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Pubs Of The Past

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stitcher
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Oooh.......................they would be the next generation down.. You are good at this arent you !!
i am noting all of this down for my file.
Where did you find the Cock and magpies bit ?
The Cock & Magpies was again from Hitchmough (it’s a set of CDs). The pub was at 26 Hagley road west. Joseph Sankey was there in htw 1830s (that’s all it says). John Sankey was there 1854-1871 (again that is not necessarily the limit, just what he can show evidence for, though the next landlord, James Clarke, was there in 1872). No other information on the Sankeys. The cock & Magpie is now a Harvester, and, by the look of it there is nothing, if anything of the old place there. See https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Ha...oid=nO4Uck7xCkaGVK79Mf_OEA&cbp=12,318.41,,0,0
thats brilliant ;o)
a set of cds ? mmm i shall look those up - see if I can get some- is it all pub stuff ?
i took my mother in the Cock & Magpies the last time i was up in Midlands ( teo weeks ago) its an ok pub.

What do you think 'htw' might mean ?
The pub was at 26 Hagley road west. Joseph Sankey was there in htw 1830s ....... you put HTW . wondered if it stood for something.
However the pictures that Hitchmough gives (below) for 1906 and 1910 do not look like that pub, nor indeed
the same street. I would be surprised if there was that much change in 10 years or so, but maybe there was. There is no other Bear listed in Smethwick anyway.


I can confirm that these two photos are of the same site. In the first photo the buildings on the right are still there. The tower/spire in background was on Bearwood Road School, The school is still there but the tower has been removed.
Perhaps I should have also mentioned that the first photo shows the Bearwood Road frontage whilst the second shows the Three Shires Oak Road frontage. The two photos were taken facing in oposite directions
Ive found it really amazing today how much info I have been helped with on here from both of you.
Ive been studying my original picture- it looks really small before all the changes The Bear Hotel 002.jpg


  • Bear Hotel Smetwick 1910.jpg
    Bear Hotel Smetwick 1910.jpg
    39.3 KB · Views: 31
the-dog-560904508.jpg The Dog on Hagley Road.
This one is still in business and the car park is usully busy
Do you know where on the Hagley Road this pub is Stitcher I seem to remember it from your photo but can't place where?,
Its on the stretch between the Cock and Magpies, and Bearwood - kings Head. On the left hand side as you are heading into brum
Does that help ?
Was a time when you could pub crawl by bus along the Hagley Road/Hagley Road West with a stop at each pub. Talbot (just demolished),Kings Head, Dog, Cock and Magpies, Amber Tavern (formerly Bass House but I still think of it as The Beech Tree) then a gap of a few stops to the Holly Bush. They have now lengthened the gap between stops so this is not so easy. Had lunch in the Dog three weeks ago, very good.
hi david...................
Theres a reason for the widening of the gaps between the pubs. in our times now it is important to maintain a healthy regime- so the walk( or crawl) between the pubs has to be longer
In that case amanda we should all live in the highlands. Really "nice" long crawl between pubs up there !
I was talking about the gaps between the bus stops. Now one bus stop covers two pubs so as soon as you have got to the bus stop from one pub you have to turn round and get straight off the bus again to walk to the next pub
I know short trip bus fares are expensive. I remember when you could travel for about 3d. Actually the Hagley Road West was not covered by the Birmingham Agreement so sometimes Midland Red were cheaper than Birmingham Corporation although their stops were further apart.

Have just spotted that this is my post 666. Should I worry?
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666 !!!!
Worry !! Most definately !!

Midland Red Buses ...............even i remember those.
i expect you remember when the Holly Bush used to be a decent shopping area - had everything you could need there .
just noticed that you are in Warley- so you are bound to remember the old shops. I originally lived in Warley- not far from the Holly Bush shops.
This is now post 667. I used to live in Warley but now live in Harborne, but actually nearer Bearwood than Harborne centre. I have moved away from the area three times but keep coming back and now live less than 2 miles from the place where I was born.
Kings Head Bearwood.jpgGoing away from Birmingham you pass this one on the left, the KINGS HEAD and a couple of hundred yards further on you will pass THE DOG on the other side of the dual carriageway. It is on the corner of Galton Road and Hagley Road.