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Soho Hill


master brummie
I know a man doing some serious research and has been looking for some considerable time for photos of Soho Hill before they demolisehd the houses and built the Hockley Flyover. There is a house in particular he wishes to be able to see, very near the corner of Richmond Road. The library does not have any, but if anyone knows a man (or woman) who does, please can they be persuaded to post them on here? Shortie
hi shortie...im pretty sure ive posted at least one old pic of soho hill..if you bear with me i will try and locate it....not sure if it was the richmond rd end though

Lyn, that would be wonderful, maybe the house in question might still be visible, even from the bottom of the hill? I shall wait patiently to see what you can find and then we will see. Shortie
hi shortie...no luck so far..i usually have a fairly good memory for pics...especially the ones i have posted..it maybe that the pic i am thinking of showing soho hill came under another thread title so i will keep searching....

hi shortie...well ive located the pic i was thinking about...it was under the cinema thread because it shows the the abc cinema on the left....taken before the flyover was built looking down the hill...im afraid it wont show your friends old house by richmond road but its a start...hope its of use..this pic was posted by richie....



  • Hockley Paladium Soho Hill.jpg
    Hockley Paladium Soho Hill.jpg
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Lyn, thanks very much. Just a couple of hundred yardsup the hill would be marvellous! This is how I remember it, the walls on the right are from the houses that backed on to Claremont Road, the row of houses next to them would be where I am interested it. it's for a chap doing research on a gold and silver pen maker, and he has been looking since about 2002, to no avail. His book is already in print, but he is still looking for the house. The penmaker was John Sheldon who prior to living at Watt Place on Soho Hill, lived at 55 Gt Hampton Street, which is almost next door to the old Swallow Raincoat factory. It's now painted bright turquoise and is a recording studio. I won't comment on that except to mention taste, or lack of it! I shall forward this to him anyway, I am sure he will be pleased. Thanks again. Shortie
hi shortie...its often the way when we are seaching for a perticular house that one turns up thats just out of shot but i will keep searching for your friend...yes i know the place you are on about in gt hampton st and i too shall make no comment....


hi shortie...its often the way when we are seaching for a perticular house that one turns up thats just out of shot but i will keep searching for your friend...yes i know the place you are on about in gt hampton st and i too shall make no comment....


I too have been looking for this elusive photograph for some time, There is nothing in the main library archives. I came across a recently published book on Hockley that had a couple of photographs with the house just out of view. The photographs were taken by the PWD, presumably while the flyover was being built. Unfortunately these were the only ones that the author had. The house was No. 2 Watt Place and was opposit the Roebuck pub which is now boarded up. This photo would be the final piece in the jigsaw of John Sheldon.

The Pen Room
Once that final piece of jigsaw is found our friend in Epsom will be very pleased. I was rather hoping that someone would have just the picture in their private collection - surely someone must have watched as those houses came down and decided to take a quick snap for posterity? I always was an optimist.................. Shortie
hi malcolm...do you have that hockley book and if so would you be able to scan and post the pics you mentioned please...shortie..dont give up yet...this is well posted on the forum but it took me almost 3 years to find a pic of the the vine inn...villa st..it was opposite were i lived...now this pub was not demolished until 1978 so one would have thought it would have been so easy to find a pic of...not so im afraid...then quite by chance i was talking last year to an old mate who lived just down from me in villa st and i asked if he had any pics of the vine...he hadnt but was almost sure his uncle had...anyhow he took a trip to see him a few days later and lo and behold the next thing i knew he was knocking me door with said pic....the pic was taken by the public works dept in 1958...needless to say this is one of my prized photos.....

OK, Lyn, won't give up. Like your story of The Vine, I am hoping that one pops up. I remember the houses there quite well, so someone must have surely taken a photo just before they came down. Shortie
shortie..i have always said that somewhere there is an image of most places...and quite often in private collections and we never know when they will crop up...i still have a lot of old brum newspapers to go through when i have the time so i will keep em peeled...

Thanks Lyn. No hurry, but it will be SO nice when we finally are able to pinpoint 2 Watt Place. Shortie
Lyn. Maggieuk has got the Hockley book as well, I know, because I gave it to her, funnily enough at the last Black Eagle meet up. She may be able to scan some pics in. I did scan in some pictures from it myself, but they may have been lost in the upgrade.

Hiya Lyn
Have had a go and scanned the pics ..sent them to you..they only show when the flyover was being built
thanks maggie...shortie im afraid it only shows where i would imagine the houses you are looking for would have been..the roebuck pub on the corner and richmond road to the left of the construction work...think you may have to click on the pic to enlarge it..



  • Hockley Soho Hill 1966 .jpg
    Hockley Soho Hill 1966 .jpg
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How can I open these dib44? I just tried but couldn't. I would be interested as I used to live up Soho Hill in Soho Avenue, and my first job was in Hockley Hill.

How can I open these dib44? I just tried but couldn't. I would be interested as I used to live up Soho Hill in Soho Avenue, and my first job was in Hockley Hill.


I have no idea why the images turned out as such, apologies will try and repost...

I was unable to replace the original photos with photos from the war years but as far as I can make out these are of the area discussed, The OP is free to change them for the original images anytime that they want


  • Handsworth Soho Rd - Baker St.JPG
    Handsworth Soho Rd - Baker St.JPG
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Thanks Dib , I am very interested in seeing these photos as I was living up the road at the time of these bombings.

This is not Soho Hill, or Hockley Hill, but it might be Soho Road. Hockley Hill was rather steep, and so was Soho Hill. The buildings this thread is about were residences, and not shops, and were still being use for housing just before they were demolished. However, the photos are very interesting indeed. what, or where, was 'Perks'? if somone can answer that question, it will surely give us an answer. There was a Perks grocers, but I never saw a sign like this one. Shortie
The first of the bombing pictures shows a sign saying Pearks, next to a branch of the Nat. Provincial Bank. the 1940 Kellys gives a branch of Pearks Dairies at 216 Soho road, next to no 214 , which was a branch of the Nat, Prov. Bank.
On the map the (ex-) Pearks dairy is in red, the Nat Prov Bank in blue, and the shop nearest us on the second photo must be nos 202-204. which was previously Montague Burtons tailors
great pics dibbs..thanks for posting them and thank you mike for pinpointing the location...

No problem Lynn, just sorry they were not of Soho Hill or Hockley Hill, I have no idea where the photographs came from, distant memory tells me the were listed as Soho Hill, but not so, many thanks to Mike & shortie for unravelling my confusion :-)