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Railway Hotel. corner of Curzon St & Howe St

hello susan yes i am brian you have stumped me i did not expect a reply i am trying to place you i was to shy to speak to girls back then did you live opposite the bomb peck thanks for contacting me tell me more
hello susan yes i am brian you have stumped me i did not expect a reply i am trying to place you i was to shy to speak to girls back then did you live opposite the bomb peck thanks for contacting me tell me more
Hi Brian. Great that you have replied. Thank you. Yes we did , number 49 the third house from the end, nearest Howe Street. My mom and dad was Fred and Lily and I had 4 siblings. Do you remember the Sweeneys, was you a relative of the Bowen’s in Pitt or Penn Street, or Sylvia and Fred Groves. Oh gosh I could go on forever. Are your mom and dad still alive.
How about Alan Carwadine and Irene and Charlie Bush.
hello susan sylvia was my mothers sister sadly she and my mom and dad passed away some years ago the same with mr and mrs bush i spoke to fred groves a couple of days ago he is still battling on at 91 i can remember your family i have a map with your house on i have seen very few people from the old area since we moved in 1958 even though i still called in for a drink in the kings arms up till about 1980? i have a fond memories of howe street before the lock down i called into the eagle and ball a few times you sound well do you still live in the midlands do you see any one from bham 4 you have stirred lots of thoughts about the place
hello susan sylvia was my mothers sister sadly she and my mom and dad passed away some years ago the same with mr and mrs bush i spoke to fred groves a couple of days ago he is still battling on at 91 i can remember your family i have a map with your house on i have seen very few people from the old area since we moved in 1958 even though i still called in for a drink in the kings arms up till about 1980? i have a fond memories of howe street before the lock down i called into the eagle and ball a few times you sound well do you still live in the midlands do you see any one from bham 4 you have stirred lots of thoughts about the place
Yes , we live in Staffordshire. Glad to hear that Fred is still going strong. We pass his old house regularly in Belmont Row (before lockdown obviously) and I often wonder how he is. Hope Gary and Maxine are too. I did know about Sylvia as she was still in touch with mom before she died. There are some fantastic threads on this Forum, it is great to stumble on them.
Old pubs and restaurants for example. They are brilliant .
Hi Brian. Great that you have replied. Thank you. Yes we did , number 49 the third house from the end, nearest Howe Street. My mom and dad was Fred and Lily and I had 4 siblings. Do you remember the Sweeneys, was you a relative of the Bowen’s in Pitt or Penn Street, or Sylvia and Fred Groves. Oh gosh I could go on forever. Are your mom and dad still alive.
How about Alan Carwadine and Irene and Charlie Bush.
I remember the Carwadines and Irene and Charlie Bush who had the little shop, I lived at 1/23 Howe Street and my grandparents lived in Curzon Street.
I remember the Carwadines and Irene and Charlie Bush who had the little shop, I lived at 1/23 Howe Street and my grandparents lived in Curzon Street.
Hi Trebor. Re the Railway.. When I lived in Gopsal Street, the Railway was just an ordinary pub. The landlord seemed to change a lot from memory. The reason I mention it is because we use to have the children from the pub start our school. There was Denise Mann and a girl called Lois Williams (I think)
You may have left Howe street by then. Do you remember a cafe in Curzon Street, owned by Dora?
Hi Susan, I think we left Howe Street about 1952, I don’t remember a cafe, I went to Bishop Ryder school for a short while.
hello susan do you remember roger and graham carver who had a sister derrick banner from gopsal street david crowe sammy curry sammy harris micky duffy john bacciochi who all lived in howe street and had sisters i would love to now how they they got on and did they move out of bham
Hi Susan, I think we left Howe Street about 1952, I don’t remember a cafe, I went to Bishop Ryder school for a short while.
Hi Trebor. I would have only been 4 then, so I wouldn’t remember much then... lol
Thank you for your reply though, been great being in touch. Kind regards. Sue
hello susan do you remember roger and graham carver who had a sister derrick banner from gopsal street david crowe sammy curry sammy harris micky duffy john bacciochi who all lived in howe street and had sisters i would love to now how they they got on and did they move out of bham
Hi Claypole. Oh yes I do remember the Carvers, was the sister Jill. They lived at 41½, first house on the corner of Gopsal Stree and Cardigan Street think they backed on to the Fitzgterald family. There were two Banner families , one next door to my Nan and Grandad, Mr and Mrs Anthony, number 38 and Hilda Banner, Derricks mom, who lived at about number 32. Mick Duffy, I was friends with his sister Mary in the early sixties I am not too sure of the other names yet but have seen the name Bacciochi on the forum. We had great times. What about Peter and Maureen Newson from Belmont Row. I remember the name Peter Birden but I don't remember why. I could go on for ever with names. Unfortunately, I dont know how these people are now, which is a shame. Kind regards