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Selina Lewis - Baptism - 24th May 1867 and possibly parents marriage.


proper brummie kid
Her mother is Phoebe Hadley and her father is Simon Lewis.

I know Phoebe and Simon married in Birmingham in 1855 and think it was All Saints.

Selina was born 1863 and I think Simon died around the time of her birth.

So can somebody please give me the details of Selina's Baptism.

And her parents marriage if it occured at Saint Martin in 1855.

Thanks in advance......
the baptism doesnt appear to be at st. martins

the marriage was at st. martins, these are the details

23 jul 1855 simon lewis . full age. bachelor . labourer. baggot st. richard lewis. labourer
to pheobe hadley. full age. spinster. baggot st. henry hadley . labourer

they both signed their names. and the witnesses were henry gittins and william morgan
the baptism of selina was at all saints, west bromwich, and another child was baptised the same day

selina lewis bap. 24 may 1867
mary helen lewis bap. 24 may 1867

parents simon and phoebe lewis
Thanks for those.

Mary Helen Lewis was an older sister of Selina so the gap between her birth and Baptism is nine years.

Phoebe had a few more children with her second husband, Edward Shilton, so I am wondering if they were baptised at the same time?
on family search there are these two entries

phoebe shilton chr. 3 may 1867 all saints, west bromwich

and elizabeth ann SHELTON chr. 24 may 1867 all saints, west bromwich

both have parents edward and phoebe shilton/shelton
FamilySearch is sometimes wrong. That is why I like the actual records to be checked.

So Phoebe had an adult baptism.

Elizabeth Ann was the first child with her second husband.
As the Phoebe baptised 1867 has parents Edward and Phoebe,I am inclined to think this was not Phoebe the mother but the Phoebe who was born Apr/May/June qtr 1867 West Bromwich
and died June 1869 age 2 and her name was possibly given to the daughter born later in 1869.West Bromwich.

The entries in Family search are only to be taken as certain if it is an extracted entry the others are submitted by researchers who have an interest in the person,
sometimes these are accurate but more often not.
Yes, I had found that birth and death.

So I had already assigned that bpatism to the first Phoebe born to the couple.

As I said, FamilySearch (IGI) is sometimes wrong so I rely on the parish registers to confirm any "facts".
Hi MarkCDodd

I have just noticed, a Henry Gittens signed as a witness on the marriage of Pheobe Hadley and Simon Lewis in July 1855, St Martins, Birmingham. Do you know who he is or if he is related to you?

Well, this is strange, as he is also a witness on the marriage cert of my gt gt grandparents, William Hands and Sarah Richards they also married at St Martins, Birmingham on 7 Sept 1857. William Hands, born 1866, living Hurst Street and Sarah Richards, born 1866, living Bromsgrove Street, Birmingham. Williams father is William Hands, a jeweller and Sarah Richards father is a Sadler. Have you any connection to my HANDS family? If you know who HENRY GITTENS is, could you please let me know, many thanks.

Joan Harvey (nee Hands)
from Erith, Kent

Wondered if you are related to the HANDS or RICHARDS families. I also have a census in 1851, Bordesley Street and a Hadley family living as neighbours of my Hands family.
Hi MarkCDodd

I have just noticed, a Henry Gittens signed as a witness on the marriage of Pheobe Hadley and Simon Lewis in July 1855, St Martins, Birmingham. Do you know who he is or if he is related to you?

Well, this is strange, as he is also a witness on the marriage cert of my gt gt grandparents, William Hands and Sarah Richards they also married at St Martins, Birmingham on 7 Sept 1857. William Hands, born 1866, living Hurst Street and Sarah Richards, born 1866, living Bromsgrove Street, Birmingham. Williams father is William Hands, a jeweller and Sarah Richards father is a Sadler. Have you any connection to my HANDS family? If you know who HENRY GITTENS is, could you please let me know, many thanks.

Joan Harvey (nee Hands)
from Erith, Kent

Wondered if you are related to the HANDS or RICHARDS families. I also have a census in 1851, Bordesley Street and a Hadley family living as neighbours of my Hands family.

Sorry, should say - William Hands born 1838 and Sarah Hands born 1838.
I have a William Richarda marrying Annie Hadley in 1899 and they lived in Birmingham for many years.

What was Sarah Richard's father's name. You only mentioned he was a Sadler.

The Hadleys married into many branches of my tree including the Fords, Cutlers, Homers.

The only Gitten I have is from 1640!!!

Looking for Henry Gittens who might fit...

In the 1851 census there is a Henry Gittins living in Birmingham who is a Hosier and Parish Clerk.

Most likely him and he might appear on quite a few weddinga as a witness.
Hi Mark

Thank you for your message.

Sarah Richards, born 1837/38 father is James Richards, born 1815 in Birmingham, a Sadler, sorry missed it out before. I think we do have a connection, but probably by marriage.

It seems that Henry Gittens has stood in to be a witness, and is connected to the church., as you have said.

I have found the Census in 1851, living 67 Bromsgrove Street, Birmingham, James Richards, age 36 a Bridle Cutter and Sarah Richards, his wife, age 31, a Saddle Stitcher and daughter Sarah Richards, age 12 (my gt gt Grandmother) who marries my gt gt grandfather, Philip William Hands,(but known as William Hands) born 1838, Birmingham.

Your William Richards is probably connected some how to my HANDS family, but not sure how exactly.

It is the HADLEY family, who are neighbours of my HANDS family in 1851, who I think may have a connection to my family also.

Thanks for your help, much appreciated, if you find a connection with our families, I would be very grateful if you could let me know.

Joan Harvey (nee HANDS)