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Silver Blades Ice Rink

Great! This other rink site has been restored to its right full place, keep the post comming & if you guys look at the sringhill rink topic you my see some faces you know.
Just been browsing the"record shops in birmingham"thread and it reminded me that a lot of my singles came from the jukebox in the cafe at Silver Blades.When the dscs were changed we got a pick of the old ones.Still have most of them,had to buy center's for them though. ;)
Hi everyone, Does anyone remember Jacky, she was a dwarf and a proper little minx, ofter wonder what happened to her, unfortunately can't remember her surname to make some checks. I did post a photo with her on sometime ago
Oh well I went ice skating in Tamworth with the grandchildren this afternoon.........yes you've guessed it! Fell over and sprained my wrist......silly old fool!!
hi wend...well would you beleive it...youve got through all the past few weeks of snow and iced up pavements ok and then you go and fall at the rink:rolleyes: hope the wrist heals very soon.....had it been one of the guys i would have use me hammer on them:Dmind you they probably wouldnt have owned up to falling..

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Oh well I went ice skating in Tamworth with the grandchildren this afternoon.........yes you've guessed it! Fell over and sprained my wrist......silly old fool!!
Bet your skills were still there,must have been the skate hire skates.Never did trust 'em.
Hi everyone, Does anyone remember Jacky, she was a dwarf and a proper little minx, ofter wonder what happened to her, unfortunately can't remember her surname to make some checks. I did post a photo with her on sometime ago
No, sorry Denise.When did she skate at the Blades ?
Re: DJ at Silver Blades

Andrew Hope

I can remember The Silver Blades when I was a teen, and from skating club at the IMI, I met a lot of young ladies there, the last one
I married, I hope one day the City rebuilds the rink to its former glory.
Andrew Hope. Canada.
I can remember the years 1964 to 1967, the band on stage called the Wyane Fontana & The Mindbenders, I would be there most Friday and Saturday nights, I remeber the skate shop just as you walk in, bought my stuff there, the plastic skate bag over the sholder with the blades badge on them, the bar upstairs, sofft drinks bar by the skate shop and the red coats saying slow down, I am still looking for a skating partner I had in them days, her name was Margaret Bloxham, never did find her, great skater.
Andrew Hope
Just had another 'golden oldie' moment.....does anyone remember a Chris Harrison at Silver Blades? He was in his late teens maybe back in the 70's & was a fabulous skater (& rather handsome too as I remember!!!!) who could land some fantastic jumps. Some of the professionals (teachers) used to whinge as he took great chunks out of the ice when he landed!! Not sure if my memory serves me right but I seem to remember he would practise at times with Nicky Slater?? Or have I imagined that??
I can remember the years 1964 to 1967, the band on stage called the Wyane Fontana & The Mindbenders, I would be there most Friday and Saturday nights, I remeber the skate shop just as you walk in, bought my stuff there, the plastic skate bag over the sholder with the blades badge on them, the bar upstairs, sofft drinks bar by the skate shop and the red coats saying slow down, I am still looking for a skating partner I had in them days, her name was Margaret Bloxham, never did find her, great skater.
Andrew Hope
Hi Andrew,I only started going to Silver Blades In late '67,but I do remember all the features you mention,I also recall that the emergency stairways were in use a lot of the the time(I guess it depended on what your idea of an emergency was ! )If you are lookin for a former skating partner,Facebook have a page for mainly former figure skaters under Silver Blades Ice Rink,Birmingham that may be worth a look,or putting a post on
it seems quite an active site.
Good Luck.Keegs.
I recall seeing quite a lot of bands play at "Rusties" in the mid to late 60's.One that springs to mind is Love Affair,because they were so dreadfull.Then I caught them 12 months later playing a more Blues based set and they were brilliant.
Hello Keegs
Many thanks for you letter, as I am now in my 60's its realy great to hear from people who skated back then, I don't recall the names you
posted above but I will check facebook for any names from that era, I have a page on there too, lots of pictures.
I remember the speed skating sessions at the weekends, the Mohawks coach was a very small man who could dash
around the rink at super speeds, I remember Bodington who must have been the team leader, the big mirror ball and the many
teens all crowding round the stage to hear the pop group of the night.
Thanks again.
Oh lordy.....I can feel myself blushing even now.....I've just looked at that Facebook site you mentioned Keegs & sure enough there are loads of pictures on there of skaters from the 70's etc....sure enough Chris Harrison is on there & also on Facebook!! I couldnt resist a quick peek.........(still very handsome *blush*), I didnt realise he's only 3 years older than me, Suppose when you're about 12/13, a handsome skater of 16 looks soooooooooo grown up huh??
Well, that's answered that question eh??
A friend of mine in France has one of the Silver Blades badges and I am hoping she will do me a scan of it for me to post here.
Oh lordy.....I can feel myself blushing even now.....I've just looked at that Facebook site you mentioned Keegs & sure enough there are loads of pictures on there of skaters from the 70's etc....sure enough Chris Harrison is on there & also on Facebook!! I couldnt resist a quick peek.........(still very handsome *blush*), I didnt realise he's only 3 years older than me, Suppose when you're about 12/13, a handsome skater of 16 looks soooooooooo grown up huh??
Well, that's answered that question eh??
Nothing wrong with a bit of nostalgia Dolphie.Glad you found the site ok
A friend of mine in France has one of the Silver Blades badges and I am hoping she will do me a scan of it for me to post here.
I still have a couple of the pin badges attached to my old parka(my Lambretta went with the end of the 60's,but I Still have the coat and it still fits.)
Could you give me the facebook site address or what I should type in to find these pictures.
No prob's Andrew.If you type" Facebook" into your search engine(firefox,windows explorer or whatever you use to get onto this site).Then you will have to register.Then in the search box,just type "Silver Blades Ice Rink,Birmingham,England and you should be in business.
Just give me a shout I will help if I can.I am on the site somewhere.
Good Luck,Keegs

Just wondering if this Les was a short guy and a little chubby who loved to spin around down in the corner of the rink, he would cross arms with you and as you pull your arms in you would go faster, could this be the chap.
Yes Andrew, this was indeed the very same chap, Les.....he was just as you describe him........& us kids used to love to be spun around by him. He also taught us a certain 'foxtrot' where he would go round & round in circles, crossing his feet over each other, getting faster & faster.
He had fits several times a day & felt that as he was so well known at the rink, he would be safe there as people knew what to do if & when he had his 'turns'.