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South Yardley, Broadstone Rd (originally Pool Lane)

Searching for 'Ivydale' on the 1911 census in Solihull (district) results in 2 households - that of your ancestor, William Starkey and that of Tom Ernest Weatherhogg (great name btw).

Tom Weatherhogg is listed as a farmer, grazier and general dealer with family and servants, including 2 grooms. There are also a number of mentions of him in Bham newspapers in the 1910s at Ivydale Farm, Yardley.
I lived in this area in 1940's. Even then Ivydale had been demolished. It had been on the area of Queens Rd, Broadstone Rd and Meadway.
I guess this must have been Ivydale Farm.


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I have been investigating on Ancestry.com and I have a family Great Great Uncle living at "Ivydale" on the 1911 Census, named William Starkey. I think it must be the Farm house but if anyone has any information on him or the Farm house, please let me know.
See reply on your other thread