Regarding PMC's wonderful account of his party in Revesby Walk..I worked there as a paper boy at the Newsagents next to the Bank, the Bank was a branch of the TSB and long since closed down now..
It was where we did most of our shopping in those days..way before the advent of Hypermarkets and suchlike
I remember Higgins the hardware shop (they had moved up from near to Bannister and Thatchers on the corner of Gt Lister St/Cromwell St.)
likewise the ex Newsagents called Bennetts, there was a Laundrette (God the hours I spent in there washing my rags) we had the Cobblers next door to the EBCC (East Birmingham Constitutional Club), we had a Post Office, Goodes the 'Super' market, the Chippie..Tyrone the hairdressers..(you had to be really careful in the mens part of the shop, as a teenage boy/man you put more than your mortal soul in danger, I'm sure you can work it out)

we had a Butchers, a Greengrocer, an Off Licence and a Cake shop, everything you needed in life to get by on.
It was outside the bank we sheltered from the rain, waiting for a 55 or 56 bus to take us into town...(which seemed to come along every 28 years)
It was right by the Bank I saw my friend Chrissie Ward leave me and Ray for the last time as he walked off to his Murder..he was only 13.
He was stabbed in Bolton Road, Small Heath.
Like you we bought the 4 pint cans (or if we struck lucky, the 'Party Sevens'
One hammer, one screwdriver, two hits..followed by a beer shampoo..
In Winter the gentle slope of Revesby walk became a fabulous frozen slide, in Summer we played Football against the side wall of the Supermarket.
I kissed one of my girfriends in Revesby Walk..her name was Madeleine..(the first three letters of her name summed her up nicely)
I also did some of my first shoplifting up there, hooking imitation copies of 'Action Man' through the letter box with a wire coat hanger (I think we got about 6)
Revesby Walk was a huge part of my life...
I used to wait there for the Sports Argus, I had a fight in the Chippy there, I kissed Co-op Carol there (then walked her home and kissed her some more) come to think of it, I blame Revesby Walk for making me into the slut I am today..
(I plead mitigating circumstances your honour, I lived near Revesby Walk)
Ahhh happy days.
Les (aka Kissed out Kandor)