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just read this message on another thread off eileen dennis"s wife which i thought better placed on his condolence thread thanking us all for our messages

I never thought I would sending you all this message. Sadly my lovely husband passed away last week. He had been unwell at home for the two weeks. Stubborn man. Refused to go to hospital. “I am ok”. Each day “I am getting better”. Finally asked to go. He was so bad he did not have wait in ambulance queue. Straight to resus for several hours and then in intensive care. Wonderful care. On kidney dialysis and loads of different drugs. A truly epic balancing by a very caring team of medics. It was not to be. He was aware of us at the end and passed away very peacefully. A huge thank for all your kind messages. He would be honoured to see all the love you have sent. I was so lucky to be his wife for 56 years. Our ‘Main Man’ is no longer here. Your kind thoughts will be a real comfort to me and my family. Eileen
.Hello friends and family. We have arranged a funeral for Dennis. It will be on Friday 13th October at Robin Hood Crematorium at 1.30pm until 2.30pm. If you are intending to come, can you please let me know so we can have a rough idea of numbers for the wake venue. I will let you know when venue is confirmed. Thanks everyone for all you kind words of sympathy. Eileen
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I shall raise a glass to him on the 13th. October.

Sincere condolences to his family and friends.

just read this message on another thread off eileen dennis"s wife which i thought better placed on his condolence thread thanking us all for our messages

I never thought I would sending you all this message. Sadly my lovely husband passed away last week. He had been unwell at home for the two weeks. Stubborn man. Refused to go to hospital. “I am ok”. Each day “I am getting better”. Finally asked to go. He was so bad he did not have wait in ambulance queue. Straight to resus for several hours and then in intensive care. Wonderful care. On kidney dialysis and loads of different drugs. A truly epic balancing by a very caring team of medics. It was not to be. He was aware of us at the end and passed away very peacefully. A huge thank for all your kind messages. He would be honoured to see all the love you have sent. I was so lucky to be his wife for 56 years. Our ‘Main Man’ is no longer here. Your kind thoughts will be a real comfort to me and my family. Eileen
Bless him for being aware of those around him until the end! Makes one think about our vulnerability and our impact on those around us.
My thoughts and prayers are with Carolina and Eileen at this sad and difficult time. We have lost so many of our friends and family over the past few months bringing the lesson home that we have to be thankful for every day we are given