen McNamara. Such a shame for both of them. Other names that ring a bell are Annette Ball, Susan Howell, Anne Hartley, (still a close friend), Anne Smart, Barbara Biel, Mary Evans, Krystyna Zubrzyska, Sylvia Allen - I’m sure there are more, but a dodgy memory plagues me!

Teachers….Sr Ingrid became Sonia Swan, Sr Sebastien drove rally cars at the weekend, Miss Cleary and her weird pronunciation of sexual / sectual which used to make us snigger. Sr Ingrid taught us speech and drama. I used to hate tripping around that hall in bare feet. There was a Mr Duncan, I vaguely recall, whose lessons were occasionally sabotaged by hiding an alarm clock behind the blackboard, set to ring midway through his lesson. Mr Sutton threw chalk during physics lessons if anyone was talking. He wasn’t a great shot, though.

I would love to visit Aggies again, just to see how much it has changed. My name is Eileen.
I was at St Agnes from 68 - Christmas 73. My name was Maureen O’Farrell. I was in 1B, 2M, 3C and 4G2. My friends were Catherine Burke and Imelda Donnelly. I remember Helen McNamara whose father died on the day we broke up for the Christmas hols. Was Eileen the girl who drew the most amazing horses and Barbara Biel created cartoons. I developed psoriasis while at school and you all kept a wide berth thinking it was contagious consequently I was the quiet one. I remember Caroline McCallaghan who was a judge’s daughter. I came up from Ss Peter & Paul with Frances Reagan and Patricia Blake. I also recall there were three Imeldas in my year, Imelda Donnelly and Imelda Day but I can’t remember the other name. I remember all the teachers and Ss Mary Collett was very young and wrote songs. She took a group to York to celebrate that city’s 1,500th anniversary and we stayed in a hostel by the river. When she took off her habit, she had the most amazing long black hair.
Hello Maureen! I remember your name. I was at Aggies from 1968 to 1975 when I left to go to art school. Yes, I drew horses. (Thank you so much for the compliment). Barbara was the cartoonist. I remember the names of Imelda Donnelly and Catherine Burke. Yes, Helen’s father had pancreatic cancer, poor chap. I don’t remember you developing psoriasis, you poor thing, but I had a succession of allergic eczemas so would have been most sympathetic. I was definitely in 1B and 2M, but can’t recall third year at all. Then I was in 4S and 5S. My sister followed me to Aggies, but at 5 years younger than us spring chickens, you probably wouldn’t have met her.
I was at St Agnes from 68 - Christmas 73. My name was Maureen O’Farrell. I was in 1B, 2M, 3C and 4G2. My friends were Catherine Burke and Imelda Donnelly. I remember Helen McNamara whose father died on the day we broke up for the Christmas hols. Was Eileen the girl who drew the most amazing horses and Barbara Biel created cartoons. I developed psoriasis while at school and you all kept a wide berth thinking it was contagious consequently I was the quiet one. I remember Caroline McCallaghan who was a judge’s daughter. I came up from Ss Peter & Paul with Frances Reagan and Patricia Blake. I also recall there were three Imeldas in my year, Imelda Donnelly and Imelda Day but I can’t remember the other name. I remember all the teachers and Ss Mary Collett was very young and wrote songs. She took a group to York to celebrate that city’s 1,500th anniversary and we stayed in a hostel by the river. When she took off her habit, she had the most amazing long black hair.
I was at St Agnes from 68 - Christmas 73. My name was Maureen O’Farrell. I was in 1B, 2M, 3C and 4G2. My friends were Catherine Burke and Imelda Donnelly. I remember Helen McNamara whose father died on the day we broke up for the Christmas hols. Was Eileen the girl who drew the most amazing horses and Barbara Biel created cartoons. I developed psoriasis while at school and you all kept a wide berth thinking it was contagious consequently I was the quiet one. I remember Caroline McCallaghan who was a judge’s daughter. I came up from Ss Peter & Paul with Frances Reagan and Patricia Blake. I also recall there were three Imeldas in my year, Imelda Donnelly and Imelda Day but I can’t remember the other name. I remember all the teachers and Ss Mary Collett was very young and wrote songs. She took a group to York to celebrate that city’s 1,500th anniversary and we stayed in a hostel by the river. When she took off her habit, she had the most amazing long black hair.
I was at St Agnes from 68 - Christmas 73. My name was Maureen O’Farrell. I was in 1B, 2M, 3C and 4G2. My friends were Catherine Burke and Imelda Donnelly. I remember Helen McNamara whose father died on the day we broke up for the Christmas hols. Was Eileen the girl who drew the most amazing horses and Barbara Biel created cartoons. I developed psoriasis while at school and you all kept a wide berth thinking it was contagious consequently I was the quiet one. I remember Caroline McCallaghan who was a judge’s daughter. I came up from Ss Peter & Paul with Frances Reagan and Patricia Blake. I also recall there were three Imeldas in my year, Imelda Donnelly and Imelda Day but I can’t remember the other name. I remember all the teachers and Ss Mary Collett was very young and wrote songs. She took a group to York to celebrate that city’s 1,500th anniversary and we stayed in a hostel by the river. When she took off her habit, she had the most amazing long black hair.
Dear Eileen,

