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Rita Cocker


Rita Cocker

Hi to everyone in the forum

I'm a new memeber, I will tell you a little bit about myself. I'm now living in South Australia, left England in late 1970. I went to Montgomery Street Primary School, then Upper Highgate Girls School, (which joined with two other schools to form Mt Pleasant Comprehensive). After I left school I worked at Thomas Haddon & Stokes.My maiden name is Minchin. We lived in Dearman Road Sparkbrook. My cousin is a memeber of the forum and we are looking for any pictures of our grandad's shop which was on the corner of Kendal and Montgomery Streets. I'm also looking for a Margaret Minchin who might be related to me.:)
Hi Rita . I went to Montgomery street school too . ermm I left in 1968 . My sisters Susie and Julie Payton were friends with Lorraine Minchkin and I think Susie still knows her . You will find Lorraine on the Freinds reunite site under Montgomery street and yus I thing my sisters mentioned one of you in Australia :)
Best wishes Jean grahame ne Payton
Welcome Rita. Glad you found your way back home. And good luck with your enquiry. Barry.
Greetings Rita...welcome to the site. Good luck in your searches.
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Hello & welcome Rita,

I LOVE coincidences....I also worked at Haddon & Stokes..late 50,s until 1963 so earlier than your stint probably, I was one of the telephonist's. Now for the 2nd coincidence..I am researching the Minchin family !!!

Welcome Rita. I am sure you will enjoy this site everyone is so helpful.
Hello again Rita,
Have now been able to confirm that Leonard is indeed part of my tree! His father WILLIAM, was a cousin of my Gtgrandmother Jemima Minchin/Green. William is living with his mother Jane in 1911 at 57 Millward street. He is aged 22 and an electric meter man. The Minchins were a large family !! Happy to help with sharing my info on the family up to 1911.

Hi Margaret

My grandparents names were William and Ellen Minchin, what was your mum and dad and grandparents name. My dad had two brothers James and Horace and a sister Ivy, do they appear on your family tree.

Hi Rita, I'm not sure if you are still using this site, however it would appear that I am your 3rd cousin 2 times removed! My mum is Barbara Morbey and grandparents were James & Nellie Morbey (nee Harris), and my great great grandmother was Jamima Minchin. My sister Louise and I have only recently started to look into our family, so far I am amazed at big it actually is! Feel free to get in touch.
Kevin. Rita is listed as a guest, so she no longer is a member of the forum. It is possible that she does visit as a non-member though, or might see your post via a google search
Hi Rita, I'm not sure if you are still using this site, however it would appear that I am your 3rd cousin 2 times removed! My mum is Barbara Morbey and grandparents were James & Nellie Morbey (nee Harris), and my great great grandmother was Jamima Minchin. My sister Louise and I have only recently started to look into our family, so far I am amazed at big it actually is! Feel free to get in touch.
Hi Kevin hope ur still on hear I think I have the right people if so ur gran nellie brother Dennis Harris