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Petrol Price's


Still a Brummie
Evening all , not sure if this thread as been posted before , but I have had an email today with the latest drop in the price of petrol
Asda at Queslett Road great Barr has got unleaded petrol @ 90.9p a liter.

Check your area out at www.petrolprices.com you just need to sign up for the weekly free emails. Hope this is of some use for you all. Mike
The cheapest I paid for a gallon of petrol was 4 shillings and eleven pence half penny, in the mid 60's. I think £20 pounds per week was a "decent" wage back then. Today the suggested average wage is over £400 per week so petrol should be about £5 a gallon? Have I convinced myself that petrol isn't expensive today - or is my memory playing tricks?
Alf, I heard two BRAWimin talking and one told the other that the price of petrol/diesel is irrelevant because she only ever puts just twenty pounds in.
Mike that's where Pete goes for his diesal it's about the most competitive price aroun. The further we go towards Bewdley the prices of both diesal and petrol increase. Jean.
Sainsburys, Monkspath 89.9p, Tesco just down the road 90.9p. Tesco also give 5p/litre off voucher if you spend £50 or more in the store.
Look out for further reductions in your petrol price's , just read in my Sunday newspaper with the reduction in V.A.T. this should reduce the petrol by 2p per litre. Keep checking for your cheapest fuel .

Im not sure wether its half term but a lot of local garages
are around the 90p/litre again.
With oil at all time low are we back to exploitation of
the Public again
I recon if it fell to nearly nil we would still be paying
80p plus.
What did you think of youre gas bill ouch ouch ouch.
Nearly as much as a weeks holiday mine
Never mind struggle on 3rd dose of flue and I have
to get through March.
Keep sneezing

Mike Jenks
hi Pete hope you,re well,
i,m paying 99.09 a Lt for diesel.
what,s that all about. i have that fuel price checker for my area,
it,s been that price for a week or more,i have,nt heard of a price increase,
perhaps they don,t think we notice you ask at the garage and all you get is a shrug of the shoulders. i went to town on the bus today just the weather for it. regards Derek
hi.dereklcg.thanks.diesel has been the same price £1+ since before the vat drop i went to get some red for my generator,and had to give my address,and name etc.and say why i wanted red.if i had known there was going to be that much fuss i would have had white there is not a lot of dif in the price now.take care

Looks like the oil prices are creeping up again from $30 dollers
it well iinto $45 dollers. With the world on its knees vitual
ceasation of Automotive production World wide these guy's
know how to skim the cream.
Makes absolutely no sense other than those dreaded speculators
back in the ring again. Another thought I had are we getting
ready to hit the Holiday makers. All of Europe and the US are about
to hit the roads and Airports over the next few month's.
Let hit them hard as we can.
There was little old me thinking I could get back to 75p/litre
but a £1 a litre is looming again.
Keep on hoping

Mike Jenks
Still 99.09 a Lt for diesel in the redditch area,
i was in brum on Tuesday i see it,s a penny cheaper.
regards dereklcg.
The main reason for the price hike in petrol over the last six weeks or so (from 82.9 to 88.9 approximately where I live in Yorkshire) has been the fall in the value of the £ against the US $.

Oil is traded in $, so when sterling is weak you get less oil for your money.

Well Im not so sure it depends where you
stand on the curve. The lowest point £1 v $1
was way bac in January when petrol prices fell.
At the moment the pound is fairly stable in $1.40's.
Thats not a bad position.
No Im not convinced on this one.

Mike Jenks
Hi Folks ,
A little more info on your petrol price's, just to you to let you know that in just two weeks fuel duty is going up again. It's hardly been mentioned in the mainstream press, this will add around 2p per.Litre to you costs,sorry for the bad news, get your bus passes out quick those who have them Mike
We heard a piece on "Smooth Radio" News this evening that tax on petrol & diesel is rising by 2p per litre from midnight. I cannot find any other reference to this on other news features, is this just another sick "April Fool Joke" or are the government about to twist the knife in the wound many people are suffering from during this depression ?

Yes, they were right. 2p per litre extra tax. we can now look forward to another roll out of price rises on supermarket shelves.

Its like the Grand old Duke of York if its not the
Oil Companies then its the Goverment. All this money
they have been giving away it would have been a decent gesture
to hold off this increase for another 6 months. Total and utter
madness. I can see those crosses next year going to other

Mike Jenks
It's a d....m disgrace. I was under the impression that the cost per barrel has come down. So why haven't we seen a decrease in the price at the pumps?
It doesn't matter where you put your x, the likes of you and me are never altered whoever gets in. I wonder how many 'in opposition' will refuse this rise they've given themselves?
Lynda :angry2: :stressed:
All so very true Lynda. Life just seems to get harder and politicians not worth a light. I sometimes wonder whether people will be bothered to go out and vote at all come the next election.


Back on the Petrol Prices again. What with Goverment Taxes
£ v Dollar with Oil nearly half the price at The $145 v $circa $70+
with have nearly managed to get the Petrol prices up gain to
around their High Prices lasy year.
Goverments are the best at ensuring with the Oil companies
that we shall continue to pay through the nose for this comodity.
As most writers on this Subject have said its a direct form of
Taxation by the Government on us it benefits from the huge
profits the Oil companies make by Company Tax etc.

Mike Jenks
Just for interests sake here in NZ with the exchange rate of $1 = 44 p our prices are $1.65 for ordinary $1.72 for Premium (98 octane) and $1.10 for diesel (though we have to pay mileage tax for diesel on top) this is per litre and includes GST (VAT) and other taxes.

Thought you might be interested
Just for interests sake here in NZ with the exchange rate of $1 = 44 p our prices are $1.65 for ordinary $1.72 for Premium (98 octane) and $1.10 for diesel (though we have to pay mileage tax for diesel on top) this is per litre and includes GST (VAT) and other taxes.

Thought you might be interested

Diesel at 55p a litre in NZ, you cant buy red diesel for that in the UK. I am currently paying £1.09 a litre, the VAT increase seemed to add 3p on the 1 January. Im just very glad my diesels do 50 and 70 to the gallon.