I don't know what I've done here. Hope you receive this reply. I would love to welcome you to St Edmund Campion sometime in the autumn term. I know a Mary Evans who was a student in St Agnes', it might be the same person. My email address is oxleyt@stedcamp.bham.sch.uk. Please feel free to mention to others if they might wish to visit. Tim
I went to St St Agnes’s from 1967/8 to 1973. I was in York House. Miss Boaz ( later Mrs Cohen) was my first form teacher . Sistet Mary Ingrid ( Sonia Swan) Headteacher. Mrs Coleman school Secretary ☹️ Sr MARY Francis,,Mrs Nowak, Miss D’Souza, Mr Grey , Miss Harris , Frau Stockton to name a few teachers . My name was Mary Driscoll. Freda Kennedy, Carol Bennet , Angela Nowak , Pauline Clifford , Louise Milliken , Carla Mizzoni, Geraldine Smith, Magda Wodjiehowska, Etalka Fenton, Maura Dowling, Catherine Downes, Bridget Nash, Teresa O’Malloy , Helen Byrne , we’re some of the names I remember in class .
Hi stumbled on this site I am the Maisie who wanted to be an actress .. became an Art teacher instead (though I was with the Birmingham Youth Theatre till I left school Maisie was a nickname I was actually Mary McElroy
Went to Newman College to train with some at Agnes pupils Abigail Kelly Geraldine Moylan and a few others
My parents relocated to Ireland my first year of college and I went there when I qualified taught in Co Down for 4 years then went to the Bahamas to teach in 1981 where I have lived ever since ( though go back to Ireland often ) I married a Bahamian of German background and have 3 children twin girls who are 30 and a son who is 29 long retired from teaching
Amazing to see my name on this forum I actually have fond memories of St Agnes and remember all the teachers mentioned
Ah, so glad to hear from you Maisie and to be reassured that I wasn’t imagining it! I was in the year above you (1966-73) so we never really ‘met’ I just remember noticing your poise and admiring your ambition! Sounds like life has been good to you!
I went to St St Agnes’s from 1967/8 to 1973. I was in York House. Miss Boaz ( later Mrs Cohen) was my first form teacher . Sistet Mary Ingrid ( Sonia Swan) Headteacher. Mrs Coleman school Secretary ☹️ Sr MARY Francis,,Mrs Nowak, Miss D’Souza, Mr Grey , Miss Harris , Frau Stockton to name a few teachers . My name was Mary Driscoll. Freda Kennedy, Carol Bennet , Angela Nowak , Pauline Clifford , Louise Milliken , Carla Mizzoni, Geraldine Smith, Magda Wodjiehowska, Etalka Fenton, Maura Dowling, Catherine Downes, Bridget Nash, Teresa O’Malloy , Helen Byrne , we’re some of the names I remember in class .
I remember some of those names. But we weren’t in the same year as I started in 66.
Dear friend, it is so lovely to hear from you. Thank you for getting in touch. You will be delighted to know that while we may no longer be called St Agnes', the ethos and values are as strong as ever. I would love to know more as to what life was like as a student back then. If you and your friends would like to visit, I would be honoured to help arrange this. I am a strong believer in the oral tradition of story telling. Please feel free to get in touch again. Historically you started the year after Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne. In school we are about to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee, faith or coincidence. As a student of Aggies and your friends, you will always be welcome here.
Are you the Head Teacher of Edmund Campion?