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Peter walker.


The buck stops here
Staff member
I have tonight received the following message from Barbara and it has quite knocked me for six, I am completely at a loss to convey how I feel.

Dear Jim
It is with great sadness that I have to announce that Peter Walker passed away last Friday 19th November. It was not totally unexpected, but happened a lot quicker than anyone had expected. I know he was very keen on local Birmingham history, but unfortunately I don't have any contact details for people with whom he corresponded. The funeral will be taking place on Thursday 9th December at 2.00pm in the Unitarian Church in Croydon. Could you please pass on this information to anyone who knew him. If anyone does wish to attend could they please contact Barbara Walker for further details on:

As you say Jim, it's a complete shock, anyone who met Peter will know what a kind, considerate man he was, he will truly be missed.
Our thoughts are with Barbara and the family at this sad time.

Colin & Jan
That is such a shock i am lost for words, a wonderful man he will be sorley missed. My condolences to his family.
Oh I had no idea he was that poorly althogh I had missed his posts. Peter was a true gentleman who I was personally very fond of. I am quite devastated by this news.......sorry will post later.
I received the same e-mail, and, as yourself, was very shocked. From a message he had sent me a few weeks ago, I had understood he was feeling a little better. He will be an immense loss to the forum. On the two occasions that I had the pleasure to meet him, I found him as pleasant, interesting and enjoyable as he came over in his posts. I am sure that all who have enjoyed reading his contributions would wish express their sympathy to Barbara at her loss. I shall be attending the funeral in Croydon
I am so sorry to hear the sad news and I only popped into Peter's profile page a couple of weeks ago as I had missed his input. He loved his Birmingham history and will be greatly missed by all. Jean.
What sad news , my heart felt condolences to Barbara and family at there sad loss .
ragga .
i too am extremely sad to hear about peter. he was a great man and knew so much about birmingham. it always amazed me that he would travel so far to come to the meet ups, but i know it was because he loved birmingham and its history, and enjoyed talking to people who were like-minded. my condolences to his family at this sad time.
I only knew Peter Walker through his eminent contributions to this Forum, and feel privileged to have taken part in conversations with him about obscure aspects of public transport history. He was a real gentleman, with a knowledge of and love for history that radiated from all his work. He will be sorely missed. Rest in peace, Peter.

Peter Walford.
What a shock to hear about Peter. I am absolutely flabbergasted. What a lovely man. I will miss him at the meets with his carrier bag he used to carry around with him.
Cath and myself send our condolences to his family.
Rest In Peace mate.
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My wife and I only met him once but he was a nice man. Our prayers and condolences for his family.
Sheila & Stitcher.
Just came on line and I would like to say how very sorry I am to hear of Peter's passing. He truly loved Birmingham and it's history.
He was a very gifted model maker and a true gentleman. I have wonderful memories of the four days I spent with Peter and Barbara last year in Croydon. I shall be in touch with Barbara and send my sincere condolences to her, their two sons and families.
Here are two photos one I took last October in London. The other is their wedding photo Peter posted last year on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Annivesary.
What terribly sad news - and totally unexpected to me. I met Peter on the occasion of his visit to Wythall museum, not only a kindly and knowledgeable man, but one who formerly knew transport history enthusiast friends, also sadly no longer with us.
RIP Peter, and my deepest condolences to his family and friends.
Like others on here I am shocked to read this news. His research and postings were of such amazing quality and the like not available from any other source. They and he will be sorely missed. I had no idea that he was ill. I can't think of anything else to say other than I am very sorry and note with regret that we have lost another member together with his memories of the old days which were so very valuable to us.
This is a lovely photo of Di Poppit, Peter and Barbara at Peter's birthday. We were priviledged to be invited on a trip from The Old Contemptables Public House in Brum to Wythall Bus museum. We went in a vintage Birmingham Bus. This is one event Michael and I will always remember with such happiness. Typical of Peters generosity and love of Birmingham history.

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this news has deeply upset me this morning...i knew of peters illness some time ago but this has knocked me for six...peters knoweledge of birmingham history was second to none and his input on this forum will be sorely missed..a true gent who always made great efforts to travel on the train from london to most our our meet ups..i shall always treasure the condolence card he sent me when steve passed away and the note that came with it...

my sincere condolences go to baraba and all the family..we have lost a truely great man...

god bless you peter..

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So sorry to hear of Peters passing. We send our love to Barbara
Though I never had the pleasure of meeeting Peter his articles sparkled with both accuracy and clarity and gave me many hours of enjoyment. RIP Peter and condolences to his family.
I have never met the gentleman and to be quite honest had very little interaction with him on site, but I have to say that I have always been a great admirer of his work and contributions to this site. We have been very lucky to have included him as a member of this forum. It goes without saying that he will be of course missed by his family and friends, but he will also be missed here.

I am gobsmacked, on the two occasions I met Peter in the Waggon here in Brighton I found him to be a wealth of knowledge and a lovely gentle man, he will be sorely missed. RIP.
So very, very sorry to hear this sad news. Condolences to his family and I know he will be sadly missed by his extended family on the Birmingham History Forum. Peter, you were a true and knowledgable gentleman.
My sincere condolences to Mrs. Walker and to any other member of Peter's family and immediate circle of friends who happen to read this thread. The Forum is the richer for his contributions which were well researched, clearly presented and full of interest. Every member owes him a debt of gratitude and will mourn his passing.

I am very sad to hear that Peter Walker has passed away. I did not have the pleasure of meeting Peter in person but I always enjoyed reading his posts.

I particularly enjoyed the thread that Peter started titled my wonderful bedroom in which he described the view from his childhood bedroom. Peter started this thread of in 2005 - long before I became a member- but I discovered it in 2008 and enjoyed reading his discription which like all of his posts was wonderfully written. I do hope the family have access to the forum so that in time they may read some of Peters memories and thoughts.

My sincere condolonces to his family.

What very sad news, I had the pleasure of meeting Peter on three occasions, a true gentleman.
Our most sincerest condolences go out to Barbara and family.
Sylvia & Brian

A picture of the day I first had the pleasure of meeting Peter.
I also would like to offer my condolences. Like others, I have met him but didnt know him. R.I.P.

Although I felt I knew Peter really well through his posts to the forum I only met him once. My perception of him has already been summed up by other contributors to this thread - a very genuine and well informed gentleman.

I too would like to send my condolences to Barbara and the rest of Peter's family on their sad loss.