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Petrol Price's

This problem has been discussed at length before and the problem is still the same. Petrol and diesel are both very cheap fuels but the government take half of what you pay for a gallon. There lies the problem, and do not be fooled into using liquid gas because as soon as enough people are using it, the price will rocket. When enough people have electric cars the price oc electricity will go through the roof. Look at previous threads and see how others have pointed out that we were encouraged to go diesel because it was more efficient and cheaper. This may seem off thread but this government has to pay it's bills the same as you and I. The problem is Britain is spending excessive amounts on spin doctors stupid ideas, immigration and assylum, hospitals and schools along with unknown amounts on druggies, alchies and the workshy. They have to recoup this money from somewhere. The latest is when a driver is convicted of any minor mis-demeanor, a surcharge of £15 is to paid along with a fine. this is just another tax because of a crowd of incompetents running the country. The only way we will ever get the price of fuel to an acceptable level is to get a government to spend less.
I remember in the late fifties when I had my first m/cycle, petrol was on tokens and cost 2/6 a gallon, 2/6 was equivalent to the present 12 1/2 p.
I remember in the late fifties when I had my first m/cycle, petrol was on tokens and cost 2/6 a gallon, 2/6 was equivalent to the present 12 1/2 p.

I can remember when I had my first car in 1959, petrol was 3s/3d a gallon, I think they used this metric system
so that people would not realize how much they were actually paying.Nothing else has gone metric, they
talked about road signs going from miles to metres etc but it never came off, just like in 1971 when they
did away with £sp, everyone rounded it up ,never down!. We have been conned ever since we joined this
EEC market, Pay up and smile cheers Bernard My first car
Forget the price of petrol , looks like the electric car will be with us this year, Then watch the price of electric shoot up,better get the pedal bike out of the shed I think
Diesel is cheap BUT we have to pay a mileage surcharge of $100 per 1000K this is only for diesel for road use, however if you are a farmer or use it for heating (as we do) then you can claim back the GST (VAT). Having watched Road Wars etc on Sky TV here I cringe at the prices you pay for Insurance ours for one Merc works out at about $45 (10 quid +/-) per month. We MOT (or WOF) every 6 months which costs us $55 +/- depending on where you go. Insurance is not compulsory. D/L are issued at 15 (god help us) cars are a wee bit more expensive here though not as bad as Australia as we have Jap Imports here (cars which are less that 5 yrs old) Australia do not have such a large amount of Jap Imports and their tarriff is too high. We have no car industry as such here anymore all cars come assembled. Australia has the Holden Works and others. Just by way of information.

Dyan in NZ
Hi, Just thought I would raise this one up again with the price at almost £1.20 litre, I was watching BBC Midland news today and there has been several petrol thefts in the area from parked cars,they have been drilling holes in the tank from under the car , so do not park in any remote place..

with the changes around the world Libia the Euro Crisis the US economy
the price of Crude Oil has Slumped. Gas Prices have followed them down.
Yet Prices at the Pump and Our Gas and Electric Bills are going up.
With people all over the place loosing their Jobs how on Earth could
anybody at the Top allow this other than the Tax issue's around these items.
The Top price of Crude at he height of the recent Middle East Crisis bearing
in mind I wasnt aware of any Shortages Was circa $140 today we are Around $109.
Similiar on the Gas Price. The max I paid was around 142p/litre.
I would Esimate around 125 p litre should be the pump price.
Around here a price increase took place with the price being increased
from 134.9p to 135.9p. Every Garage unilaterally had applied an increase.
These guy's are ripping us off now clearly rising Oil prices will affect the Pump
price but now falling Oil prices are increasing the Pump Price. I suspect there
is a volume indices some where that falling demand increases the price due to
the recession.
Most unfair.

Mike Jenks
The irony here is that whilst the crude oil price has slumped recently so has the GBP against the USD which is as you know the currency for oil. If the oils companies dont get you the one way they will soon find another.

taking the USD pre Libia around $1.56 around $1.54. I accept that currency is part of the
equation. Petron ave £1.20 p/litre today £1.35.
It seems as if they are fixing Petrol at this level irrespective of any fall in Oil Prices.
Morrisons started to reduce their price to £1.33 with a 6p / litre off if you spent
£50. This was quashed within day,s so is Big Brother around. Ive always suspected
the Oil Cartel within the UK of price Fixing which is illegal.
Ill keep my eye on this one in rip off Britain

Mike Jenks
Mike the oil companies have always operated a cartel unofficially just as OPEC used to, at least prices were more stable when they used to fix the price, now we have speculators(gamblers) who trade the oil and are only interested in making a quick buck for themselves.The question I always ask is why is our prices almost double that that my relatives in Oz pay ?If this were France there would be hundreds of thousands protesting in the streets but in this country fuel, tobacco and alcohol have always been milch cows for the treasury which ever party was in power.
I have just returned from Canada and their price was Can $1.35 not sure of the exchange rate but guess half of what we pay here in Britain.

