Lord Richard
I was born in the Sorrento Hospital in January 1945. According to the family story, my father drove my mother there in their red MG sports car - I forget the model, but they were quite popular and sought after! The dilemma was that he had the task of driving me there fast to make sure I was not born on the floor of the MG. On the other hand, the faster he drove the more the more bumpy the ride and the greater the threat of my arriving before we all reached the hospital.
There was to be another 'dilemma' shortly after I was born. It seems that as I (allegedly) was brought to my mother for an early feed, my mother sensed that she had been given another baby! 'My' 'swaddling clothes' were eventually unwrapped to 'prove' that 'I' was not 'me'! The baby about to suckle had normal toes. I had two webbed toes on both feet. The real 'I' was recovered about to suckle from an Eastern European lady. You can draw your own conclusions about what might have happened had I not been born with webbed toes!
I was interested in the postings about the hospital being known as the 'Stork Hospital'. Certainly, that was the family 'story' on how babies were brought into the world - said with knowing near merriment. Also, the posting about 'sugar bag' babies. Again, my mother frequently referred to very small premature babies in terms of sugar bags.
Lord Richard
There was to be another 'dilemma' shortly after I was born. It seems that as I (allegedly) was brought to my mother for an early feed, my mother sensed that she had been given another baby! 'My' 'swaddling clothes' were eventually unwrapped to 'prove' that 'I' was not 'me'! The baby about to suckle had normal toes. I had two webbed toes on both feet. The real 'I' was recovered about to suckle from an Eastern European lady. You can draw your own conclusions about what might have happened had I not been born with webbed toes!
I was interested in the postings about the hospital being known as the 'Stork Hospital'. Certainly, that was the family 'story' on how babies were brought into the world - said with knowing near merriment. Also, the posting about 'sugar bag' babies. Again, my mother frequently referred to very small premature babies in terms of sugar bags.
Lord Richard