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gone but not forgotten
I have seen some members on this forum; discusting ghost
stories and experiences. and i was wondering because i have heard of things just of late about spiristualist ;
where they go to churches and meeting church halls
and they have these people there and they come out and asked people or they tell people things as any member ever been to one
or even what are members views on this subject as i am conterplatinggong to one myself
best wishes astonian ;;
Hi Astonian - I don't believe in this myself but they may well be entertaining if you like that sort of thing. I would suggest watching Derren Brown who gives I think an even-handed investigation into these

The only spirit you should have is out of the bottle Astonian. When are we going to see that book of yours??????/
I was sceptical until two things happened during the past decade.

When I moved into this cottage I always got the feeling that I wasn't alone - then something happened one night that really convinced me that there is another 'presence' here. I'm not going into detail, because you'll all think I'm batty - BUT - exactly the same thing happened to my son when he was staying here some time later, and a previous occupant of the house has confirmed that they had strange things happen too. (this place dates back to the mid 1700s). I must add - it's not scary, I feel it's looking after me.

Then, a couple of years ago, a friend asked me if I'd go and see Colin Fry with her, at the theatre in Rhyl. She is the daughter of Alan Breeze, some of you may remember he sang with the Billy Cotton band show. I always knew her brother had died young, but not much more, so on the way to the theatre she filled me in on the details of his tragic death, and how she'd always felt a sense of guilt over how he was found after his accident. (she was only 10 and had been sent to look for him, but had wandered off to do something else instead)
Anyway, yes, you've guessed it - Colin Fry picked up something - and the details and the messages passed on were uncannily correct. Spine chilling stuff.
I personally would never go to one and even the last page of REVELATION has something to say on this subject. It is a personal choice Alan and you must make your own mind up. Take care. Jean.
Ive seen a couple of spriitualist/mediums and have an open mind,some gave very relevant information,some were way off the mark,luck of the draw i think lol! have been to see john starkey and he wasnt very impressive at all, steve
There was one that Ed Doolan used to visit living in the next road to us. She told our next door neight that there was an aura of death about our house as bodies used to be stored there prior to burial. We later met the woman who grew up there and she laughed out loud as her father (who was local undertaker and carpenter) stored the bodies 2 miles away at his premises. I would not have minded but it failed to cause my Mother in Law to move out.
I think for a time after you have lost a loved one you are pretty gullible and find it difficult to let go (I know I was when I lost my Wife after 46 years of marriage) and mediums/spiritulists know this and cash in on the fact, this of course is just my opinion, others may feel different and gain comfort by visiting them. Ghosts are a differentkettle of fish. I do not believe in them but I do try to have an open mind and have heard of experiences that defy explanation. Eric
I have often heard about 'spiritulists' who give vague information - 'you have lost someone close recently' haven't most people who go to see a spiritulist? 'Someone close to you has health problems' who hasn't got health problems, however minor? Most of them are very clever at getting the information from you without you realising and then feeding it back to you and people think wow - they are good!

However some years ago my sister went to see one who was reccommended to her and she was very accurate with details - she said that my dad 'was there' and relayed very specific information to my sister including the date of his birthday. She also encouraged you to take a cassette tape (I did say it was some years ago!) and record it all so that you could listen to it over the following year as some things may not make sense for some time - which my sister found very true.
A friend of mine also went to see her and she accurately described the house she lived in - which was not a 'typical' house. Again things she was told came to light over the following year - although not in a way that she was influenced about decisions by the tape and made them happen.

I now regret not going to see her myself although at the time I was a bit scared of going.
I think there are some good ones out there but there are even more 'fakes'
Polly :)
Hi All.

I have a very good friend whose wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Together they joined a Spiritulist Church so that after she had gone she might be able to communicate. She did pass away after a time and my friemd continued to go to the chuirch but his wife never communicated. However there is a happy ending as my friend met another lady (a widow) at the church and after a suitable length of time they married and have lived happily together ever since.

As for myself I believe that we have one life and that is it so make the best of it whilst you can.

Old Boy
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Hi Fiends
many thanks for all my dear friends on this forum whom have given me and
and expressed there viewson the subject of spirualist
as one or two have said it a personal thing for one to decide on ; i have heard of several experieces over the years of my life ,and i have also have had many years of experiences my self in tis world
and just like one person said if you tell peoplee about it they think you are barmy and nutty ;
but i am also aware there are more fakes than the genuine people ;
whom i do beleive ae genuine with this fore given gift , and this percentage of people are a very small one
on this planet ; the story of alan fry or alan breeze with billy cotton made me think opf a couple of things
and as billy cotton was a very close friend to my grand father even when he died attended to funeral at victoria rd aston when he died along with my grand mother
whom wasalso intrested and involved with spirulistum, and may be there was some think in it
i know they did regulary go to the lodge rd church for these spirulist meeting even my mother when she was young went with her mother. and i learnt aunt ivy jelf and another aunt lil was also involved with spirulist;
so yes i am a little sceptic myself even thou i had my first expeiences at a very early year in my life
and from time to time things do reoccure of i have been here before ;feeling
and i do and are aware are the conns whom exploit the weak people and i know of how they extract things from people and exploit them ; and charge extortan prices ;
one again folks thanks for your input on your views ; astonian ;;
I personally, have no doubt whatsoever that SOME spiritualists are genuine; that there are such things as spirits/ghosts; and that there IS an 'After-Life'. Of course, I may just be psychotic, deluded or insane; (well, no one is perfect) but my life-experiences have led me to this conclusion ... only time will tell!
That is true John and I read something Beryl wrote that said "no one knows the whole truth" well not us earthlings. Jean.