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Sarehole Mill

Great stuff! If anyone wants to see the old mill in Wolves, there's a few photo's here.....


and a few for those not too fussed.....




virusman, no it isn't, only because I don't have a clue how to, I'm just a mere woman that can only do cetrain things on a computer, and I usually mess that up :D I love your pictures. Have you taken any of the building, which I think is a mill, and for the life of me I can't remember the name, as you come out of town, heading towards Saltley on the lefthand side, just behind a pub beginning with S, there is a derelict building (I will have to look up my notes), it has a hopper attached to the side of it, about 4-5 storeys high. I keep saying to my husband we must try a way to get in, but he isn't as nosy as me, so he keeps putting it of (the pubs name is the sportsman)????:) Just ask if you want any info on any mills and I will see what I have. The pictures that you took of the Wolverhampton one, I haven't any info, only because it was outside the warwickshire area!!
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Izzy, forgot to say your models are fantastic, what are they made out of please, and you must be a very patient person, are they just the shell or have they got the different sections inside...love them :)
Izzy, forgot to say your models are fantastic, what are they made out of please, and you must be a very patient person, are they just the shell or have they got the different sections inside...love them :)

The models are all made of wood inc 6 different plywood s right down to paper thin 1/64" I was a modelmaker until I recently retired & my other website shows collectors miniature houses etc.
They don't have interiors however as they are meant to show the different types of mill, there is one still to be made & that is a boat mill of which apparently only one was ever known in UK but they were common on the continent & quite a few have survived & been restored.
A boat mill is simply a floating mill that can be anchored midstream in order to turn the sometimes huge paddles.
Have you taken any of the building, which I think is a mill, and for the life of me I can't remember the name, as you come out of town, heading towards Saltley on the lefthand side, just behind a pub beginning with S, there is a derelict building (I will have to look up my notes), it has a hopper attached to the side of it, about 4-5 storeys high. I keep saying to my husband we must try a way to get in, but he isn't as nosy as me, so he keeps putting it of (the pubs name is the sportsman)????:) Just ask if you want any info on any mills and I will see what I have. The pictures that you took of the Wolverhampton one, I haven't any info, only because it was outside the warwickshire area!!

I think the one you mean is here......





It's the old Lalian's flour mill, and what a building it is!!!
I have all the history for all the buildings I've been to, and the mill in Wolverhampton is a very interesting one.......


Oh, and Izzy............AMAZING replicas you do there! I'd love one of the mill in Wolves!!!!:)
Virusman do you mind if I copy that photo, isn't it a beautiful building, so proud and perfect....why oh why do the owners/councils let these magnificant building s go to rack and ruin, last time I went past there were all wild flowers growing from the crevices on the roof...I wish i had the money to buy some of these buildings so I could put them back to what they should be...dream on girl!!!:)
last time I went past there were all wild flowers growing from the crevices on the roof...:)

I took a shot from the window overlooking the roof with the hopper........Rather overgrown!!! LOL!


Oh, and my avatar piccy is taken in this mill!!!
I wonder if the cafe owners on the nearby island had permission to call their business "The Hungry Hobbit"?
Hi Joan,
I would be very interested if you could post some of your millers on here for Sarehole, I have some of the census's, if you look in the history section of this site you will see that I am doing (Now a large one) project on the mills of Warwickshire, past and present, everyday something new is being added. If I can use your memories/info I would be very grateful.
Regards Loisand :)

