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Peter walker.

Very sad news, Peter was a very knowlegable man and I enjoyed his postings greatly. R. I. P. Peter.
Rest in Peace, Peter/ Sorry to hear the sad news - my thoughts are with his family and friends. Miriam.
Sad news, Rest in Peace Peter, I had the pleasure of meeting and talking with you many times - things I will miss as much as you.
My thoughts are with the family.

I decided to post this story of my meeting up with Barbara and Peter a year ago:
"I am so glad that I was able to meet him and the story of how it all came about is a lovely one.
Before last year my last visit to Brum was in 2004. I came to visit friends and family and to attend the Centenary Reunion for Fentham Girls School. I had a nightmare entry into London Airport since someone else claimed my suitcase containing the 380 programmes for the Reunion which my husband had designed and we printed at home. I was lucky to get the suitcase back but not for a couple of very anxious hours. I then took the train to Brum and couldn't get the door open at B'Ham International where I was to meet my brother. The train only stopped for a couple of minutes. I arrived at New St. phoned my brother who came and picked me up.
I posted a small synopsis of this unfortunate saga on the Forum back then and Peter must have read it and remembered.

I mentioned on the Forum last year that I was coming to England and visiting Brum. Out of the blue I received an instant message from Peter inviting me to stay with Barbara and himself in Croydon and hopefully have a better entry into England than the last time. Peter grew up for part of his early life in Kingstanding and knew the area where I grew up very well. I had not met him but I had read all his amazing contributions to the Forum. I accepted his kind offer and phoned him when I arrived at Gatwick. Peter had filled me in about the cheaper train fares and we arranged to meet at East Croydon Station. Peter and Barbara live in a lovely area quite close to the Station with a pub across the way called The Cricketers Arms where Peter was a popular customer. They had lived there for 40 years. I had never seen a home with so many books and art in it. Peter had printed out several old maps of Brum which he gave to me.
I had a very comfortable room and that evening after a rest Peter took me on a tour of Croydon's historical buildings. I believe he had sat on Committees re the area of East Croydon over the years after he moved there from Brum.
Peter and Barbara asked me where I wanted to go for a day out in London and I decided to go to Greenwich, a place I had never visited. So off we went and we had a great day visiting Greenwich, going into the Chapel where a quarter was playing a Lunchtime concert. Then across to the Painted Hall something I will never forget seeing. Walking by the Thames, crossing London Bridge, having a lovely lunch at a riverside pub. Peter had invited me to attend a piano concert that evening at St. George's Church in Hanover Square. Barbara went home and off we went to attend the concert. St. George's was Handel's Church for 30 years and he lived around the corner. Peter took me to where Handel had lived. The concert was totally amazing and I met some super people. It was an amazing evening in a beautiful church and I could hardly believe my good luck. On my last day in London I went back and took some pictures of this fine old Church where several famous people have been married including President Roosevelt before he became USA President.https://www.stgeorgeshanoversquare.org/ We arrived home very late and talked into the night about Brum and our memories. The next day Peter came with me to St. Pancras and pulled my suitcase around to Euston Station to board the train to Brum. Peter came up to Brum later to attend the meet we had at the Warstone Lane Cemetery for BHF and took me on a tour of the canal off Newhall Steet on the way to New Street Station.
I had to come back to London a couple of days before I flew back to Canada to get some paperwork
certified at the Canadian Immigration Office in Mayfair and Peter invited me once again to stay with them. Tom. Peter's son came around and we all had a great chat. Barbara, who is a superb cook made me a very special dinner for my last night and Peter accompanied me to the station so I could catch my train to Gatwick. I will never forget their kindness to me and the wonderful time I had in Croydon and the very special day out in London with them.

Barbara, who has a heart condition and has to take care, keeps herself busy and is involved with her church...the German church. She has many friends there and I know they will be close to her at this time as will her sons and their families. I bought Barbara and Peter some Native Indian art from Vancouver and sent them some more on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. My last contact with Peter was a lovely e-mail thanking me for this surprise gift. Peter will be sorely missed in so many ways I know I miss him already.

