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Salvation Army



I was wondering if anyone could help me with the locations of the Salvation Army in the following places:

Alum Rock, Balsall Heath, Hay Mills, Saltley, Smethwick, South Yardley, Sutton Coldfield, Weoley Castle, Yardley Wood

Any information would be most appreciated, especially with photographs.

I look forward to hearing from you wonderful people.:)
Thank you Jennyann - I have already tried that road. The Salvation Army centres in the locations I have mentioned have long closed, but it may be that local people have memories that the current Salvation Army do not. I have names of streets for most of the places - except Sutton Coldfield (I have albsolutely no idea where the Salvation Army was in Sutton Coldfield) - but would value local information. The Salvation Army in Weoley Castle, for instance, is listed as Alwold Road - Alwold Road is a very long road, and going along it today there does not seem any possible location where the Salvation Army could have been. However someone who has lived in Alwold Road for many year may well know where it was - perhaps their parents or friends of their parents went there for instance.
There was a Salvation Army Citadel on the Straford Road no far from St John's Road and also one in Jenkins Street Small Heath my Gt Grandmother was Major there but as far a I know there were none in Yardley or Hay Mills
HI my Grandmother was in the Salvation Army that was near Claremont Road I think that was Sparkbrook,Birmingham. When I was a child I used to attend with my Grandmother till it closed down then we went to the Citadel on the Straford Road. Please have you any Pictures of the Members of the Citadel a few seconds walk from Claremont Road and that area also the one on the Staford Road. Bryce (JEN)
No I have no photo's but I know someone who went to the one on Straford Road it was tucked in the middle of a block of shops about 100 yards from St Johns Road Traffic Lights.
When I see my friend again I will ask her about photos.
Many Thanks for that my my Grandmother was Catherine White nee Wignell she attended both Citadels the one near Claremont Road during the 1940s till late 1950s then the Staford Road Citadel
Thanks from Jen
HI my Grandmother was in the Salvation Army that was near Claremont Road I think that was Sparkbrook,Birmingham. When I was a child I used to attend with my Grandmother till it closed down then
Thank you for that - I thought the Sparkbrook Salvation Army was in Priestley Road. I will have to look at Claremont Road. Do you know if the building is still there?
but as far a I know there were none in Yardley or Hay Mills
I remember when my dad was in charge at Small Heath Salvation Army he was also responsible for the one in South Yardley - in Blakesley Road I believe.
South Yardley corps was indeed at the bottom of Blakesley Rd by the park. My dad was bandmaster in the late 60's and early 70's, met my wife there in our early teens!
South Yardley corps was indeed at the bottom of Blakesley Rd by the park. My dad was bandmaster in the late 60's and early 70's, met my wife there in our early teens!

Hi Dave, do you have any pictures of South Yardley corps?
as far a I know there were none in Yardley or Hay Mills

One source I have suggests that Yardley corps was in Happy Valley, and Hay Mills corps was in Shipway Road .... but I need verification of this information.
Do you have any contacts who were involved with South Yardley corps? If you don't want to share in the forum, email me direct at rkb1809@googlemail.com .... I am interested in the SA in Birmingham generally, but more interested in Small Heath and South Yardley because my Dad was involved with both.
Hi Salvator, I doubt if the building is still there I lived with my Grandmother in Claremont Road till 1958 then we moved to South Yardley my Grandmother then went to were they had moved, we used to go to the Staford Road , I remember it was by Littlewoods, we would get of the number 58 bus and my Auntie Nancy would get her knitting wool from there them we walked a short way to the Citadel.
Best Wishes Jen
if you would like to email me at
Sorry for the delay, been away for a couple of days with work. Only contacts nowadays are my family (Probyn) and my wifes family (Moore). It's been a long time since any of us went to South Yardley but do rember the following families: Harris, Morgan, Mason, and Stanley. Do you know any of us/them?
Sorry for the delay, been away for a couple of days with work. Only contacts nowadays are my family (Probyn) and my wifes family (Moore). It's been a long time since any of us went to South Yardley but do rember the following families: Harris, Morgan, Mason, and Stanley. Do you know any of us/them?

It is a shame no picture remains of South Yardley corps .... I will ask my dad if any of these names ring a bell, but he is getting on now.
Dave - can you remember which other corps were in the city when you were at South Yardley? I am struggling to find anyone who remembers, for instance, Sutton Coldfield corps. I was also told there was once a corps at Coleshill.
Please has anyone found any knowledge at all about the Citadel next to Claremont Road, Sparkbrook I cannot find any photographs or history on the Citadel but it closed down about 1958, also Claremont road has new buils now and I would love to know the history of this road, and get some photographs of it in the fourties and fifties.
I have just found out that some of the houses in Claremont Road were very big and they belonged to the Salvation Army, my Cousin thinks my Grandmother's house was Salvation Army owned. It makes sense because we left Claremont road when the Citadel closed down, please can anyone enlarge on this, I would love to know more.
That worked Pol., can't help you though sorry. My great grandparents (lived Hockley) had some connection with the Sally Army, but I've never found out what exactly.