Steve southgate
New Member
Hi folks. The name is Steve Southgate and I lived next door to the Townley Twins, John and Hugh if my memory holds out. I also went to Stanville Rd and the Sheldon Heath Comp. I joined the cubs at the 144th and ended up as parol leader in the scouts for the Kestrals. I recall the World Scout Meeting at Sutton Park and seeing the Queen. I also recall leaving New St Station on the trip to the Rhine Valley starting at Koblenz. What great memories. Mr Blundell became a family friend and we assisted in finding his home at Welford on Avon. My father build the boat house which today looks a little sad. It’s great to read some of these articles, I’ll dig deeper and see if I came come back later. Bye for now.Townley family and scouting are my memories of Sheldon and Stanville in the 60's. I have a lovely photo of the mum helpers who used to organise events. Leslie was Akela in the 144th cub scout group. Tony was good friends with my family.