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save the wellingtons cats


Staff member
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personally i have never heard of anything so ridiculous...lots of pubs of cats...ie the gunmakers bath st..the bull price st..the whitehouse unett st just to name 3...if you are interested please sign the petition to save malt and hops..you can also have your say on reddit

Thanks for highlighting this. What harm do these cats do? I think that it's rather nice to have them around and they've spent many years in these pubs, after all. It can't be about food hygiene in the pubs, because the Welly doesn't serve food and if that is the reason, far better having a cat around, than the local rodents, that might otherwise not be dissuaded by these cats, from roaming about the pub/kitchen areas. :scream:
thanks john i cant understand why the wellington cats have been picked on...the bull in price st and the wellington are run by the same landlord...the bull has always served food and they have a resident cat..this is nothing to do with the landlord of course..its the brewery who want to kick the cats out...another odd thing struck me...the jewellers arms in hockley who also serves food and is owned by the same brewery welcomes dogs into the pub so none of this is making much sense to me...will be following this

thanks john i cant understand why the wellington cats have been picked on...the bull in price st and the wellington are run by the same landlord...the bull has always served food and they have a resident cat..this is nothing to do with the landlord of course..its the brewery who want to kick the cats out...another odd thing struck me...the jewellers arms in hockley who also serves food and is owned by the same brewery welcomes dogs into the pub so none of this is making much sense to me...will be following this

My wife has just had a local BBC News alert on her mobile about the cat's at the Welly Lyn, which shows that the news is getting around. The cat at The Bull belonged to Rose (the previous landlady) and stayed behind, as it had grown so accustomed to being there.

BBC link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c728lq04wzyo
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ahh so it could be on local bbc news tonight john...will have a look...yes the bulls cat belonged to rose such a sweet little thing...fingers crossed this turns out a happy ending for the wellys cats as it would not be good to try and split them up...

hi john ive just read this latest report online...reason give health and safety....really.?..the pub does not serve food...i think my feeling on this is that its not regulars who have complained as the cats have been there for years...its more likely to be someone just popping in for a quick pint and making an objection...but the main thing is reading the whole report pace is now gathering to save malt and hops..

It is ridiculous. I visited the pub recently and the cats added to the ambience of the pub. The customers obviously like them there. I am on my phone so cannot post the photo I took of them. It is the directors of black country breweries that need to be evicted
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When I go to The Bull next, I will let my fellow quiz attendees know about this. All Black Country Ales cats (including the one at The Bull below) should stay in place, as Mike has rightly said, it's the board at BCA that need to go, with their tails between their legs!

1721925087450.png 1721925169934.png 1721925447676.pngThis cat (Ellie) is not for moving!
ok john although i suspect that most customers will know about the wellys cats and will be a talking point in the bull....if there are no blanket rules about black country ales not allowing cats to live in their pubs then why pick on malt and hops...as i said earlier i suspect this is down to one none regular..simple answer is if you dont want to see a cat in a pub then dont go in it...i am sure the brewery can withstand losing the sale of a couple of pints compered to the many that could be lost if regulars boycott their pubs..nice photos of ellie shes a lovely cat

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ok john although i suspect that most customers will know about the wellys cats and will be a talking point in the bull....if there are no blanket rules about black country ales not allowing cats to live in their pubs then why pick on malt and hops...as i said earlier i suspect this is down to one none regular..simple answer is if you dont want to see a cat in a pub then dont go in it...i am sure the brewery can withstand losing the sale of a couple of pints compered to the many that could be lost if regulars boycott their pubs..nice photos of ellie shes a lovely cat

Thanks Lyn. I think I had assumed from a quick read, that this would have had to have been a part of a blanket ban, which would have impacted on all "Black Country Ale" pubs. Not that I'm suggesting they would be after their blankets too! ;)

I note the reference to pint or sandwich in my last post suggests that the owners are not aware that the Welly doesn't sell them and any in the pub would be brought into the pub from outside.
Exactly. The pub does not serve food and that explanation is a load of bullshit. If they are so concerned with food then the brewery are probably planning to turn the place into a gastropub, caring not at all for the customers now visiting but trying to extract excessive money from people with very small portions of not particularly edible food aimed at those who want to look at a pretty plate rather than eat a tasty meal
shocking outcome john..

firstly i would think the licensee had no choice but to agree...does not make it plain to me exactly what the main reason is...if its due to a refurb then the answer is simple...have both cats fostered out together then bring them home after the refurb..

i still dont buy the excuse about good hygiene and tidiness...the pub has no kitchen so no cooked food is served ..as you say a few customers may bring in a sarnie but thats about it..i mean to say just how much untidiness can 2 small cats create...absolutely stupid and if the cats do go i hope they are housed together and another thing why are the jewellers arms who serve hot food welcoming dogs into the pub..obviously the same brewery think its ok to sit down for a meal in that pub and have a couple of large dogs sitting near you..something not right about this

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just read this report and highlight a sentence...why is no one asking the brewery why after saying this do they allow dogs in their other pub the jewellers arms. which sells hot meals..i really just do not get it...what am i missing here...quote

"And, of course, many people do not want the unsolicited company of a cat with their pint or sandwich.
just read this report and highlight a sentence...why is no one asking the brewery why after saying this do they allow dogs in their other pub the jewellers arms. which sells hot meals..i really just do not get it...what am i missing here...quote

"And, of course, many people do not want the unsolicited company of a cat with their pint or sandwich.[URL

unfurl="true"]https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles...red a campaign,by staff and customers alike".[/URL]
As the petition now has over 4,500 signatures, it would be interesting to know how that compares with the number of any actual complaints Black Country Ale may have received, for them to feel able to use the term "many" when referring to people who do not want the unsolicited company of a cat.

I think this is more about how the directors want The Welly to look post refurbishment, to prospective new customers, that they may be looking to attract, given the way they seem to be ignoring the wishes of it's existing customers Lyn.
yes i tend to agree with you john...and it does seem that BCA seem to have one rule for some of their pubs and another rule for others which is just not fair...maybe there is still a chance

yes i tend to agree with you john...and it does seem that BCA seem to have one rule for some of their pubs and another rule for others which is just not fair...maybe there is still a chance

I see that former England batsman David Lloyd (Bumble), has written about this in his "Bumble On The Test" column in today's "Mail on Sunday", under the headline "Restore The Cats":

"Great uproar at The Wellington pub on Bennett's Hill, where the owners have banned the two cats Malt and Hops. They've decided in their wisdom they have got to go. People went in for these cats. It was good for their well-being. They'd go in, get a drink put the cat on the knee and that was their company. To the owners, think again. You can take your dog in, but they've banned the cats. It's a nonsense."
crikey john good for david lloyd lets hope there is a chance after all having said that i am waiting for someone to ask the brewery why they encourage dogs in another of their pubs the jewellers arms which unlike the wellington does serves hot meals...i myself have asked them this but as excepted have not received a reply...i think this question needs to be asked by the media ie tv and newspapers because i would love to hear what their answer is

thanks john
