Vauxhall Railway Station was built about 1838/9 I think so the line up by the old photo would be in place at the time that the picture was taken. The first photography was around the same time 1839 in France so the railway would have been in place by 1860. If the old photo was Cato St. N. then the railway would be visible I think since that Street ran close along the side of it and there was no triangle at the junction then. From the vantage point of the camera the railway would have been out of sight on the left but converging with what I feel sure was, or became, Nechells Place in the distance and would be hard to make out, even though it would have been level with the road at the crossing. It would have been a gated level crossing possibly, at that time and Nechels place would have run directly to the junction of Charles Arthur St, and Bloomsbury as shown on the earlier 1833 map. This old map also shows the triangle at the junction of Nechells Place and Saltley Road and a few more dwellings on the left just there. Actually I think that more buildings can just be made out in the darkness foreground left. The house on the right of the road is not shown though. Anyway by 1890 Nechells Place was modified and the road changed to run along side of the railway further up the hill to a place where it was higher than the railroad and a simple girder span bridge over was constructed.
The land on the right had been zoned industrial before 1890 seemingly and the house on the corner had's entrance from the road still there though...a big Gasometer had been built which I must have passed many times as a boy. However the little plot on the corner, left of the triangle still remained...possibly the last little bit of Nechells Green when it was indeed green countryside. I did not give much thought as a youth to where Saltley ended and Nechells began. You can not have a name more associated with Saltley than The Gate and Nechells Place is only 500 yards from there. What a pity that the photographer did not take a shot facing the other way also. Might have been difficult to do in those days with the lighting and I suppose that the art was expensive then. Still an amazing and important find.