Hi all
can anyone remember wnen birmingham parks had thier own x factor.in the late 1940s some of the city parks put up a large tent and held weekly talent shows.the winner was the one who received
the loudest applause .no phone in to select the winner.
I used to go to the one in sparkhill park .two of the acts i remember were alad named billy ??
Who used to do a whistling act who used to live around baker street and another act was ayoung
girl who did acrobatics .i believe she was the daughter of mr powell who owned the cycle shop half
way down percey road in sparkhill .any one also remember these days
can anyone remember wnen birmingham parks had thier own x factor.in the late 1940s some of the city parks put up a large tent and held weekly talent shows.the winner was the one who received
the loudest applause .no phone in to select the winner.
I used to go to the one in sparkhill park .two of the acts i remember were alad named billy ??
Who used to do a whistling act who used to live around baker street and another act was ayoung
girl who did acrobatics .i believe she was the daughter of mr powell who owned the cycle shop half
way down percey road in sparkhill .any one also remember these days