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pics from old brummagem mags

hi john....takes you back dont it.....seems we both stayed weekends with our aunts then....like i said happy days..by the way you can still get those cakes i think.....

Lyn just spotted something I started a thread on last year Lathems but I think I put Lathoms. That is the first photo I have seen of the store. Must let Sylvia Sayers know. Jean.
wicked jean.....i seem to recall that thread....sylivia will be pleased then....

Thanks Lyn I only remember the one on Hawthorn road going back a few years that but the one on the Cross I can't remember but it must have been there when I was a child. Jean.
jean its amazing how much we can forget...looking at rays latest pics of the lozells road made me realise just how as kids we took shopes etc for granted...thank god to the old pics i say......

Jean, I have just sent you a im re the photo of Park Lane with Lathams in the distance. On the right hand bottom of the photo by the van is a Jelf's cafe and fish & chip shop, Astonian will be pleased to see this.
Always loved this picture .
As you know i do not know old the mags you have got ; but i am looking for a good
picture of my great grand father and grand father with some friends in the jamica row
end out side the tea room and a place or should i say banna house where my mom s cousin irene jelf
used to own it was taken out of a carls chinn magerzine but what year i do not know it was taken
should you please spott it amongest your editions please print it for us ; its a large page pic; which states in a caption below there poses ; the jelf brothers and friends ; many thanks alan ; astonian
ok alan i shall keep my eyes open for that picture for you....if i do come accross it i will post it for you..

Many thanks ;i hope you can find one ;
to be quite honest i was sent a poor photo copy of it from another person but its all dark so the picture is not that clear i would dearly love to get a clear pic of them all i hink the one at the back of the group is my grand father
and the others are one his dad and a couple of the brothers and a couple of disqinished people with in the group
wishing and hoping you can come up aces with this one; as i know how good you are in getting and finding these things ; thanks again lynn alan
alan now that you have asked me to look out for this pic maybe our others members could also keep their eyes open for it in any back copies of carls mags they have..so folks we are searching for a pic with the title...THE JELF BROTHERS AND FRIENDS...finger crossed alan..
