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Pratt and Nind,Dealer/Grocers


master brummie
I am lead to understand a relative of mine Francis Horace Nind b 1879 had a shop,possibly in Stirchley 1924
Can anyone supply any more deails
John Hughes
I Cannot say i know of that name but i do knopw there was a mrs pratt living in stour street ladywood
in the fiftys if that helps living close to the memory family of stour street Astonian;
i am to an extent answering my self.In 1916 Kellys Directory of Worcestershire a entry for Pratt and Nind,Grocer 29 Broad St
hi hugh
nice to hear from you and that you are persueing worc and of broad street number 29 ;
because i travel down broad street quite often [ worc ] as i live in worc; as you are probaly aware. also i have a hughes in my family tree
whom oriniate from worc ; so you see i will be fopllowing your thread hope fully succesful; we have some real experts on here
and once they start they do not stop until they get a result best wishes Astonian;
A William Charles Nind had a business at 1514 Pershore road (which is Stirchley) from at least 1920 till the late 1930s. In 1921 it was a coal dealer, and in 1932 a garage. Before the first war he was a furniture remover
Pratt and Nind listed in Broad Street Worcester in 1912 Kelly's (Nind given as Francis Horace). The 1900 edition lists a John Nind as a shopkeeper in the Shambles. I can't find a later entry.

Just been reading your thread about your request for pratts; and you say in the kellys directry 1912
well i think i may be able to throw light on your request regarding the shop
and whether or not you are famiar with worcestershire
well the shambles is in our city centre its a long street of all the orinigle shops going back to that period
and matter of fact if its the shop i think it is i was only speaking to another shop keeper whom the shop is next door but one
and they date back to the period you are referrng to as this family of generation have been runningfor generations
it was a well known shop and last year they ceased trading and they was published and shown and interviewd on the BBC NEWS
And it was a huge shopp of glas ware crocery and all sorts of things it was a really fantasic shop
i will cros check the nam,e for you and come back later and if it is as i am pretty sure it is pratts thats why it was missing from you
it now openend up as huge toy shop this year
the shop i was in the otherday is a very old shop and as been in ecistancve as the pratts shop started the same period
and never been altered and the owner whom is a very old gentleman whom is active is in his ninteys
and very active the lady i was speaking to in the shop was his managess and we spoke of [pratts and said yes like pratts no family to continue there bussinees as they was old people as well as i used to go in there myself with the wife spoend hours in there
and like this shop [ the shoe shop these couple have no family members left so when the owner says enough is enough i will be out of a job
she her self is getting on so she as no prospect of working again
so your research i think aint gonna be in vain ;best wishes Astonian
If you tap into google pratts of the shambles of worcester you will find the info ;
there is several listing
the history of them and it says the ending of a era 1900s and lots more so i suggest you tap into it ; ok
best wishes astonian;
hi mike and pj ;
regarding the subject of nind ,s
Today i received another new book full of alsorts of clossy picts and full of history
i have just sat down and openend the book ;
pj, mike as told you of a bussiness on pershore rd stirchly like you thought well;
i have just discovered an advert for ninds 1514 pershore rd stirchley as you have said your self beleife
there was a bussiness operating and its a shop combined with a garage
and it operates coach trips and tours and the one they are advertising in there advert that i have in front of me states in a box
Advert [ now booking for the Illuminaations ] sept 17th to october 22nd ;] two day trip return fare ;;;;12/6
two day trip includingfull board ;; 20/- shilling
just phone kin1404 and reserve your seat
In a Luxury radio coach ;
How interesting .I have several photos of 1514.it was a coal dealers then a garage.My Aunt Doris May Nind b 1902 married Charles Jones then a tram driver.I am now in touch with another of the Nind clan
Mike b 1942 there is a shop at 1514 to the present day
What is the name of your new book?
Thanks for your help
Hope you are well on a day like today and sorry to have kept you wainting
the book you want is birmingham scrap book volume one
and its pictured at the top right hand of the page i would have photo copyed and down loaded to the page for you to see
in its proper context of there advertisement as it was printed but my dammed phot copy paped up
so i just typed it as i seen it but the picture is better best wishes astonian;;