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Richardson Frank/Mary


proper brummie kid
Frank and Mary Richardson lived at 139 Back Digbeth Birmingham in the 1881 census. I have looked for this address in the large scale maps at Birmingham Library just to get an idea of the area they were living in, without success. Frank was a Policeman attached to 4 Division which I think would be the Bradford Street Police Station and likely to be reasonably near his married quaters. Could anyone tell me please a location near to Back Digbeth likely to be visible on a map ? I guess the area has gone now. I would be very interested in receiving any information about the kind of life style anyone living in Digbeth at this time was like because evrything I have read suggests it was a difficult area to live in. Thank you.
Re: Digbeth what was it like in the 1880's ?

No 139 is shown on the 1889 map below in red. In 1881 it was Averill & Smith, wholesale tea dealers. Back 139 would have beeen one of the buildings to the back of it, i suspect the building in blue, as i would think the larger one was another warehouse. you can see the area at https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&...7115,-1.891413&spn=0.001849,0.004823&t=h&z=18, and i would guess the blue building was about where I have marked in blue on it below

Re: Digbeth what was it like in the 1880's ?

Hello Mikejee, Very many thanks for your post-replied to almost as soon as sent. You have no idea of the hours I have spent looking for that location, and here it is. Fabulous. Thanks so much. Timothy.
Re: Digbeth what was it like in the 1880's ?

Only just started reading it but the book about Birmingham gangs gives a good picture of what life was like for some of the people living in that area. Would recommend it as a read it does illustrate the problems the police had around that time. It mentions certain policemen and you never know you may find a reference to your relative in there. Good luck.

Have posted the link to Amazon where the book is currently available for £6.62.
