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Soho Road Handsworth

thread closed until we have time to move all off topic posts from post 602 onwards and place them under the surname interests of the forum under the title of thomas wilson palmer

the team
Burton’s the Tailors shop on Soho Road has lost its name on top of the building and has suffered a very poor window treatment in one window recess. Maybe some original signage has been presernved under the ‘Noor’ sign. Also wonder if any of the marble plaques placed at most Burton’s shops have survived at ground level. Be worth a look if anyone is passing, they’ll have named members of the Burton family engraved on them. Very little of the original ground level seems to be there after modern window replacement. Viv..


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Seems to be very little space under windows for plaques. Unlike others I have seen.
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I worked for Newport and Green who ran the little discount market type place, on the front they sold men's clothes, shirts, anoraks etc and at the back groceries.

They also ran the newsagents on the corner of Soho Road and Nineveh Road a few doors down, the building is still there, on the left, but not a newsagents now.
I worked for Newport and Green who ran the little discount market type place, on the front they sold men's clothes, shirts, anoraks etc and at the back groceries.

They also ran the newsagents on the corner of Soho Road and Nineveh Road a few doors down, the building is still there, on the left, but not a newsagents now.
I wonder if the dance studio is still there? I remember that one and Gilbert & Harding (I think) near the Odeon on Birchfield Rd. Sorry to be off topic.
I wonder if the dance studio is still there? I remember that one and Gilbert & Harding (I think) near the Odeon on Birchfield Rd. Sorry to be off topic.
I think that had gone before I worked there, it was on the other corner I believe, think I've seen a photo.
The small block of new shops set back from Soho Road was there then - this is 1966 to 1968 - so the row of old buildings had been demolished by then.

Enid Goodwins was the dance school off Birchfield Road, Livingstone Road I think.
Just about recognisable with much ground floor alteration, a camping supply shop at 131 Soho Road. The older image is from 1966. Lots of sun loungers and folding chairs on display. Probably increasing in popularity as garden furniture (as well as for camping) by this time.

Next door at the newsagents/tobacconist is a Meccano, Hornby, Dinky enamel sign next to the first floor window. Must have been a popular shop with children. And there’s a doggie in the window - real ? Viv.



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This row of shops in the 1960s is still recognisable today. It’s opposite the Red Lion and near the junction with Boulton Road ( the houses just in view on Boulton Road have gone). The glimpse of the Little Red Shop looks like a hardware shop. Not sure what Alan’s was on the corner (linen, curtains, fabrics perhaps ?) but it seems popular. Doubtless some will remember the sweet shop next door. Viv.



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View attachment 116069 This is the picture I promised Stephen I would post of Soho Road at the junction with Boulton Road. Boulton Road is to the right and The Little Red Shop is the shop on the corner of Boulton Road. I have viewed this with a jewellers' loupe and it is clear that the articles outside, although I could not identify them individually, are hardware items such as buckets, etc. I used to live (1960-64) in Linwood Road, which is to the left, just past the bus stop. This photo was taken during the 1950's.
Do you remember the Drs surgery in Linwood Road Dr Warlow was my doctor.
This row of shops in the 1960s is still recognisable today. It’s opposite the Red Lion and near the junction with Boulton Road ( the houses just in view on Boulton Road have gone). The glimpse of the Little Red Shop looks like a hardware shop. Not sure what Alan’s was on the corner (linen, curtains, fabrics perhaps ?) but it seems popular. Doubtless some will remember the sweet shop next door. Viv.

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I think Wilds was a tobacconist where I bough a cherry weed pipe from. And where the older photo was taken was WT Baker, a butcher I worked at after school and on Saturday!
Great memories, thank you!
Number 134 is now part of a beauty products shop. Back in 1964 #134 was next to (left of) Sports House at #136, and has subsequently been joined with 136 to make a double shop.Viv.

You wouldn’t guess the original purpose of this building by the modern view. Originally very functional looking building. Remember when you went to the Employment Office to get your passport. I went to the Corporation Street Offices for mine in the 1960s. Viv.

Source: British Newspaper Archive


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Thank you for all your wonderful photographs of corner of Boulton Road/Soho Road Handsworth which brought us many happy childhood memories from 1950's - 1960's. Fond memories of the little Red Shop which was a hardware shop where you could by just one screw rather than the modern multi packs
My nana had a newsagents 178 Soho Rd Handsworth. Helen Dorrington was her name. Busy shop - first place in Handsworth to sell ice lollies raspberry split - nana worked in the shop til she was over 75
Mrs Buck was a customer bought snuff every week.
Nana had 2 diligent shop assistants, Margaret auburn curly hair and Edith her sister. Lease expired in early 60’s so they left. My grandad was goalie for Birmingham City around 1900 Jack Dorrington on wiki.
Shops around there were Bains cake shop, Tibbets fishmonger-granddad kept Holte Hotel whe he retired
Anyone have memories passed down about the shop or the area?
in 1884, 178 Soho Road, near Grove Lane was opened by GE Doughty of Hockley Bakery as a branch shop for sale of bread, flour and confectionery.
In March 1908 the Birmingham Gazzette report on the game between Birmingham City and Blackburn, 1-1 draw. A grand low drive gave Dorrington no chance.
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