First of all - I can't believe it's taken me so long to reply!! :rolleyes: That said, here goes with a few of our miller ancestors.
John ANDREW was born in Long Buckby, Northamptonshire in 1796, the son of John ANDREW, Miller & Sarah FENNELL. He and his wife Alice WADSWORTH first moved into Warwickshire mills when they moved with their family into Napton on the Hill, sometime between 1831 & 1841. (They are at Napton on the 1841 census)
Sometime between the 1841 census & the 1851 census John & Alice ANDREW moved to Mercote Mill, Sheldon, (or Coleshill), Warwickshire with their 4 children, and their grandson George ANDREW (5) born in Harbury, Warwickshire.
(Next door are retired miller Richard Greenway (82) & his wife & daughter)
By the 1861 census John & Alice ANDREW had moved to Sarehole Mill, Yardley Warwickshire with 3 of their children, and their grandsons George ANDREW (14) & John ANDREW (7).
Their son John ANDREW (b1823) & his wife Elizabeth KNIGHT and family stayed on at Mercote Mill.
By the 1871 census, John & Alice's grandson George ANDREW (b1847) with his wife Hannah and a Journeyman Miller, William Walton.
1881, 1891 & 1901 censuses George ANDREW, his wife Hannah & son George ANDREW (b1873) are at Sarehole Mill.
I believe there was still a member of the ANDREW family at Sarehole in the 1950s, presumably George Junior, and once he died the mill was bequeathed to the City of Birmingham.
George Jnr was the last of the ANDREW millers but the next few generations of ANDREWS are definitely Brummies!! :grinsmile:
That's the list in brief. Anything you need more clarity on, please ask. (And I'll try not to leave it so long this time before replying!! :blush:)
All the best Joan :) (ANDREW)
Thankyou Joan, that is very helpful, have copied and pasted and will check my write up on Sarehole Mill later.....Mercote Mill was in Berkswell, which came under the Meriden umberella, hopefully I have attached my notes concerning this mill :)
Theres a photo of two of the Andrews in a Tolkien book. The elder being a man with a black beard. His son was Tolkien's "White Ogre"
Theres a photo of two of the Andrews in a Tolkien book. The elder being a man with a black beard. His son was Tolkien's "White Ogre"
Yes, thank-you! :) I have that photo in postcard form. I think it is George ANDREW & his son George (from the date). It was that photo that led me to make the link between Sarehole Mill & our ANDREW family. My daughter bought the postcard on a visit to the Mill in the early 80's when she was about six and said 'wouldn't it be funny if we were related'. We went back a few years later after I had confirmed the connection and took a photo at the same spot! The ANDREW family a few generations later!! (We would have tried to re-create it exactly but we thought to try and climb up onto the shelf outside the upper floor's door would be pushing it a bit!! LOL!):D
Very nice pictures of the Mill, ell brown. Do you know whether there are still 'artefacts' inside? I remember several items were on display such as a working Smock and various tools which may have been used by the Miller. I have a photo taken of me with friends outside by the grinding wheel by the door. I lived down the road from the Mill for about thirty years.


I used to go there several times with my former primary school back in the early 1990s (and possibly other times when I was younger). Apart from walking by it or around it, haven't been inside in more than 16 years or so.

My current dentist is nearby on Swanshurst Lane.

Was thinking of getting a shot of the Hungry Hobbit (when the shutter is down) but hadn't got round to it.

I don't know about if any artifacts are inside.

They have lots of Tolkien weekends nearby there. Also the local green areas have been renamed after Lord of the Rings names such as the Shire Country Park.

Information on this sign

Sarehole Mill - The Millstream Way - sign by ell brown, on Flickr
I used to work not far from the Mill when i first started work and i would cycle past the Mill and stop and have a look at it this was 1958 onwards and it was shut and over grown, what year was it tided up and opend to the public.
ellbrown, There is a thread entitled Tolkien's Birmingham which may be of interest to you?

Something which may not be of interest......my dentist was at the top of Cole Bank Road......by the College !!!

I think that dentist has gone now, ages ago.

Thanks I'll search for it, unless you have the link for it.

The junction at Stratford Road / School Road / Cole Bank Road is currently being done up. Temporary traffic lights are up for two weeks.
Ellbrown, just type Tolkien's Birmingham in the box at the top of the page where it states Advanced Search and it will appear. Anthea.
Nicely crafted Ell. Such crystal clear detail. Just seen your shot of the Hungry Hobbit too - dread to think of what Tolkein would have made of that ! Viv.
Pay to visit our museums. Admission charges, Blakesley Hall £4, Soho House £4, Aston £4, Sarehole Mill £3, Weoley Castle £4, bale the City Council out, will Councillors have to pay?. Len.:(:shocked: