I remember about 1960 (my brother and I were 9 and 10 at the time), we found out about a Guy Fawkes competition on Bonfire Night at Small Heath Park, so set about creating a Guy to end all Guys. It took us ages, old clothes from dad and grandad, stuffed with crumpled newspaper, old wellies for feet, and a head made from mom’s old nylons, old scarf, cardboard Guy Fawkes mask and a hat. We put it in my sisters push chair and pushed it in the dark all the way from our back to backs in Millward Street in Small Heath to the Park, just the two of us.
I think we got in free at the gate ‘cause they felt sorry for us. We were skinny and skint and we were going to the competition with our guy.
Jubilation upon Jubilation we won a ten bob note as a prize, I think we came second (50p nowadays). It was the most money we had ever had in our lives! We felt so proud. The Guy went on the bonfire and we treated ourselves to a hot dog and drink and free firework display and goes on the funfair. It seemed a long way back in the cold and dark but I can still feel the exhilaration of it all..
And since that day nearly sixty years ago I have never won another prize in any sort of competition or draw or lottery......as my Nan used to say, “not even a sausage!!!......”
Small Heath Park Bonfire Night, I remember you well!