im not trying to argue the rights and wrongs of the oil companies or the Supermarkets.
It seems reasonable to argue a case of 6 months ago and look at the evidence to
justify increases.
It cant be right when the intial evidence of 6 months ago suggest that these prices
now seem to be excessive. clearly a return to higher Oil prices and the £ v Dollar
would justify higher prices at the Pump.
All i can say is we have to write to our representatives.

mike jenks
Canada is self sufficient in oil energy resorces and is the largest single oil supplier to the USA by far. Yet we pay more for gas at the pump than do Americans. When oil prices go up, the governments of producing countries get a bonus in tax revenues and hopefully this could be reflected in requirements for personal income tax to produce the overall tax requirements. (if it works that way) Of course the reverse happens when the price goes down. The trick is, I suspect, to try and even it all out. I don't think the UK is in this position of self sufficiency and importing raw materials and food to produce exports was always the need as I know it. I don't know how it all works otherwise.
Wars and keeping the home building industries going to support them (the sub prime mortgage phenomena) seems to have upset the ballance now.
I think electric cars 'have' to be viable to support life as we know it if that is desireable. Also nuclear power stations to produce the electricity to charge them overnight. Everything has consequencies. Don't you think that too much needless individual travelling is done these days? We have an urgent need to make a smaller footprint I think. More may not be better. Greater numbers of human world population is worrying for the future.
I know many people who make needless car journey's, even using the car to fetch a newspaper, pop to the Co-op which in our case is just a short walk, and go to the Dr's., when again it's possible to walk. We try, where possible, to use our bikes or walk. The population explosion which we are seeing, can only bring more problems as consumption of everything will be greater. This in turn will mean more pollution of land and air. Actually I find it quite worrying.
No, I think. It ought probably go the other way and let the government get more taxes from gas sales....as long as they reduce income taxes and other such taxes that are existing... by the same amount. Good all around and those who manage without cars will get a bonus. Business, transport and truckers would be dealt with separately. We have to see all of this for what it is IMO...sleep walking to who knows where.

Oil down again Tesco and Morrisons to cut Petrol by 2p and Diesel by 4p
A few Shell garages are moving down to 132.9p at Hatton.
Lets see how close my 125p Target we get too
At least we are Going down
Im starting to look at wholesale prices of Natural Gas I noticed they
are falling at the Wellhead prices but like Petrol are priced in Dollars.
Most Gas Bills have been increased by 19% yet once again the wholesale
price hasn't moved anything like that
Clearly there are some serious Green issues and Budget changes plus
a serious ammount of Gas supply issues leaks etc replacement of
Huge Mains but 19% hike.

Mike Jenks

Yes today's patrol studley back to 134.9 same as Morrisons.
Filled up ar Hatton 132.9 then had a nice afternoon at hatton
craft centre. these guy's are hanging in for ripping us off.
Off to the dentist tomorrow for a few teeth to be pulled or filled ouch
Keep driving it the only way we are going to get out of this recession

mike jenks
God help us if we have to keep driving to beat a recession and in the process...drive off the cliff. Still...if the sea level is rising we will not have far to fall perhaps.
Off to the dentist tomorrow for a few teeth to be pulled or filled ouch
Keep driving it the only way we are going to get out of this recession

mike jenks

Don't forget Mike when the dentist says "open wide" he really means your wallet, not your mouth.;););)
When we paid approx sixpence per liter the salaries were about 12 Pounds per week....624 pounds per year. So anual salaries were 24,960 x the price of a liter of gas. If you were fortunate enough to have a car or motor bike and needed to buy.
Anual salaries are now (guess) 35,000 pounds so at 1.40 pounds per liter current anual salaries are 25,000 x the price of a liter of regular. So the price has not changed, relatively, in 50 years.

Back in 1966 in Canada anual salaries average were 2.5 x the price of a mid range car. Today anual salaries are about 2.72 x the price of a mid range car. I suppose that this calc. is similar in the UK. So what's the beef? It seems to me like we are ahead of the curve.

It seems to me also, that what we need to do is tax gas more and other things less so that conservation will improve and oil imports will reduce and revenue loss to the individual is neutral.

good news from Tamworth Nursing my Head after tooth extractions today.
went in with no pain came out in agony.
Thats teeth for you

mike jenks
When i was young I used to say Ill never say when i was young, ... however here I am saying,... in 1962 I could buy 4 gals of petrol, 4 shots of reddex, 20 park drive, and have change from a pound.... now im trying to remember the times I had a pound.

Also I could go for a drink with 3 mates and with 10 bob (50 p) i could stand my round. aint it it a wonderful world.

Shell petrol in Bury St Edmunds, £1.34 a litre. Gosh if ever they put the prices up in gallons, we would all be shocked.
hey Im sure we dont need reminding to look at the total picture, we are mainly talking memories, not stupidity