Details of Peter Walkers funeral arrangements

We say farewell to Peter on
Thursday 9th December 2010, 2.00pm

The Unitarian Church, Croydon
1 The Croydon Flyover
CR0 1ER.

followed by cremation (3.15pm)
Croydon Crematorium, Mitcham Road
Croydon, CR9 3AT.

Following the cremation, there will be a gathering at the
Dog and Bull public house in Surrey Street, Croydon.
Food and drink will be served, all are welcome.

No flowers please, but we would welcome donations for
Cancer Research
With love
Barbara Walker
Christopher Walker
Alison Walker
Thomas Walker
Ian Walker
Graham Walker
Alistair Walker
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Only found out this sad news when Lyn contacted me yesterday. All that could be said has been said. I was priviledged to meet and talk with Peter on a few occasions when he travelled up to Birmingham for our meetings. One of the things which I'll allways remember about him was his generosity. I contacted him soon after the first meet I attended - the 60s night - where I bought one of two of his maps which were on sale. When I told him I wished I'd bought them both he said he'd bring the other up on his next trip - which he did. He had a wealth of knowlegde about Birmingham and was always happy to share this information without ever being "precious" about it (unlike some earlier, no-longer members.
The world is missing a lovely man. Wish I could have been in touch with him earlier.
Condolences to the family.
thanks for posting peters funeral details jim...i will be sending a donation to cancer research and will there in spirit on the day....

Details of Peter Walkers funeral arrangements

We say farewell to Peter on
Thursday 9th December 2010, 2.00pm

The Unitarian Church, Croydon
1 The Croydon Flyover
CR0 1ER.

followed by cremation (3.15pm)
Croydon Crematorium, Mitcham Road
Croydon, CR9 3AT.

Following the cremation, there will be a gathering at the
Dog and Bull public house in Surrey Street, Croydon.
Food and drink will be served, all are welcome.

No flowers please, but we would welcome donations for
Cancer Research
With love
Barbara Walker
Christopher Walker
Alison Walker
Thomas Walker
Ian Walker
Graham Walker
Alistair Walker

If I can get the day off work I will be going to Peter's funeral So I will have 3 seats available if anyone wants to go
Jennyann I remember you telling me how kind Peter and Barbara were to you on your last visit. What you have written sums the man up very well. He was just so lovely. Thanks for sharing that with us. I hope some members will be able to attend the funeral.
Have not been on for a day or so and am sorry to read the sad news. Rest in Peace Peter. Sincere condolences to his family.
so sad to hear the news of Peter's death
he was A TRUE BRUMMIE & a gentleman
My deepest sympathy goes out to all Peter's family I
know what they are going through at this very sad time
Jennyann thank you for sharing your lovely experiences with us and those memories will stay with you for ever. Jean.
RIP Peter.....so sorry to read the news of Peters death....he will be sorely missed by everyone....a gentleman with so much knowledge of Birmingham....my condolences go to Barbara and the family....forever in our thoughts Peter xx
Just caught up with the very sad news of Peter's passing. May he rest in peace. He was an inspiration to us all. Sincere condolences to all the family.
we shall be saying goodbye to peter today at 2 o clock....my thoughts and prayers will be with his family on this very sad day...


Rest in peace Peter my thoughts are with your friends and family today.
I got back from Peter's funeral service about 1/2 hour ago. I wasn't able to speak to Barbara after the service, and couldn't attend at the pub, as had to catch the train to return to Reading. However it was a very peaceful and pleasant service; very "Peter" , if you get what I mean . About 90 people were there, more than they expected i think, as orders of service and chairs were in short supply. I think it was as Peter would have wished.
Thought I was going to be stuck in a train during the service, as some idiot had struck a bridge at the strangely named "Martin's Heron", and it was delayed for about 1/2 hour, but I obviously got there OK.
i have been thinking about peter and the family today. its nice to hear that you attended mike.
hi mike..so pleased that you were able to attend peters funeral and it all went off ok..just as peter would have wanted..

I'm so pleased that members from 'The BHF' were able to attend, Peter always attended BHF functions if he was able so a great tribute to him.
I too was thinking very much of Peter, his family and friends on this very sad day.
Peter was very fond of Organ and church music, he was an accomplished musician in this area himself so I assume that was very much in evidence.

R.I.P my friend.