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Kentish Brummie Moderator
Staff member
Do you remember your early shoes? I distinctly remember having a pair of these:


I used to be taken to nearby Perry Barr to the England's shoe shop to get my feet measured in one of those X-ray machines. I thought the machine was terrifying, not unlike a visit to the dentists. I remember getting several pairs of these sandals at different times as I grew. My favourite ones were dark red, but I also had a white pair with white crepe soles. And they were so comfy too. Viv.
I had shoes like that Viv, but navy blue and then the "jesus" sandals also Clarks ones with the buckles and crepe soles.
When I was at senior school, we were restricted to a 3/4" heel height, which the deputy head used to measure, I had really skinny feet and the only narrow fitting black lace ups were Start Rite ones but with an inch and a quarter heel, so the shop manager at Burdetts out local shoe shop, had to write a letter in to confirm they were the only ones that fitted me!
I got through a few pairs of sandals similar to those withthe crepe soles. Used to put my foot on the front wheel of my bike to stop it;My mum was not impressed.

You were quite right to be terrified of those X ray machine,apparently quite a few people were receiving x ray overdoses, so they werequickly removed form shoe shops.
I am glad my feet were only measured with the slide rule you placed your foot on! Here is a picture of me in my sandals my brother has his basball boots on which I believe were all the rage. I think this photo is about 1959.

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What a super picture, do you know where this was taken?

I was not allowed to wear baseball boots, mom said I was not old enough
Lovely photo Wendy. Looks like you were on a special outing? I have a photo of me about the same year as yours in which I'm wearing my white crepe soled sandals. (I rarely smiled for the camera!). This was, I think, someones wedding.


I also remember plastic shoes (now called ' jellies'). They were really for wading in the sea but I still wore mine when we came back from holiday. I remember I had a red pair from Woolworth's. Viv.
Jellies are still round Viv, I had them and the girls as well, great for on the rock pools on holiday! have a pair in my wardrobe with the summer clothes now!
The best pair of shoes I ever had were black patent ankle straps worn with white ankle socks.
Gosh was I somebody, or was I somebody ??????
The only problem was, I got told off for stamping my feet.
Hi, I had a pair of plastic sandals, hated them. We went on a day trip to the seaside and I buried them in the sand. Was I popular!! Everyone dug around for ages then my Dad went off to the shops and bought me a pair of pumps to go home in. I never lived that one down.
I have wide feet and was always heavy on my shoes so when I was about 13 my Mom bought me some TUF girls shoes. I cried and cried but she wouldn't give in so I hid my old shoes in the shed and used to swap before I went to school. Can't remember whether I got caught now.
I had a full outfit Bernie,boots and a new suit,however,on the first wearing of my new suit I was run over by a lorry in Perry Barr,and the suit was ruined.
The photo was taken on holiday in Wales, Swallow Falls. Betws-Y-Coed. I have to scan it again as its from a negative and is the wrong way round. Spotted by my brother as the badge on his Riland Bedford blazer is on the wrong side...lol

I had jellies and hated them, they always rubbed so always wore those rubber flip flops on holiday. I have some jellies I keep at our caravan so I can go in the sea on our stony beach. The modern ones are great much softer and don't rub I suppose the material is better now.
Hello Bernard67Arnold. My Mom had Daily Mail Boots, very poor family from Sherlock Street with 11 kids but, hey, better than no shoes!
Hi all. Well, those 'jellies' seem to have brought back some memories! And who'd have thought they'd still be going strong today. Betty I too would have loved your black patent ankle strapped shoes and Ray, your Daily Mail boots certainly weren't your lucky boots were they?! The worst shoes I ever had were these. I sometimes wonder WHAT was my mother thinking? This was taken on holiday in Cornwall, yet again I don't look too happy - maybe it was those shoes! Viv.

Was anyone poor enough to get Boots from the Daily Mail ? Bernard

Reading this and Oldmohawks link on the Daily Mail boots makes me realise how lucky I was to have had shoes when I needed them. And how things have changed; today most people have many pairs of shoes, boots sandals etc. In fact, some don't even bother to get shoes repaired, it's often cheaper to go out and buy a new pair. Viv.
Viv I remember having shoes like these my mother referred to them a sensible shoes..like you I hated them.. I also now realise I was lucky having shoes to ware with no holes etc...
Wendy, my mum must have had a 'sensible footwear' thing going on then. These are my elegant(?), stylish(?) and flattering(?) zip up bootees in a delightful greyish-blue plastic! Well I suppose they kept my feet dry, but they sure didn't make it into Vogue! Viv.
Ha Ha Viv our Mom's must have been like minded. I had some boots very similar.
Anyone remember the moccasins that came in kit form? You made them up yourself. I made up a pair of moccasin boots using one of these kits. They had fringes!! I still have the bradawl that came in the kit. You had to use the bradawl to make the holes in the leather. Then you could assemble them using thread. Seems utterly crazy now! Viv.
Hello Viv, Apart from the black patent shoes I also had the Daily Mail issue complete with 3/4. socks which made my legs itch . I remember once my Dad repaired a pair of shoes for me and the nails went through the soul, and then there was the ones with holes in so he stuck pieces of cardboard in them. !! Come to think of it I am amazed I had any feet left??? It is amazing what we had to put up with and yet we all came through it. Do you think this made us better people ??? We are certainly more resilient .
My friend had some black patent shoes with patent socks to look like boots.
I dyed some shoes with "Lady Esquire" but it peeled off, I had fallen over in them and spoilt the leather, thought it would save them, I was in trouble!
I was given some roman sandals with thin rope for straps, they had to be criss-crossed up the leg, had a funny sun-tan that year!
Bernie you are good on these fishy ones!.
Typical fifties shoes.
Timeless shoes Jean. I love them, so elegant. Well worth the 49s and 11pence. These wouldn't look out of place today. Viv.