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Queslett Road Great Barr

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Yes --very nice certainly remember the Scott Arms as in photo 1 --behind the brick wall was the bowling green and you can just see the Methodist Church on the left--my first school 1950 !!

My Father was born in Fariryfield Cottages Newton road just past the entrance to Red House park just 100 years ago.

I was born in Hamstead, I'm sure I've bored everybody saying that so many times, I remember the Scot's as it was in the 40's when the family all met there on Saturday nights. I went in summer when I had a vimto in the garden with my cousin. Hamstead Hill, which is the top of Old Walsall Road, is just out of shot in the picture. My Aunt Maud lived in Jayshaw Avenue, she moved there in the 50's when the miners houses in Hamstead were being pulled down. She and her brother Jim bought their house in the Avenue and I had to sell it when they died.
What a small world my grandmother moved from Queslet Road (the house was next to the garage, just up from The Scott Arms) to Waddington Avenue. Her brother Thomas Smith lived in Jayshaw Avenue he was a manager at Salters Springs. My Aunt and Uncle Jim Caldecott lived in Gorse Farm Road. I used to walk from my grans house through a gully to Gorse Farm Road. My nan always told me to watch the horse road on this journey. Non of the family are now in the area my uncle died three years ago and sadly my aunt is now in a home in Sutton.
It is a small world Wendy, I loved being in Hamstead because a lot of the family were there. Now there isn't one of us lving there, or in fact not many of us living anywhere!! The place was full of gully's, we used to cut off Old Walsall Road and nip across a field into another Uncle's house in Jayshaw Avenue. The field is full of houses now.
What a small world my grandmother moved from Queslet Road (the house was next to the garage, just up from The Scott Arms) to Waddington Avenue. Her brother Thomas Smith lived in Jayshaw Avenue he was a manager at Salters Springs. My Aunt and Uncle Jim Caldecott lived in Gorse Farm Road. I used to walk from my grans house through a gully to Gorse Farm Road. My nan always told me to watch the horse road on this journey. Non of the family are now in the area my uncle died three years ago and sadly my aunt is now in a home in Sutton.

I know that gully, always a bit hobbledy gobbledy !. Nice area to grow up in, my old School..

aken from the nature reserve that local residents help create..

https://www.lnr.naturalengland.org.uk/Special/lnr/lnr_details.asp?ID= 179
What a small world my grandmother moved from Queslet Road (the house was next to the garage, just up from The Scott Arms) to Waddington Avenue. Her brother Thomas Smith lived in Jayshaw Avenue he was a manager at Salters Springs. My Aunt and Uncle Jim Caldecott lived in Gorse Farm Road. I used to walk from my grans house through a gully to Gorse Farm Road. My nan always told me to watch the horse road on this journey. Non of the family are now in the area my uncle died three years ago and sadly my aunt is now in a home in Sutton.

The garage was Hawleys there is now an apartment block on there named "Hawleys Court"
I have received a letter from a lady in New Zealand enclosing the attached picture. It is not very good as it is a photocopy. She would like to know if I can identify where the photo was taken!! She assumes because the name on the side of the house was Queslett it was taken in Queslett Road, Great Barr. Her grandfather James Q. Richards lived at 81 Queslett Road 1938-1949 and then 20 Mildenhall Road Birmingham between 1950-1960. She thinks the lady is one Molly Minchin and the picture was taken sometime in the 1960s.

I moved to near the Scott Arms in the late '60s and can remember that there were some cottages on the right hand side of Queslett Road near Scott Arms. Whether it is one of these I don't know, although to me it looks like a new building which makes me wonder if it is some flats or something like that. Anyway, any help that anybody can give would be appreciated.View attachment 78843
I knew Mr Richards! He lived with Mrs Atkins and Granny . We lived in No22 and my brother and I used to go through the hedge to 'raid the cupboard', get sweets!
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