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Rubery Hill Asylum

I take it you are only interested in Rubery hill, not Hollymore. Below are maps from c 1884, c1904, c1937 and c1965




Many, many thanks for this! I am indeed only interested in Rubery Hill (for now). Might I ask where you got these maps as if I use them I will need to reference them. Thank you so much :-)
They are OS maps. They are copied from old maps site (https://www.old-maps.co.uk/index.html) but would be available from the Birmingham library (presumably) . Think you would have to speak to OS . Oldmaps seem to claim copyright and data rights. Not sure what your situation would be
all these maps are over 50 yeras old. At https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/business-and-government/licensing/crown-copyright.html it states that copyright is with the HMSO ordnance survey for items less than 50 years old, but not for those items greatyer than 50 years old.Anyway I would ahve thought that for your purposes it would come under fair use. you could obtain these maps from a library source and there would be no question of copyright issues. i would that insertion of "© Crown Copyright {insert year of publication}" as suggested by the reference would be appropriate.
Hi Jess

My Gt Grandmother was in Rubery Hill Asylum she died there in 1893 & was buried in the grounds, I found a lot of information at the old library they have an old plan of the burial ground but it i couldn't pin point where she was buried ,most of the grounds have new houses built on now but there is one part grassed over with a memorial plaque on the gate, i have live close by for 40 yrs and it was only when i researched my family tree i found this out i had been passing the ground twice a week without realising.

Regards Pat
Our next door neighbour Mrs Russell was sent to Rubery Hill, when a mere girl, she got pregnant at 15, she was held till her 50's when she married Fred Russell, we thought she was a lovely lady, until one day she took all Fred's clothes and his motor bike and set fire to them at the bottom of her garden, we never saw her again. I often wondered what happened to that quite, nice lady from my childhood.Paul